Broken Wands

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Jessie crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the man in front of her.

"Why do I need to stay calm, Filip?"

She watched as Chibs straightened to his full height, a tactic meant to make her feel smaller. She was well-versed in people, especially men, pulling that stunt and she was in no way impressed.

"Me and the other men felt that ye girls needed a bit of proddin' to sit down and talk to each other."

Jessie shook her head and sighed. "Why do you make everything your business? Why can't you just let it lie?"

Chibs shook his head as he took her hand and pulled her to him. "Ye are my business. Everything that comes with ye. Yer my old lady, Gerry is Hap's, and Van is Opie's. We won't sit back and watch ye turn cold to each other."

Jessie rolled her eyes, making him growl under his breath. She smirked and shrugged. "Fine. We'll talk."

Chibs lifted a brow before taking her chin in his hand to make her look at him. "No shenanigans. Yer gonna listen and behave yerself."

Jessie snapped a salute. "Yes sir."

He shook his head and opened the door, letting her walk ahead of him. When she was just past him, he swatted her on the ass, making her squeak in surprise. He chuckled and threw an arm around her shoulders as they walked over to a table where the other women already sat.

When they got to the table, Chibs pulled out the remaining chair for her and kissed her on the forehead as she sat down. She refused to look at her sisters as Happy cleared his throat.

"Okay, Gerry, you're up first."

Rocky shot her old man a look before shrugging. "I have nothing to say to the little witch."

Jessie shook her head and scoffed as she glared at Rocky. "I swear, I ought to... "

Rocky smirked. "What? What are you going to do? Put a hex on me? I broke your wand when you were twelve, remember?"

Jessie leaned across the table. "Yeah, and I broke your nose. Want a repeat performance?"

Happy got between the two women and glared at both of them. "Enough! Geraldine, apologize to your sister. Now!"

Rocky huffed as Pru elbowed her in side. "Why am I apologizing? She's the one hiding shit!"

Evie spoke up from the other side of Jessie. "Christ, Rocky! The way you're acting right now, I can understand why." She turned to Jessie and put a hand on her arm. "I'm sorry, Jess. We've always put ourselves before you and that's never been fair. You should be able to tell us anything and expect our help, just like we do you."

Lucinda nodded. "Yeah, we've been ungrateful bitches. You've never asked us for anything and then, when you need us, you don't tell us because you're afraid to get in our way."

Pru nodded, tears in her eyes as she leaned across the table to take Jessie's hand in hers. She glanced at Rocky before rolling her eyes and grinning at Jessie. "We all understand why you kept it from us, even if some of us have to act like a bitch."

Rocky scoffed and shook her head. "I can speak for myself, you know."

Happy leaned over and gave her a look. "Yeah? So speak. Nicely."

Ricky sighed and looked at Jessie before glancing down at the table. "I'm sorry, sissy. I just... you've always been the strongest of us even though everyone thinks you're the weakest. When Chibs and Tara said you were sick, I got scared." She looked back up at Jessie and shook her head. "I took it out on you and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

Jessie felt Chibs behind her as he gently squeezed the back of her neck. "It's yer turn, mo aon."

Jessie nodded before looking at each of her sisters. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have kept it from you but I really thought I could handle it on my own." She shrugged. "I still do, but I'm glad that you all are aware of the situation." She grinned at Rocky. "I'm not dying, you know. Not any time soon, anyway. I just have to take my meds and watch what I eat."

Rocky sniffed and wiped at her eyes. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not a crier, dammit."

Evie stood and motioned for her sisters. "Group hug, huh? Come on."

Jessie chuckled and stood, hugging all of her sisters, then one at a time. When she had hugged Rocky, she pulled back with a frown. "Are you feeling well?"

Rocky shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose. I've been really tired lately."

Happy snorted as he stood beside Chibs. "And grumpier than normal."

Jessie gave a knowing grin as Rocky looked at her strangely. "What? You have a home remedy for fatigue?"

Jessie shook her head as she felt Chibs' arm wrap around her waist. "Nope. I'm sure it will go away eventually. Just get more rest." She turned to look up at Chibs. "Take me home?"

He leaned in and kissed her before nodding. "Aye, luv. Let's go home."


When they arrived back at the house, Jessie busied herself with fixing dinner as Chibs sat at the kitchen table, drinking a beer and watching her. When he'd had enough of the silence, he spoke up from the table.

"What's on yer mind, Jess?"

Jessie turned and grinned as she shook her head. "Lots of things, but none of them important."

Chibs nodded as she went back to preparing dinner, her mind on the new life that would be joining the family in a few months. She hadn't said anything and she wouldn't still. She didn't want to ruin the moment for Rocky and Happy. She knew the future parents would want to share the news with everyone themselves when they'd found out.

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