.•.Spoiled Rotten.•. Chapter 1

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If you didn't read the description. I made this book for people who like this type of stuff. If you don't like then don't read it. Anyways hope you enjoy! Bye bye! 💜 (I also finished this in one day and it took like 7 hours)

Your POV
"Where am I?" A white chihuahua asks.
"You're in the dog fights." Delgado says afters licked the wound on my muzzle, I lay my head down on my paws and look at her.
"Dogfight? W-what? This is outrageous. I was born to shop, not fight. Unless it's at a sales rack." She complains. I just shake my head in shame.
"Quit whining princesa." Delgado says looking over at her.
"Chloe Winthrob Ashe does not whine." Chloe complained.
"A delusional chihuahua." He mutters under his breath, cause me to giggle.
"You won't get any sympathy from Delgado señorita, he's a gladiator." I state, lifting my head to look at her.
"A gladiator?" She asks confused.
"You know, a fighter. Delgado is the best of the best." A brown and white pit bull says.
"Don't listen to Rafa, chica. El Diablo's the meanest dog in the fights." A random dog calls over to her. I just roll my eyes and places my head close to Delgado's chest.
"Word is they fought once, and Delgado did not come out top." The random dog states.
"What's he saying." Chloe asks, looking at the dog that's praying
"He praying, chica. He always prays before a fight." I state looking up at her.
"Don't you speak Spanish, chica?" Random dog asks.
"The names Chloe, not chica. And why would I speak Spanish?" She asks.
"Hello! You're a chihuahua, mi hija!" He exclaims.
"So? I'm from Beverly Hills. You know, 90210, the shopping capital of the world?" She asks sassily.
"She's a grinda, from California." Delgado states, while lifting his head up.
"That's right. The only reason I'm here is because I was stolen." She states sassily.
"You think I volunteered for this?" Random dog asks.
"I'm a heiress."
"A hairless?" Another random dog asks.
"No, a heiress. I have a trust fund." She states.
"Look. If you're worth something, they'll ransom you. And if they ransom you, they won't fight you. Guess you have nothing to worry about" Delgado states, irritated.
"Well, that's a relief." The white haired chihuahua states calming down. I just roll my eyes at her, and Delgado lays his head on top of mine.
"I am so glad you feel better. Now can we get a little quiet?" I ask feeling annoyed, and tired from my fight yesterday.
"I can't wait until Viv finds out what's Rachel's done." She complains.

A man walks up to Chloe's cage, "Oh. It's about time someone's upgraded my accommodations." Chloe complains. To which the man chuckles. Me and Delgado look over at her and mutter, "Oh no."
"What am I going to do?" Delgado asks after hearing Diablo's barking.
"Sounds like he's closing in." The brown and white pit bull states. Me and Delgado stand looking out the left side of the cage.
"Dog that size? Won't be much left of her." A random ginger haired dog says.
"Gringa, Gringa." Delgado mutters. I just sigh and look at the lock holding the kennel door closed.
"She adios, she bye bye." The ginger haired dog taunts.
"Poor little hairless." The brown and white pit bull says. And the other dog starts praying faster.
"Ok, that's it." I state.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" The ginger haired dog asks.
"Huh?" The pit bull questions, as I see Delgado looking at me, front the corner of my eye.
I stick my muzzle through the hole of the kennel, and use my teeth the unlatch the door. More dogs start questioning me, as Delgado looks at me proud. I push the door open and I run out, Delgado following but quickly releasing the other dogs.
I then push the door leading out of the room open and smack a guy in the face with it. I continue to run to the arena Delgado already ahead of me.
He opens the rusty metal door leading to the inside of the arena, me and him running out, as Diablo runs in.
"Not again Diablo." I state and close the door.
"Move it." Delgado yells at Chloe.

We all run out Chloe far behind us.
"Wait, wait! You guys, slow down you guys! Slow down!" Chloe complains from behind us.

"Move it!" Delgado yells as we run through a large crowd of people.
"English please!" Chloe chants, still behind us.
"This way! This way!" I urge as Chloe starts to run a different direction.
"Okay! Okay!" She replies and redirect towards me and Delgado.
"My bootie!" Chloe exclaims in worry.
Me and Delgado stop running and look behind us at Chloe, "You're what?" Delgado exclaims confused.
"Forget it!" I exclaim.
"The chihuahua!" A random guy from the dogfights exclaims.
"Forget it? That's Italian leather, missy!" Chloe exclaims, in a complaining tone of voice.
Me and Delgado run towards her, and Delgado picks her up. And we run in the other direction.
"Go! Go!" Dog chants as we all run away from the people.
"Hey! Wait a minute! We won't fit!" Chloe exclaims from Delgado's hold.
"We got it!" I exclaim as me and Delgado jump over the fence.
"Oh, no. I lost another bootie." Chloe complains, to which I roll my eyes at her and continue running.

Third POV
Delgado, Chloe, and Y/n walk down the road.
"Look out." Delgado states, and sits down while a line of people walk by in front of them, Y/n sitting down as well.
"What is all of this?" Chloe asks in wonder.
"De Los Muertos. The Day of the Dead." Y/n states looking up at the stary night sky, missing her father. Delgado notices Y/n's sadness and nuzzles his nose against her cheek. To which she smiles at him, and licks his cheek.
"This is so beautiful." Chloe says in awe.
"It's what humans do to honor their ancestors." Delgado states, while Y/n hides her face in the fur of his neck, making him chuckle and place his head on top of hers.
"It keeps them...alive in their hearts. Helps them remember who they are, where they came from." He finishes, looking over at Chloe as she continues to stare in awe.
"Wow!" Chloe states in amazement.
"Delgado! You're my dog!"
"Gracias señorita Y/n!" Dogs yells thanking the two German Shepard's.
"We'll see ya, kid." Y/n says and turns away Delgado following her.
"Wait!... Delgado!" Chloe yells after them.
"See ya?" That's it?" Chloe asks.
"Number one rule of the streets, princesa. Every dog for himself." Y/n states continuing to walk beside Delgado.
"Now, get lost." Delgado says.
"My name is not "princesa." It's Chloe." She complains one more.
"And I am lost. And I want to be found." Chloe says in a croaky voice.
"Look princesa- I mean...look kid. I got my own problems. I can't go back to fights. I got to get out of town." He states looking at the small white chihuahua.
"How does Beverly Hills sound?" Chloe asks.
"Too far." Y/n states and starts walking away with Delgado.
"Come on! If you could figure out a way back, you could live with us on our estate." Chloe says trying to bargain with the two German Shepard's.
"If you haven't noticed, we are a little large to be lapdogs." Delgado says, with Y/n bumping her shoulder against his.
"But you two are the perfect size for guard dogs." She says trying to bargain once more.
"Our old one...Papi, he ran off." Chloe says as she jumps on something in front of the two dog
"You has a guard dog named Papi?"
Y/n asks, as her and Delgado stop walking.
"What hotel are you staying in?" Delgado asks and starts walking again.
"You'll do it?" Chloe asks in excitement.
"Might want to answer the question before he changes his mind." Y/n says looking over her shoulder to Chloe and gives her a tiny smile.
"Softy." Y/n mutters to Delgado and he nudged her to the side, playfully.
"I don't know the name, but believe me, it was no Carthay Hotel." She states, while scoffing at the end.
"The Carthay? There's one here? Would they know you?" Delgado asks turning around towards Chloe.
"They should. We're preferred guests. We have a gold card." Chloe states.
"Why me? Of all the dogs in Mexico." He complains and turns back around.
"Hey jerk!" Y/n exclaims and runs after him.

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