Dating Raleigh Becket would include:

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- You both meet when Pentecost brings Raleigh back from Anchorage

- You're a PPDC ranger

- So, naturally, you're one of the first people Raleigh sees when he first arrives

- You just got back to the Hong Kong Shatterdome with your older brother

- You're both beyond exhausted, but when your eyes land on Raleigh

- Oh boy

- You turn to your dad to talk over the mission stats, doing your best to avoid eye contact with the handsome stranger

- "Herc! Chuck! Y/N!"

- S h i t

- You all turn at the same time to see Marshal Pentecost walking over towards the three of you

- With him are Mako Mori, one of your dearest friends

- And of course, Raleigh Becket, the man that miraculously managed to solo pilot his Jaeger back to shore after his brother was killed

- "Wait here." Your dad tells a very reluctant Chuck, who simply huffs in annoyance

- You, of course, being the loving sibling you are, toss him a childish smirk over your shoulder before putting your Hansen face on

- Mako approaches you first, a smile on her face as she bows

- You reciprocate the action with a slight nod and a smile

- Pentecost shakes you and your father's hand firmly and introduces you to Raleigh

- You simply shake his hand, staring straight into his eyes

- You're a Hansen, for chrissake, you're not gonna be fazed by gorgeous blue eyes and a ridiculously pretty face

- "You planning on letting go of my hand, Hansen?"

- You hadn't realized that you were still holding his hand

- You hastily drop it and apologize

- Your father shoots you a curious look but dismisses it

- Moving forward

- The next day, you're training with Chuck

- Raleigh pops up to scope out the 'competition', as your dear brother had deemed it

- So you kick it into high gear

- Chuck knows what you're trying to do, and apparently is very determined to make you look like a complete fool

- He uses his staff to swipe your feet out from under you and grins when you land hard on your back

- He realizes his mistake when you get up

- You're smaller than he is, but you're absolutely terrifying when you're angry

- Let's just say Chuck left the training room with more than a couple of bruises

- At lunch, Raleigh approaches your table

- "I saw you in the training room, you're good."

- "Thanks, Becket."

- "Call me Raleigh."

- Despite your brother's bullshit, you and Raleigh start flirting

- A lot

- You'll be walking to LOCCENT and this dumbass will jog to catch up with a dumb grin on his face

- "Hey, Y/N. Can I follow you where you're going right now?" "Oh, sure. I'm just going to-" "Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams." "Oh wow."

- His pick-up lines are literally the worst

- He prides himself on that fact

- And you keep falling for them

- Every. Single. Time

- "I think there's something wrong with my eyes." "That doesn't sound good-" "I can't take them off of you." "Chrissake, Raleigh!"

- He likes taking you out on small 'dates'

- I say 'dates' because there's literally nothing to do at the Shatterdome

- Sometimes you'll sit on the highest part of LOCCENT and watch the Jaeger engineers go about their day

- He loves the Gipsy Danger, just as much as you love Striker Eureka

- Your love for Jaegers and what you do really brings the two of you together

- So you eventually start dating [much to Chuck's chagrin]

- There's always so much going on at the Shatterdome, you two barely have time to see each other

- But when you do, it's kissing galore

- He's a really good kisser, but I mean, it's Raleigh

- What else did you expect?

- Sometimes you two really make the most out of your time together

- If you get my drift [I'm so sorry]

- Anyways

- After your father breaks his arm on a mission, you immediately volunteer to pilot Striker Eureka with your brother

- Obviously, Chuck says no

- It's a suicide mission, and Chuck loves you too much to have anything bad happen to you

- "Don't miss me too much, eh, little ankle biter?"

- Losing your brother was absolutely devastating

- It hit you and your father hard

- Raleigh does his best to console you

- This ranges from holding your hand when you walk the halls to letting you into his room and holding you at 3 am as you cry over a nightmare

- He knows what it's like to lose a brother, so he does his best to keep you grounded

- He's your anchor, just as you are your father's

- Eventually, you and Raleigh get married!

- The breach is closed, and Kaijus are no longer a threat, so you happily retreat to Raleigh's hometown in Anchorage

- The breach is closed, and Kaijus are no longer a threat, so you happily retreat to Raleigh's hometown in Anchorage

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