put it down!

456 10 18

hey loves.

this is really sad story but atm im havin issues so it goes with my mood.

disclaimer: this story contains death and suicide.

Also thank u for 2k !

Betty Cooper

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed something from the counter.

I couldn't do this anymore.

Not with the black hood cornering me and following my every move.

I've lost Veronica.

I'll lose Jughead.

I just can't.

I walk over to the bathroom and put it down then walk back into my bedroom to get my phone.

'Hey Jug'

'Hey Betts!'

' I just want you to know that I love you.

I'll never stop. '

' I love you too. I'm coming over. '

Shit, no he can't come here.

I walk over to the bathroom and pick up the knife.

I look at its shine and how clean it is.

Jughead Jones

I walk into the Cooper house and head upstairs.

I walk into Betty's room and see that she's not there.

"Betts?" I ask.

I walk into her bathroom and see her holding a fucking knife.

"Betty. Put it down." I beg.

"No Jug." She smiles.

"I love you, Jughead Jones." She says and kisses my lips.

She grabs the knife again but this time plunges it into her chest.

"Baby.." I sob.

I don't feel a pulse.

If my Juliet's not here then why am I still here?

I grab the bloody knife from her body and plunges it into my own chest.

Hours later, Jughead and Betty were found by Alice and Fp.

Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper were pronouced dead at 2:55pm , January 19th.

Authors Note.

This is so bad and very triggering.

But imagine being a person with clinically diagnosed depression (me) finally tell their friends that they are and then they start saying how you have a great life and all kinds of bullshit.

let me tell you, that shit hurts.

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