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"So, how long it'll take to get to the club?" I asked.

We've been driving for 10 minutes now. Taeyong and I didn't said much, we mostly just watched the road.

"Just a few hours" he said "But I thought we should do something different first" he looked at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I just want to show you a place" he smiled.

"Alright. Do you want to listen some music?"

"I'm cool with it."

"So, what kind of music you're into?" I started looking through my bag, trying to found my 'Vices & Virtues' album.

"It's... Complicated" he admitted "I like pop music but I mostly listen to classical music."

"I do too, actually!" I said happily "But to be honest I listen to music from all genres. Got it!" I said happily when I found the album.

"What?" Taeyong asked.

"Have you ever heard of Panic! at The Disco?"

"Nope" he answered.

"But I'm pretty sure that you've heard at least the song 'I write sins, not tragedies'".

"Well" he shrugged "I don't really listen to that kind of music"

"Then what is this?" I held up a Queen album "I found it at the backseat"

"They are different" he said quickly "My friends really like queen, and because of them, I took a liking in their music too".

"That's so cute" I giggled.

Taeyong chuckled but kept his eyes on the road. I started reading the track names on the back of the Queen album, realizing that I almost know all of them. I smiled a little as I read the track name I'm in love with my car.

"So the place where we're going" he broke the silence "Is something I haver never showed anyone before"

"Not even your ex?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, but she is my past, so let's not bring her up anymore. So where we're going is a very special place to me."

"And how come that I am the first one you're going to show it to?"

Taeyong was quite for a minute, but then he answered.

"You know, my family lives in Korea. When I moved here I was really lonely and when I found that place, I went there almost every day. And I was thinking about everything. About what happened that day, or about my family. And I have friends here, so of course my lonelyness wasn't lasting for that long. Still, I knew they wouldn't understand how precious that place to me is. But something about you makes me feel like that you would understand. "

I was letting the information he gave me sink it, and then I looked at him.
I wasn't staring, but I just had to take a look at him.

"You're such a soft boy, Lee Taeyong" I smiled.

"What?" he gasped "Me? No way, I'm not cute! Have you seen my jawline? It's really sharp!"

"Oh yeah? Let me see!" I smiled.

He lifted his head a bit so I could touch his jawline. It really was sharp, even touching it gave me chills.

"Ouch!" I yelped "It cut me" I said jokingly.

"Told you so" he laughed and so did I "Oh, here we are."

We drove down a old road and stopped at a little lake. The lake was surrounded by a lot of colorful flowers. The atmosphere was so chill, so calm and good that I understood why Taeyong liked coming here so much. It was breathtaking.

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