Cuddles [with Chuck Hansen]:

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- So first things first

-This man is the biggest baby

- He acts all tough and shit but in reality, when he's alone with you, he's soft as fuck

- Like yeah sure, he's got a pretty high kill count and is literally the cockiest son of a bitch ever

- But never around his girl

- Although sometimes he'll get cocky just to try and impress you

- Which he knows doesn't always work but Chuck would rather die than be embarrassed in front of you

- Moving on

- When it comes to cuddling, he's fine being the big spoon or little spoon

- Some days he'll be super fucking exhausted and just a big sleepy muscle baby

- On those days all he wants to do is lay in your arms and not move

- Like, ever

- He'll kinda just walk into the room and not look at you

- You can tell what's wrong right off the bat

- His shoulders are slumped, he hasn't said a single word and he walked straight into the bathroom to wash his face

- When he comes back you push all your work off to one side and get him to join you in bed

- Chuck likes it when you sing to him

- Or when you talk, regardless of his short, often vague answers

- Hey, it's been a long day, and you totally understand

- So he'll spend the rest of the day in your arms listening to you

- Sometimes he cries

- Other times he wants you to press kisses on his neck and tell him everything's gonna be okay

- On other days he'll be pissed as hell or agitated over something that happened

- On those days he wants to hold you

- Because that reminds him that you're the one thing he won't allow himself to fuck up

- Usually, he'll walk straight over to where you are and pick you up

- He doesn't care if you're working, he doesn't care if you're on the phone

- He'll pick you up, bring you to bed and just cuddle the shit out of you

- Most times, you mess with his hands and tell him about your day

- Cause your voice calms him down

- And when he's ready, he'll usually open up about what frustrated him

- Other times, he won't say a word, but you can tell by the way his grip on you softens and the way his muscles relax that he's feeling better

- Obviously, Max is always nearby

- He loved wedging himself into spaces too small for him

- In between you and Chuck, behind your head

- Under the blanket, on top of the blanket

- But it's Max

- You gotta love him

- Overall, Chuck Hansen adores cuddling with you

- But don't tell a single soul

- But don't tell a single soul

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