Chapter IV

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The next day Mina steped out of the hotel without even knowing where she should start looking for her soulmate.

The only thing that came to her mind was waiting in front of the company's building, KQ Entertainment. Ateez will have to enter the entertainment at least once a day, so the chance to meet them there is quite high.

It may be difficult getting their attention without looking suspicious, but she was gonna manage everything, right?

At least that's what she thought.

When she arrived in front of the giant building, Mina noticed that she wasn't the only one waiting for the singers to walk out of the main entrance.

Dozens of fans, all of them standing there and waiting to get a at least a glance of their favorite artists.

This was a bad idea..

Mina decided to wait with them despite not having an actual plan anymore, if she even had one in the first place. She sat down on the edge of a little flower bed. Not really comfortable, but better than standing all the time for sure.

Hours pass and she could feel her stomach begging for something to eat, so she decided to get up and search for a bakery or coffee shop near her.

Right when she was about to cross the street, she could suddenly hear the fans behind her screaming.

Mina hurried back so she could get a look at the reason of the unbearable screeching.

When she finally managed to break through the massive wall of fan girls, it's like her heart stoped beating for a second before racing twice as fast as before.

Right in front of her, at the entrance of the giant building, she could spot Ateez walking out of the door and the first one to catch her eye was the person she had to explain to that they're probably soulmates and the love of her life.

Choi San.

Mina couldn't believe he was real. It's different than just watching videos of him. He was right in front of her, about 20 meters away.

He's seriously beautiful..

But before she could even bring herself to move again, the 8 boys have already disappeared into one of the company's cars.

That was her only chance to talk to San, but it probably would have ended in a mess if she told him they're soulmates in front of all those fans.

She was already lucky enough to even see him once in her life, how could she expect to actually be able to talk to him.

A little disappointed, she left to finally fill her empty stomach.

What did she even expect in the first place? That he would stop right at the spot just to listen to her? He probably wouldn't have even notice her in the giant crowd of fans.

As she crossed the street, Mina spotted a small coffee shop at the end of the block. It didn't look too crowded, perfect for her.

But she never expected to meet him again.

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