.•.A Promise is a Promise.•. Chapter 3

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Your POV
The truck stops as we make our destination and we all stand up.
"Ok, this is us. We're here. Shake your last bootie and let's go." Delgado says in a tired voice.
"So what your plan?" Chloe asks, as we walk.
"Ok, here's the deal. Plant your paws here, keep your muzzle shut, and wait for me to come back." Delgado states as we stand in front of a fountain.
"But...where are you going? Delgado?" Chloe asks as he walks off.
"You're very withholding, you know that?" She says to him, even though he probably can't hear her.
Chloe just walks over the the fountain and stands on the ledge. I sit beside it and look at Chloe making sure she doesn't fall.
"I guess this is my day at the spa?" Chloe questions and steps in.

After she's back to crystal white she sighs in happiness.
"Much better." She says while shaking the water out of her fur.
"Help! Help, please help me!" A voice calls and  I look towards where it's coming from, and see it's a large lizard eating a mouse type creatures. I shake my head and facepaw myself.
"Help me, somebody! Help!" The voice calls again. Chloe then runs over and I slowly stand up and follow behind her.
"This is just like animal planet. What do I do?" Chloe asks as she stares at the scene, I walk up behind her and sit down. Chloe starts pawing at it. And the lizard either must have noticed me, or was choking because he spit the mouse like creature out.
"Oh, my gosh. Are you ok? Hello?" Chloe ask the mouse creature I just roll my eyes at her and sigh.
"Are you an angel? Am I dead?" He asks.
"No, and I'm not an angel." Chloe replies.
"And yet, you're wearing a halo." He states.
"This? This is my collar from Harry Winston." She replies back.
"Is that in heaven." He asks.
"Well, sort of. Beverly Hills." Chloe says.
"Ahh, Beverly Hills. You're a long ways from home. Perhaps I can be of assistance. I am Manuel. I work on a luxury cruise ship as a porter, tending to the discriminating needs of refined, upscale dogs like yourself." Manuel says, trying to bargain with her. I stand up and place my paw right beside him, causing him to jump.
"She's doesn't need any help, she has me." I state with clenched teeth while glaring at the filthy little creature.
"Y/n don't be rude." Chloe says looking up at me. I roll my eyes and shake my head in shame.
"I'll be back, I'm going to find Delgado. Don't do anything till I get back. Got it Chloe?" I ask her sternly, while turning around to walk off to find Delgado.
"Ok Y/n." She calls over to me and continues to talk to the mouse like creature. I then run off to try and find Delgado.

When I do I see him talking to another German Shepard that's behind a fence. I run up as fast as possible.
"Delgado! I'm sorry to interrupt, but um. Chloe's falling for a con artist, and she listens to you better then me." I reply winded fromthe run.
"Alright Y/n I'll be there soon. Gracias Tomas." Delgado thanks the other German Shepard and we start running towards Chloe's location.

Once we do, we get straight to business.
"Come on, let's go. I found someone to read your tag." Delgado states.
"Really? So did I." Chloe says happily. I pin my ears back and lower my upper half to the floor, and places my paws over my head.
"Where's your collar?" Delgado asks her.
"You're not the only one who can get things done, you know?" She says sassily, which makes me whimper, already knowing what she did.
"What?" He asks confused on what she's saying and my behavior.
"I gave my collar to Manuel. He's taking it to the ships captain to read." She states, I take my paws off my head and light hit it on the ground.
"Manuel? Who's Manuel?" He asks wanting to get to the point already.
"The kindly pack rat who's helping me out. I saved him from being eaten by a iguana." She replies, making me hit my head harder in the ground.
"An iguana? An iguana! That's the oldest con in the book!" He snaps.
"Iguanas are vegetarians!" I state lifting my head up from the ground and groaning.
"I'm sorry I don't meet many iguanas on Rodeo Drive." Chloe snaps back.
"Without your ID tag there's nothing to separate you from any collarless stray on the street!" He snaps back.
"But, well, Manuel promised me he'd be right back from the ship." Chloe replies back.
"What ship? That ship?" I ask her.
"What happened to "Don't talk to strangers"?" He asks her.
"You said nothing about iguanas." Chloe states.

We walk towards a train, where a coyote is meeting us.
"Uh, Delgado?" Chloe asks.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"What are we doing here?" She asks.
"This is where we meet the coyote." He states.
"A coyote?" Chloe asks confused.
"A smuggler. They sneak collarless dogs like us across the border." He replies back.
"You two used to be a police dogs, weren't you? That's how you know sergeant Tomas. That's how you two can do all those things." Chloe states.
"We don't want to talk about it." He speak for me and himself.
"Did you get fired? Did you quit? Did you do something wrong?" She asks.
'She's really starting to push my buttons' I think to myself.
"Yes, we did something wrong, ok? You satisfied?" I ask her.
"Now just drop it." Delgado says knowing it was still a sensitive topic.
"Ok. Ok." Chloe replies as the train stops.
"There he is. We're on. Follow me. And no more questions." He states and starts walking towards the train.
"Ok. Ok." Chloe replies following after me and Delgado.
"But what was it? Was someone hurt?" She asks.
"Drop it! Just drop it! " We both yell at her.
"You're driving me crazy." He states.
"You're not exactly the most charming traveling partner either." She replies sounding like she's about to cry.
"Good, because we're parting way." He states.
"What?" Chloe questions.
He picks her up as she tells him to wait and stop. But he doesn't.
"This train will take you to Tijuana." He replies after placing her in the train.
"But-" She says but getting cut off by Delgado.
"But nothing. The coyote will take you over the border from there." He states and jumps down from the side.
"Mi corazon, I want you to go with her." Delgado says as he turns towards me.
"What? No, I'm not leaving you!" I state.
"I know, but I don't want you to be stuck here in this trash bin forever. Please?" He asks begging me.
"But I don't want to." I say as I sit down with tear in my e/c eyes. He walks closer to me and sits down in front of me.
"I know mi amour, I don't want you to either. But it's for the best." He says and licks the tears away.
"Fine." I says finally giving in.
"Thank you, mi corazon, te quiero." He says, and licks my face once more.
"Te quiero." I say back and lick his face in return. He helps me into the train as it gets ready to leave. Once I'm in the train slowly starts to head off I sit down beside the door trying not to cry. Already missing him. I whimper struggling to keep in the tears anymore.
"Delgado!" Chloe exclaims in happiness.
"Chloe! Y/n!" He exclaims from the outside of the train. I look out the door and see him chasing the train.
"Come one! Jump!" Me and Chloe exclaim.
"It's a fast train!" He yells back. He then jumps and is holding onto the side I grab onto the back of his neck and help lift him up. Once he's in I jump on him, and he falls onto his back.
"You jerk! I thought you left me again!" I yell in happiness, tears rolling down my furry face.
"What can I say? A promise is a promise." He states and sits up with me still pressed up against his chest.

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