.•.Saved the Day.•. Chapter 4

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Ey señorita, eres afortunado te amo: Hey missy, you are lucky I love you.
Your POV
"Wake up. The conductors coming." A dog calls. I lift my head from Delgado's front paws and look at him.
"Delgado? What's happening?" Chloe asks.
"We got trouble. Hide behind the crate. We'll distract him. Don't come out whatever happens." He says as Chloe walks behind the crate That's was sitting beside her.
"Delgado? Y/n?" She questions.
"Don't come out no matter what happens." I state and push her head down with my paw.
"What are you gonna do?" She asks.
"Something crazy." He states and we both look towards the door. The conductor finally opens the door, and me and Delgado run at him barking loudly.
We then run through the door behind him and see a bunch of people and tables. We start running on the tables, me on the right him on the left. We then jump through a little exit of the train and do a barrel roll, me being on top of him. We then stand up and look at the train as it starts to pass.
"Well, that used to be easier." He states and we start walking of.
"Just our luck." He mutters as Chloe starts to pass us.
"Delgado! Y/n!" Chloe exclaims from the train. She then jumps out and slams into us.
"Oh, my gosh"
"Oh,my back."
"Oh, my tail." We all whine.
"Did you see that. I just jumped off a train! By myself! And it was moving." She exclaims in happiness. I slowly sit up and rub my tail, since it was squish under me when Chloes body slammed into us.
"I told you to stay onboard." Delgado says to Chloe, after standing up.
"But we're in this together. I couldn't leave you two here." She says kindly. I just grumble and arch my back, it making a loud pop.
"Dear god that hurt." I complain under my breath.
"I've never had friends like you before." She says.
"You should of stayed, kid. Look around." He says after Chloe's small speech.
"You should of stayed." I reply looking at Chloe in the corner of my eye.

We walk through the hot sandy oasis. And Delgado is on drama duty.
"So, Bimini says she's going out with scooter, who I happen to know is crazy." Chloe says dramatically.
"Mhm. Please, make it stop." Delgado complains, I snicker and continue to walk in front of them. Still feeling the stare on my hips.
"Sorry but it you're turn, hermosa." I say tauntingly.
"Ey señorita, eres afortunado te amo." He states shaking his head in shame. Causing me to giggle.
"I can't say that to her. I have to be supportive, right?" Chloe asks him.
"Wait a minute. Haven't we passed this tree before?" Chloe asks confused.
"No you're mistaken. We've been walking for hours." Delgado replies.
"But I tinkled there." She states.
"You what? You tinkled?" I ask worried she'll find out.
"Can't you tell?" Chloe asks confused. To which me and Delgado sniff the air and yet, nothing.
"Oh,my...you two can't smell. Can you?" Chloe asks in sympathy.
I sigh, Delgado groans, and we lay down beside each other.
"It's ok, you guys can tell me." Chloe reassures.
"We didn't...quit the police force. They let us go because we could no longer follow a scent." He says looking over at her.
"And now we're out here walking in circles. I'm sorry kid." I say looking around the sandy oasis.
Then suddenly we hear a roar.
"What's that?" Chloe asks.
"Mountain lions." Me and Delgado say at the same time.
"I'm scared you guys." Chloe says, standing scared behind us.
"Ok we better get moving. We got to get out of the open." Delgado says as we look around.
"Ok." Chloe says.
"Let's go. Double time." I say, as we leave our former spot.
We run towards a tall mountain of rock and see a little cubby in the side of the wall. We all go under and sit there.
"Delgado, Y/n what happened to you two? Why can't you guys smell anything?" Chloe asks in curiosity. 
"Well my partner and I we were on a major bust." He says with nervousness in his voice.
I walk with my partner and my dad down a dark alleyway. Looking for certain men with a scent. I sniff around and catch the scent of one. And see a shadowy figure in the alleyway ahead of us, it having the same scent. I bark at the shadowy figure and it pulls out a gun. I fired at me but before I know it my dads standing in front of me, a bullet wound deep into his chest.
He falls onto his side still breathing but faint. My partner pulls out his gun and radio. He calls over that we have a k-9 down. He puts his radio away and tells me to attack them. When I do I see my mom and she lunges at me. I fended her off but I was a bloody mess. None of it belonging to her.
As I go to attack the shadowy man he fired at my partner and he gets hit, I attack him, but I'm slammed into a wall.
He quickly runs away while I'm down, I go to catch his scent but I can't smell anything.
Flashback over (Your POV)
After telling our stories Chloe was worried.
"Were you hurt?" She asks Delgado already knowing that I was hurt.
"No, they say it's all in our head." He replies. Suddenly the mountain lion roars, sounding very close to our location.
"They found us. We'll hold them off as long as we can while you run. Understand?" I ask her.
"They're just cats. You can take them." Chloe encourages not answering the question. Then the mountain lion jumps down.
We both jump at it and start barking and growling at them. As we bark and growl at it Chloe yells encouraging things at us. Two more jump down.
"Run kid! Run now!" Delgado exclaims watching from every direction.
"Ok, ok." Chloe says.
"Run and hide."
"Here. I'm here." Chloe day sounding oddly close.
"This is not hiding." He states a I look over at him, and chuckle at the scene.
"Y/n! Look out!" Chloe yells, I turns back around only to get hit on the muzzle. I whine and back up a bit. I feel the blood running down my face.
"That's it!" Delgado yells and starts snapping his jaws at them. Making them back away farther.
Suddenly a large cloud of dust catches all our attention. And when it disappears we see it's a group of chihuahuas.
"Dear god." I mutter to myself.
"Say hello to my little friends." The leader says then they all starts barking, very loud and deep barking. It scares the mountain lions away.
"Whoa! That's some bark you guys got." Delgado says looking over at the group of chihuahuas. I just placed a paw on my muzzle and rub it against my wound.
"I am Montezuma! Come with us if you want to live." The leader Montezuma says.
"Yeah, I want to live." Chloe replies and goes over to the group. Delgado just looks at me, I shrug, and we follow them.

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