.•.El Fin.•. Chapter 5

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Your POV
As we make it to the Chihuahua birthplace many others exit the buildings and look at us.
"Did you hear that Delgado? I come from a mighty breed." Chloe gloats.
"Yeah, mighty annoying." He says.
"You're just mad because we were saved by little dogs." I say teasingly.
"Very little dogs." He confirms.
We walk up the concrete stairs of a platform.
"Tonight we celebrate your arrival." Montezuma says standing on the platform.
"Thank you, Montezuma." Chloe thanks.
"Please, call me Monte. Now let's get you to the medic." Monte says, the last sentence directed towards me.
"Um sure thing, gracias." I reply nervously.
"No problem señorita." He says and a calls over a little chihuahua who leads me to a medical room.

I lay down beside Delgado as Monte gives Chloe a speech.
"No más." The Chihuahuas chant.
"No más?" Chloe asks confused.
"Sí, it means "no more." Monte replies looking over at her.
"We chihuahuas are not chew toys or fashion accessories."
"No más."
"We were not bred to wear silly hats and ride in purses."
"No más."
"We will no longer be spoken to with baby talk. We have been called "teacup" and "tiny toy" for to long."
"No más!"
"Names like Fifi, Foofoo, Pookie, Pumpkin, or Squirt."
"No más!"
"Yes, we chihuahuas shake, but not for the amusement of humans. We shake because we know the power of our inner strength. Our bark."
"No más!"
"Yes, we are tiny, but we are mighty!"
"No más! No más! No más!"
"Join with us, Chloe. Embrace no más. Find your bark." Monte says to Chloe.
"My bark?" She asks.
"Sì! That's what makes you mighty. That's which makes you, you." He says to her.
"We are chihuahuas, hear us roar." He exclaims to the crowd. And everyone starts barking, including Delgado, except for me. But everyone stops after they hear Chloe's squeal of a bark.
"That was embarrassing." Delgado states.
"Don't worry, little one. Your bark will come when you need it most." Monte reassures Chloe.

After all the barking Monte walks up to me.
"Why didn't you bark?" He asks.
"My barks the reason two people I cared about deeply are gone. I don't want it to happen again." I say looking down.
"Don't worry, when you are ready, you're bark will be waiting." He reassures and then walks off. I lay me head back down and feel Delgado press his head against the top of mine.
"Don't worry mi corazon, I'll always be here." He reassures. I just smile slightly and try to sleep.

Next morning
Me, Delgado, Chloe, and Monte walk up a mountain, and stop as Monte stops to talk to Chloe.
"Chloe, you could always stay here
with us." Monte says.
"This place is amazing, Monte. But there's someone at home who's probably worried and missing me and I miss him." Chloe says.
"Your corazón?" He asks.
"Mi corazón. What does that mean?" She asks.
"My heart." Monte replies while I place my head against Delgado's shoulder.
"I never even gave him a chance." Chloe states.
"We chihuahuas come in all different shapes and colors. But when you look not with your eyes, but your soul, there we're all the same." Monte states in a kindhearted tone.
"Listen...back there with the lions...uh...uh...thanks." Delgado thanks with a bit of struggle.
"But of course. We are chihuahuas." Monte reassures.

We then make it to a small watering hole, where few people are at.
"Ah! Civilization at last. We made it, Delgado." Chloe says excitedly. Me and Delgado run through the water with Chloe following. But Chloe starts to drift off.
"You guys!" She exclaims.
"Just keep paddling!" Delgado yells at her.
"Whoa!" Suddenly she exclaims and goes down a waterfall.
"And we lost her." I state.

After we save her we walk up some stone stairs.
"That was fun!" She exclaims in excitement.
"Yeah, you're a real aquatic goddess." Delgado states sarcastically.
"Delgado Y/n, look." Chloe says in awe.
"What?" We ask at the same time. And we look at a missing poster with Chloe on it.
"Is that you?" Delgado asks.
"Nice toga." I say looking at the poster.
"I can't believe Rachel's looking for me." She says, still looking at it.
"Ok, let's get some help." He says and they start barking to catch peoples attention.
"Chloe." One of the female workers say with a smile.

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