.•.Lost and Found.•. Chapter 2

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Your POV
We hear the howl of a dog, and we all stop.
"Hold on a second." Delgado says to Chloe.
"What's that sound?" She asks.
"Hold you're breath." I say and push her into a mud puddle beside us.
"What did you do that for?" She asks after getting out of it.
"El Diablo's got your scent" Delgado states.
"Well of course he does, it's Chanel No.5." Chloe states while shaking out her fur, and I roll my eyes at her.
"Congratulations." I say sarcastically.
"Now I've lost another bootie and I stink." She complains.
"I don't smell anything." Me and Delgado say at the same time.
"Are you kidding? I smell like a wet dog."
"You are a wet dog." I state running off, following Delgado.

We finally make it to the hotel. After a long journey of listening to Chloe whine.
"I feel like I'm home already." Chloe says in excitement as we stand outside the hotel.
"Thank you, Delgado and Y/n. Thank you!"
"All in a days work." Delgado says.
"But... maybe you should wait out here." She says.
"Yeah, whatever." I say and sit down.
"I don't mean it like it sounds, but they can be a bit particular about the dogs they let in." She says.
"Knock yourself out." Delgado says and lays down, me then laying down beside him.

Timeskip (I'm sorry)
We lay outside the hotel for a couple of minutes waiting on Chloe.
"What's taking her so long." Delgado asks after sighing. We stand up and walk towards the window of the hotel.
We look through the glass and see Chloe seated at a table with a man and woman. Being ready to serve.
"Hmm. Figures." Delgado says and turns away. I look away as well and look at Delgado.
"What did I expect de una princesa." Delgado mumbles and walks off. I go to follow him when I hear Chloe.
"You guys, it was so humiliating. You won't believe." Chloe says, and I look around to see that Delgado's gone. I start panicking and look around once more, and not seeing him anywhere.
'The one person that I care about has left me.' I think to myself.
"Delgado?" Chloe questions.
"Don't worry Chloe, you still have me." I say and look over at her, and give her a small smile.

We walk down the sidewalk a lady smiles at us, and we continue to walk. A woman goes to walk past us, but stops and places a cup of clean water down, I let Chloe drink from it and just sit behind her.
We find a box under a bench and Chloe enters the box and lays down. I jump on top of the bench and lay down.

The next morning
I wake up to see a bunch of dogs and Chloe arguing over a churro. I jump off the bench and stand behind Chloe my body being a giant compared to her tiny frame. Once the dogs notice me they run off quickly with their tails between their legs.
"It's time to pay the piper, perra pepqueña." A deep voice says behind us. I turn around recognizing the voice and see that it's El Diablo. I jump at him and bite his neck. He scratches and bites at me. And land a hit on my back, I whine loudly and throw him to the side, him moving only a couple of feet away. I turn and realize Delgado has Chloe and is running. I chase after them with El Diablo behind me.
I catch up and slam my shoulder into his hip.
"You better have a good reason for leaving me behind!" I yell at him.
"I'm sorry mi amor! I thought you would have followed me!" He yells back, party muffled by Chloe's fur.
"You're so lucky I don't drowned you!" I yell back at him.
We run through a museum, people scream and make a path.
"Move it! Hurry up!" Delgado yells, as we run up the stairs.
"I am!" Chloe yells back.
"Two at a time!" I exclaim and look over my shoulder to see if El Diablo is still following us.
"I have four inch legs. You know." Chloe complains.
"Come one this way-oh not this way." He says and turns around.
"Where to now?" Chloe asks.
"Now we're trapped." I state and continue to walk.
"Now what?" Chloe asks again.
"I'm thinking, I'm thinking." He says
Next thing you know we are hiding in a small exhibit waiting for the guard to walk past.
"Why did you abandon me? I've already been abandoned once." Chloe asks in a hushed whisper.
"You left me, I didn't leave you. I saw you in there getting pampered, and eating." Delgado replies in a hushed whisper. I nudge his shoulder harshly and give him a glare. His ear go down slightly.
"The closet I came to food was a used churro." Chloe replies back in a harsh whisper.
The guard then stares directly at us, then El Diablo runs past him, making the guard go after him.
"Come on, lets go." Delgado says and we run out of the exhibit and down the hall.
"Where are we going?" Chloe asks.
"I'm taking you Puerto Vallarta. Somebody there can help us." He replies.
"That on the way to Beverly Hills?" Chloe asks.

We continue to run till we are at the farmers market.
"Over here. Jump in." Delgado says and jumps into the back of the truck, with me and Chloe right behind him.
We lay down on some mats that are on the floor and Chloe ask, "Delgado?"
"What?" He replies.
"Why is El Diablo after me?"
"Vasquez must have sent him." He replies.
"Who's Vasquez?" Chloe asks.
"He runs the dogfights and anything else he can make a quick buck at." I say looking over at Chloe.
"The police have been after him for years, but he's slippery." Delgado replies back.
"How do you both know all that?" Chloe asks.
"Were you two criminals or something?" Chloe asks in wonder.
"Or something. Get some sleep." He replies narrowing his eyes at her.
"It's a long ride and tomorrow's a big day." He states while laying his head down, Chloe doing so as well.
"What did El Diablo mean by, "Still trying to be the hero?" Chloe ask Delgado, which makes me hide a snicker, and Delgado just lays down on his side.
"Never mind." Chloe says then lays her head back down.

It the middle of the night and I'm still awake. I still near the tailgate of the truck, and look at the stars. When I hear paws walking towards me and see a shadowy figure close beside me.
"Are you still mad at me?" Delgado asks while placing his head on top of mine.
"Kinda." I mutter and look down.
"I'm sorry mi amour. It was an accident, I thought you would have followed me. But when I notices you didn't I went back to the hotel and you were gone." He explains.
"If it makes you feel better, I didn't stop searching for you, I checked everywhere I could." He says trying to make me feel better, and accomplishing it.
"Maldita sea, why do you have to be my soft spot? Fine you're forgiven." I state with a smile on my face.
"Gracias mi corazan." He thanks.
I just chuckle and press my face against his furry chest. He licks the top of my head, and places his muzzle on top of it.

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