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Harry bobbed his knee uncontrollably as he sat down in the Great Hall next to his noisy bunch of Gryffindors. He looked up from his empty plate and saw Seamus and Dean laughing as they haphazardly threw their bags down and took a seat next to each other. He took another look toward the doors, about the hundredth time in the past five minutes, before deciding to stop obsessing about when a certain blonde Slytherin would turn up.

"-really, Dean. That Ravenclaw was nothin' to do with me, even if I've got a knack for fire," Seamus said, trying to sound sincere but having an unintentional air of sarcasm instead.

"I know you're having me on. For merlin's sake, no one else could manage to do that!" Dean said as he rolled his eyes and put an arm around Seamus' shoulders.

"Okay, well, whoever did it obviously did no real harm..." Seamus grinned cheekily.

Harry looked up and decided that whatever Seamus had done was probably worth hearing, "What did you do, mate?"

"So, it wasn't a big deal, but-" He started, turning to Dean in slight embarrassment.

"No, it was a bit of a big deal!" Dean started He heard a Ravenclaw girl planning on slipping me a love potion and he decided, being level-headed and calm, to hex her shoes so they would be on fire for an hour without hurting her or the shoes themselves."

Harry nodded his head in approval before reaching over and giving him a high five, "Nice one! That's some tricky hex work, really clever of you!"

"Harry, don't high five him! He could've really hurt her!" Dean protested.

"But I didn't! I couldn't just let that girl try to date you!" Seamus said and looked up Dean, chuckling a bit.

"Alright," He admitted and let the smile that he was withholding sweep across his face, "I guess I should say thanks," He gave a quick peck to Seamus' check and leaned over to whisper something quietly into the other boy's ear.

"Blimey, you really are thankful!" Seamus teased, wide-eyed and grinning before Dean gave him a playful slap on the arm.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Get a room, for Merlin's sake,"

Seamus awkwardly shifted down the bench and said, "Sorry, mate, didn't know you minded us being together."

Harry realised that what he said might have sounded a tad harsh and urged, "No, I, erm, don't mind at all. Not even in the slightest," He saw the boys catch each other's eyes and seemed to have a silent conversation of their own, "Really, trust me, I'm the farthest thing from minding. Just forget I said anything."

He sighed and paused to think about how much he really didn't mind, Fuck, I'm pretty sure I'm some type of gay now with all this Malfoy stuff...It's actually pretty cute when they're all protective of each other...no, protective isn't the right word. Loving? Maybe that's it. It's too saccharine for me, but I wonder what it would like to have someone like that...

"Harry, are you there?" Dean asked in a drawn-out voice until he looked up and saw that Dean had been waving his hand in front of his face, "Are you alright?"

"'Course, just a little distracted," He mumbled.

Seamus and Dean went back to devouring their full plates, now having a lively debate through full mouths over the ethics of setting someone on fire even if it didn't have any real repercussions. Harry chewed his bottom lip and braved a look towards the doors, expecting to see nothing other than other students piling into dinner. Instead, he found that he had perfect timing and saw a head of long blonde hair, slightly taller compared to the rest of the students, practically gliding into the Great Hall. Harry felt his breath falter slightly and forced himself to avert his eyes back to his still-empty plate.

He knew he couldn't hold out not looking for long. After all the years of checking up on Malfoy during mealtimes, it wasn't the easiest habit to break. He knew how he liked his tea in the morning. He knew that he usually ate a light breakfast of buttered toast and an apple. He knew that he would rather choose death than be forced to eat an orange. He even knew that fish revolted him. Harry knew so much about him from watching him over the seven years that they'd sat across a room from one other, but he was as much as an enigma as ever. He just had to look up.

As soon as he moved his head up and ventured a look to Draco, he saw two silvery eyes meet his gaze. They were instantly trapped in an undeclared staring contest. Harry raised his eyebrows and grinned, causing the corner's of Draco's mouth to perk up with a suppressed smile. Draco raised one eyebrow in response and gave a slow and deliberate wink. Harry felt his neck heat up and his stomach completely dropped to the floor. He took a steadying drink of pumpkin juice but he almost choked on it. The blonde dared to give a small chuckle and rolled his eyes. This wouldn't do. It's completely unfair that he gets to affect him so much. Harry had to do something even more distracting to make Draco regret ever fucking with him. 

He picked up a chicken leg, took a small bite, and put it gently back down on his plate. His fingers were covered in the grease and sauce that coated the chicken. He saught out Draco's eyes and locked them almost instantly in a challenging gaze. He slowly moved his fingers to his lips and opened his mouth just a fraction. He put his tongue onto the grease-covered finger and licked from the base knuckle to the top of the nail. Harry maintained excruciating eye contact and watched as Draco sat up straighter and visibly controlled himself. He popped the finger into his mouth and hollowed out his cheeks to suck, making his stare darker and more intense. Draco was gripping his fork with his whole fist like he was holding on for dear life. He took his finger out of his mouth and wiped it with his napkin before grabbing his bag. Before giving one last look to the Slytherin table, he stood up and walked out of the gigantic double doors. 



Hullo, hi! Pretty short one, I know. I just felt like it was important for Harry to see Deamus and relate to it. Speaking of, what did you think of including that ship?

Next Chapter: Quidditch changing rooms...Sooo just a warning but next chapter might be a little intense. Nothing too smutty, but if you don't like that stuff feel free to hop off. I do have a heavy inclination for some good fluff, and I feel like this story really shows that, but you gotta mix it up a bit. 

I love love love people that leave me a comment, no matter if it's good or bad! Tell me how I'm doing with writing some sexual tension, it's not really my forte. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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