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Evie Gallant was dead.

Timothy and Emily had been caught together, but Michael had somehow been able to talk Ms. Venable out of exacting her usual punishment.

The questioning continued, everyone going through it. All except for Judas. He wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe Michael already knew him well enough to make a decision. Or maybe Michael didn't want him to survive at all. He tried not to think of that option.

But his day finally came.

Judas was shaking as he made his way to Michael's door. His breathing was shallow, he was petrified. But he raised a hand all the same and rapped his knuckles against the wooden door.

"Enter," Michael's all-too familiar voice called.

Judas slid the door open, swallowing hard as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Michael was smiling. "Judas Wardwell."

"Michael Langdon," Judas replied, the words barely above a whisper. "It's been a while."

Michael chuckled at that. "It has, hasn't it?"

Judas hesitated a moment before he moved to sit in the chair across from Michael. He gripped the armrests until his knuckles turned white. "What happened to all the others?" he asked, surprised at his own courage.

Michael raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Our friends. The ones who lived here before all of this. The others like us. What happened to them?"

Michael seemed to be thinking carefully about what to say. When he answered, Judas' blood ran cold. "I killed them."

"Why?" Judas managed to ask.

"I didn't want any of them to try and become stronger than me," Michael said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"But I'm still here."

At that, Michael's smile fell. "Yes," he said. "You're still here."


"Because you would never be stronger. You've always been weak, Jude. Ever since we were young."

Judas nodded slightly. "Is that it?" he said. "Or did you just want a fuck buddy for the end of the world?"

He was terrified of what Michael would do to him, but the look on his face was entirely worth it. Michael caught off guard, he almost wished he could take a picture. It took a moment for Michael to regain composure. He leaned forward in his seat to lock eyes with Judas. "I'm not playing games, Jude," he stated. "And I'm certainly not after that."

"Have I ruined my chances, then?" Judas asked. "Are you going to leave me here to die? After all we've been through?"

Michael shrugged. "I haven't even questioned you," he said.

"You know me," Judas replied.

At that, Michael let out a chuckle. "Something tells me that you've changed."

He looked into Judas' eyes, a smile playing at his lips. "You're angry with me," he said. "In fact, I'd say that you think you hate me. Tell me why that is."

"You're cruel," Judas spat, not sure why he was spilling this to Michael. "You're wicked. You're a monster. John Henry was right, Michael. You're the Devil."

"He was partly right," Michael admitted, and at Judas' confused expression, he continued, "The Antichrist. The harbinger of chaos. Surely you've heard of it."

Judas bit hard at his lip. "And that's you? You made all of this happen?"

Michael didn't answer the question. Instead, he said, "There's more than just anger inside of you, Jude. Tell me what else you feel. Tell me the things you don't even want to tell yourself."

"Why should I?" Judas asked.

Michael's hand was suddenly gripping his chin, forcing Judas to lock eyes with him. "Because I am the only thing deciding whether or not you live or die."

Judas glared. "You want to know how I feel?" he asked, and when Michael gave a small nod, he said, "I hate that you killed them. I hate that you're powerful. I hate that I could never do the things that you can do. And I hate that even despite all of that, I still love you so goddamn much." He didn't know what Michael was going to do. Didn't know what he would say. 

All Judas knew was that he didn't expect Michael to kiss him.

But he kissed him back, too stunned to do anything else. Michael's lips were hot against his. Burning hot. And Judas loved it.

They only broke apart for air, looking each other in the eye. "Do you still care about me?" Judas asked, regretting the question the moment it left his lips.

Michael smoothed his thumb along Judas' jaw. "Of course I do."

Judas wanted to believe him. Everything inside was screaming that Michael was lying, that things could never be the same as they had been when the two boys were still learning. When neither of them had realized their full potential. Because Michael was too strong now and Judas too weak. But he couldn't stop himself from kissing his angelic demon again, fingers twining through his golden hair.

Michael's hands found Judas' hips, drawing him to his feet. Judas shivered at the feeling of his hands gripping him tightly. "Michael," he whispered when they broke apart once more.

"Yes?" Michael asked, moving to kiss Judas' neck.

"Do you still love me?"

He almost thought Michael wasn't going to answer the question. He didn't answer for a long time as his hands roamed to the buttons on Judas' pants. But as he nipped at Judas' earlobe, he whispered in his ear, making the hairs on the back of Judas' neck rise. 

"Of course I do."

DEVIL, DEVIL (Michael Langdon)Where stories live. Discover now