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    After a bit of a late start that Saturday morning, Harry walked into the Great Hall at 9:00 a.m. with bags under his eyes from his lack of sleep. When he had managed to finally fall asleep, it was the early hours of the morning and that left him with only four hours of proper rest. His eyes immediately darted to the Slytherin table, looking for a certain blonde boy. He saw that he was sitting alone that morning and was clearly unhappy. Harry stopped in his tracks and felt his heart tug in the direction of Draco. He knew that if he sat with the Slytherins, particularly his former enemy, it would cause a of bit of a stir from the onlookers in the Great Hall. In fact, it was practically social suicide. He didn't care, though. He just needed to go over and sit with Draco. 

    He carefully walked over and felt pairs of eyes turn in his direction, which made his pulse quicken. He sat down next to Draco, who turned to face him with a small look of confusion in his eyes.

    "Hey," Harry said as he grabbed a piece of toast from the rack in front of him, acting as if it was completely normal.

    "Erm...hey?" Draco said cautiously.

    "I just saw you sitting alone and I thought that I would come over," Harry smiled, even though he felt pairs of eyes from the Slytherins a little ways down the bench boring into head.

    "Of course you did," Draco rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You and you're bloody hero complex. Thanks for the pity, but I don't need it." He turned away from Harry and expected him to leave but he didn't, "That's your cue to leave, Potter."

    "I'm pretty comfy here, actually," He smirked in defiance, accepting the challenge to stay with him.

    "You're comfy?" Draco replied incredulously, "You never cease to confuse me."

    They sat in silence for a minute, the only sounds being the chatter of surrounding students and Harry spreading jam on his toast.

    Draco took a deep breath to summon courage and said, "I just wanted to say I-I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean to drag you into my situation when I was," He then lowered his voice into a whisper, "crying."

    Harry looked at him sympathetically and the Slytherin averted his eyes. "It's okay, Draco. We all need time to grieve." He then realized what he's just said and froze slightly, "Oh, shit, sorry I just called you Draco...I didn't mean to."

    "No, no. It's fine, I don't mind." He then added, "Is it alright if I call you Harry?"

    "Sure, Draco," Harry said with a wide smile on his face.

    Draco smiled back, the first time he had smiled that day, "Thanks, Harry." He paused to add, "And if you ever tell anyone what happened, I'll personally feed you to the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest."


   Harry wondered the halls of Hogwarts, bored without his two best friends that were in some important prefect meeting but still feeling triumphant from his breakfast with Draco. A nagging voice in the back of his head told him that he should probably get some of his homework done if he had nothing else to do that day. He slung his bag over his shoulder and headed to the library, rounding the corner.

    He walked over to the table in the far corner where he often sat. Shafts of colored sunlight escaped from the mosaic glass and danced across the old wood countertop. He thought about how he had always wanted to carve his name in this table at some point, but he knew Hermione and Madam Pince would be highly opposed to the idea. Now, though, he was alone and felt a bit reckless. He swiftly looked around for any signs of any students or Madam Pince and was relieved when he saw no one. He thought putting his "HP" initials right on the top of the table would be too obvious and he would be caught within a week. Being a famous figure in the wizarding world had it' pitfalls. He decided to crouch down and use his wand to etch them into its leg, visible from just the right angle but not too obvious to anyone who would happen to sit in his favorite spot. He slowly moved his wand and watched as it carved "HP" in capital letters. He admired his work with a smile and tried to stand up but his knees were stiff from crouching too long and he fell, emitting a slightly unmanly yelp.

Drarry Eighth YearWhere stories live. Discover now