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There is no way I am going to be able to concentrate on potions today. Harry thought as he entered the classroom.

Draco was having similar thoughts as he caught sight of him coming into the room and shuffling over to their shared station. Harry dragged a hand through his black mop of hair and Draco had flashbacks of running his hands through those messy curls as they snogged. They hadn't seen each other since they "studied" together in the library, except for clandestine looks in the Great Hall that left both of them with pinker cheeks and twisted stomachs. He sat up a little straighter, determined to keep himself in check.

"'Morning," Harry said with a little dopey smirk as he set down his bag and sat on the stool next to the Slytherin.

"Good morning, Potter." Draco said coldy and keeping his eyes forward, knowing that looking at him in public would be too dangerous.

Harry looked slightly hurt and confused and backed away, "Oh, so it's Potter again? I get it..."

Draco darted his eyes to meet him and looked around him before whispering, "No! That's not it...just that we're in class. People will talk if we suddenly start talking and getting along,"

Harry let out a breath of relief, "Thank Merlin, I thought you were going to tell me to bugger off and never come near you again."

"Oh, right, I knew I forgot to do something. Let me just go and figure out a way to tie you to a tree in the Forbidden Forest so I never have to see you again." Draco said sarcastically, chucking a bit.

"Brilliant, I'll go clear my schedule in preparation." Harry joked, bumping his knee with Draco's under the table.

"Hullo, class!" Beamed Slughorn, interrupting the boy's conversation, "Today we are simply going to be doing some research in order to better understand our next lesson. As you know, numerous potions that are thought to be effective were misunderstood in their time of conception. Potions such as Wiggenweld Potion, which was originally thought to be a way to make animals fall into a deep sleep, was found to actually be an antidote to the Draught of Living Death! The discovery of this unstable side effect was misu-"

"Harry, you need to stop that." Draco whispered sharply into his partner's ear.

"I've got no clue what you're on about, Malfoy." He replied in an undertone but his mischievous grin gave him away. Harry had rested his hand on Draco's lower thigh, almost touching the knee and was occasionally squeezing.

"Kindly move you hand from my thigh, or we're going to have another problem." Draco said as Harry started moving his hand up and down and tracing his fingers in circles.

"What problem would that be?" He teased, knowing exactly was he was doing.

"For starters, Slughorn might notice that we're talking and tell us to pay attention..." Draco said through gritted teeth, "People would turn to look at us, and with your luck, they'd see how you are caressing me goddamn thigh."

"Are you certain you weren't referring to another problem?" Harry said, challenging him by looking directly into his stormy eyes.

"I'm certain. Now, please stop." Malfoy said, almost pleading with him.

"Fine, but don't expect to be so nice in the future..." Harry said slyly with a sigh.

The pair resumed listening to Slughorn, "-nevertheless. Now, using these potions for their side effects is not only dangerous but irresponsible. You and your partner will be using your textbooks to research examples of misuse of potions. Find a specific one and write a 4 foot report. The purpose of this is to be able to apply the knowledge for our future lessons. If you work diligently, you can get this done in class and I'll have no reason to assign it as homework." He waved a hand as to dismiss the class to work.

Drarry Eighth YearWhere stories live. Discover now