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It was only a week after Michael had arrived at Hawthorne and already he was learning fast. Judas knew it was no accident that many of their classes were together, and those that were he was often instructed to see if there was any change in Michael's energy levels. What scared Judas more than he cared to admit was that there was always a change. Michael was growing stronger with every passing day.

Judas was leaving class one morning, head bowed. He had been reading out of time and had ruined the spell they were trying to do. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but something about Michael's arrival had thrown him off his game.

Judas jumped at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder, spinning to lock eyes with Michael, who offered a quick smile. "Hello," he greeted, quite kindly.

Judas allowed his heartbeat to slow down before he answered. "Shit, Michael," he stated.

Michael's smile fell. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry."

It was then that Judas registered the very warm hand holding his shoulder. He hesitated, moving to take Michael by the wrist. "I just don't like to be snuck up on."

"I'm sorry," Michael repeated. "I tried calling for you, but you didn't hear me."

Had Michael called for him? Judas wasn't even sure. "Okay," Judas said. He chose to believe the golden boy stood in front of him. "Did you want something?"

Michael shook his head, shaggy blond locks falling into his eyes. "You were reading out of time. I was thinking, I could help you with the reading. Help you keep time, I mean. You can obviously read."

Judas almost chuckled. He cut it short, however, and smiled instead. "Really?" he said.

Michael nodded eagerly, enthusiasm in his blue eyes. Judas couldn't help but smile at the sight. "That's nice of you," he said, his anxiety beginning to slip away. What was he so afraid of? Michael seemed kind.

"So you'll let me help?" Michael asked, strangely eager.

Judas laughed then. "Yeah," he said. "Yeah, I'll let you help me."

He really didn't need the help. He was sure he'd be back to normal in a few days. But it felt impossible to deny Michael anything.

And that was how he found himself in Michael's room, holding a book in his shaking hands as Michael leaned over his shoulder to read. Michael's room was hot. Nearly unbearable. Judas had to shed his jacket to at least find some reprieve from the heat. 

He swallowed hard as he looked up at Michael, whose blue eyes were scanning the page quickly. "All right," Judas said. "Are you ready?"

Michael nodded. He leaned closer as Judas began to read. It was almost impossible to focus on the words as Michael read with him, their voices in unison. Judas slowed down as they reached a longer word, the Latin lost on his tongue. Michael went quiet, squeezing Judas' arm. "You're nervous."

"I'm not," Judas said quickly, pulling his arm free.

His eyes met Michael's. The golden boy was smiling that perfect smile, hair falling into his face as he leaned to put at the word. "The longer words mess you up," he was saying, but Judas was too entranced by the soft golden curls that were falling into Michael's face.

It took Michael a few moments to realize that Judas wasn't paying attention. He lifted his head, a confused sort of smile on his face that made Judas laugh weakly. His hair (God, his hair) was in his eyes, and he blinked through a curtain of gold.

Judas didn't even realize what he was doing until he had already done it. He brushed Michael's hair back behind his ear, fingertips ghosting over Michael's tan skin.

His hand flew back as if he'd been burned (and he might as well have been), his face going red. "Sorry," he said, the word barely audible. "I'm sorry."

Michael was still smiling. "It's all right," he said. "I don't mind."

He tapped at the word Judas had gotten lost on. "Let's get back to this."

"Okay," Judas said, nodding hurridly. "Yeah. Okay."

And so they returned to the reading, Judas doing his best to keep time.

Judas wasn't sure how long they'd been reading. All he knew was that they had moved on to another book and his eyes were drooping and he was tired, leaning back into Michael's chest as the book began to slide from his hands. Michael moved to squeeze his shoulder, bringing Judas back to reality. "Tired?" he asked.

Judas managed a laugh. "Yeah," he admitted. "I think I'm ready to head to bed."

Michael seemed to hesitate. "Sleep here," he said.

Judas raised an eyebrow. Michael brought a smile to his face. "Come on," he said. "We can walk to lessons in the morning."

Judas gave in. He realized quickly that it was going to be hard to deny Michael anything. "All right," he agreed.

Michael was grinning then. "Cool," he said. "We can read until you fall asleep."

And so, they read until they couldn't anymore. When Judas' eyes were heavy with sleep and his hands had gone numb he dropped the book and collapsed into the pillow. Michael sat awake a while longer, admiring Judas while he slept. There was something interesting about how Judas slept, his mouth open and whispering, pleading almost, though too quiet for anyone who wasn't listening to hear. But Michael heard.

"Mom?" he was whispering, a panic in his voice. "Mom?"

Judas shook while he slept, Michael noted, but he could learn nothing further because he was falling asleep, too.

And there the two warlocks slept, the only thing stopping their chests from touching being a pillow. And for the first and certainly not the last time, they were happy.

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