- Leah -

19 5 3

Leah's point of view

1 unread SMS from 'Queen of the People'
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Queen of the people - Sorry to message you on a rare day off, just wondering if you know where the new pack of aprons are. Mike is going off his head at me saying you lost them.
20th April 19     2:34 PM

Me - OMG SAMMY! When you did even change your name on my phone?! And they are under the sink in the kitchen, that's where he told me to put them last night.
20th April 19      2:40 PM

Queen of the people - I just needed a name that suited me better, that was the best I could come up with. I changed it when you were chasing that wasp yesterday.
20th April 19        2:41 PM

Me - Well it did make me laugh. Anyway, I am glad you messaged me because I wouldn't have found your name in my contact list and I have to tell you my news...
20th April 19         2:43 PM

Queen of the people - Please tell!
20th April 19        2:43 PM

Queen of the people - Wait, let me guess.
20th April  19       2:44 PM

Queen of the people - Jenifer's plastic surgery on her face malfunctioned and now she looks like Chucky and has vowed never to go out in public again?
20th April  19          2.44 PM

Queen of the people - Did Jacob tell you the bad word I accidentally said yesterday?
20th April 19         2:45 PM

Queen of the people - Gavin's made a move on you?
20th April 19         2:45 PM

Me - 1. Ha Ha, I wish. 2. WHAT BAD WORD SAMANTHA JONES?! 3. Eww no.
20th April 19       2:47 PM

Queen of the people - Tell me then! I am so on edge! And no bad word.... I don't know what you are talking about. I am innocent until proven guilty.
20th April 19        2:48 PM

Me - Okay whatever, so, my mum appeared at the house today. She heard from Jenifer about Ian moving out and she flew over to visit us on the next plane. But that's not the only thing. She's got a load of money come through with selling the house, AND she got a surprise letter from my dad that turned up 11 months late! 
20th April 19          2:50 PM

Queen of the people - A surprise letter? So cute!  I hope it wasn't haunted though.
20th April 19    2:52 PM

Me - I'm ignoring your last comment. The letter that my dad sent also had money in it. So she's offered to give me and Ian £10,000 each.
20th April 19    2:54 PM

Queen of the people -I think you added 3 zeros extra on the end of that number
20th April 19    2:54 PM

Me - I didn't....
20th April 19      2:55 PM

Queen of the people - So when are we going on holiday?
20th April 19        2:55 PM

Me - Very funny, I am still unsure on if I am going to accept it or not though.
20th April 19   2:55 PM

Queen of the people - Are you being serious? Leah Chaplin I am going to come over there and bang your head against a wall if I hear that again. Think about yourself for once! Your mother wouldn't have given it to you if she needed it.
20th April 19       2:56 PM

Me - I know, I just feel bad.
20th April 19        2:56 PM

Queen of the people - Soon, Gavin is going to kick you out. You won't be able to live with Ian and Jacob for the rest of your life. Take the money and do the things you dreamed about doing! You are being given an opportunity, why would you waste it?
20th April 19         2:59 PM

Me - I know. 
20th April 19      3:00 PM

Queen of the people - Any more excuses?
20th April 19    3:00 PM

Me - Not right now.
20th April 19    3:01 PM

Queen of the people - Boss man is moaning at me for being on my phone.
20th April 19     3:01 PM

Me - I don't know how you get away with being on your phone to begin with, he would fire me on the spot if I did it! I can't believe you get to call him Mike too.
20th April 19         3:03 PM

Queen of the people - I think it's because he see's his mother in me. I will tell him what is what if gets on my nerves too much, I even managed to get him to wash his own coffee cup today.
20th April 19       3:10 PM

Me - No way!
20th April 19      3:11 PM

Queen of the people - Progress is progress! I will miss you when you leave though. 
20th April 19     4:01 PM

Me - Who said I'm leaving?
20th April 19        4:04 PM

Queen of the people - There is no way I am letting you stay working in this dead end job when you have the chance to do something with your life. 
20th April 19        4:06 PM

Me - Maybe I like my job.
20th April 19       4:07 PM

Queen of the people - You hate it. I'm telling Michael right now that you want to hand your notice in. 
20th April 19          4:09 PM 

Me - Sammy don't you dare.
20th April 19       4:14 PM

Queen of the people - Fine. You can do it tomorrow. When you work 7:30 AM until 7:30 PM washing tables and having tourists spit at you. I mean it Leah, take this opportunity or I am never going to talk to you again. 
20th April 19       416 PM

Me - I haven't made up my mind yet...
20th April 19        5:54 PM 

Me - Why has my nephew just called Gavin's dog a bastard?
20th April 19       6:01 PM


AN - I just love Sammy, I think she is my favourite character so far!
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