Being in a poly relationship with Chuck and Raleigh would include...

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A/N: Short, but I was in a Chuck & Raleigh mood, so.

- They're Jaeger pilots

- You work J-Tech

- This started off like that one Taylor Swift song

- Anyway, you're in charge of the maintenance for both Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka

- It's a pretty tough job, but one you're happy to do

- They're both beautiful beasts, really

- However, Mark-3 and Mark-5 Jaegers aren't exactly easy to fix

- Especially with all the damage they take

- The damage varies from pilot to pilot

- In this case, from Raleigh to Chuck

- Raleigh tends to be reckless at times, but Mako knows how to keep him from damaging the Jaeger too much

- For your sake

- Herc and Chuck, on the other hand

- They're all brute force

- All strength and head-on combat with little strategy

- Which means Striker is constantly in need of a little love

- Okay, a lot of love

- But, again, you're happy to do your job

- Even more so when it means you're one of the first few people to see your boyfriends when they arrive

- You're greeted by a hug from Raleigh, who pulls you into a sweet kiss

- Then practically tugged away from him by Chuck, who holds you by the hips and kisses you hard

- All while Mako and Herc roll their eyes fondly at the sight

- And Raleigh silently plans to kick Chuck halfway to next Wednesday for ripping you off of him like that

- Now, your boys are different in many, many ways

- But the one thing they have in common

- The one thing that makes them toss their differences aside

- Is you

- Being in a poly relationship with these two isn't easy in any way

- You have to admit, it's a helluva lot easier than fixing up the freakin hole Herc and Chuck somehow managed to make right through Striker's hull last week

- Which, by the way, you're still working on

- In the beginning, it was really hard

- Chuck and Raleigh are both complete hardasses

- It took a lot of work to get them where they are with each other now

- Sometimes, when Chuck and Raleigh fought, they'd go to check on you and find you crying over them

- Over how childish and stupid they could be

- So, being in a relationship with you, they both figure it's time to stop acting like children

- And finally get their act together

- Nevertheless, you often play the mediator

- You try to compromise with the two of them

- The rest of the workers in the Shatterdome are pretty convinced you're like

- A mutant or something

- That you can control emotions

- Because you're the only person that can keep these two big babies in check

- Whether it be fighting or arguing over something stupid, you can pretty much stop them with a few words

- They both like to pretend they hold the power in the relationship

- But they know better

- You and your pretty face also know better, considering both boys are whipped

- Sleeping is fun

- You're either in between the two with your head on Raleigh's chest and your hand holding Chuck's

- Or you're comfortable in the middle while both boys wrap an arm around you, trying to keep you as close as physically possible

- I won't lie

- Sometimes, you feel like the rope in a sleepy game of tug of war

- Neither of them hogs the blanket

- They try to hog you instead

- It's funny, because most of the time, they're not even conscious they're doing this

- It's kinda cute

- What's not cute is waking up to find your entire body numb because they're both crushing you

- Kisses are also very fun

- Chuck's kisses are sweet and passionate most of the time, while Raleigh's are a bit needier and rough

- Sometimes, it'll be the other way around

- You, on the other hand, are a perfect combination of both

- It all depends on the mood

- But it means that making out is always a trip

- You like being on Raleigh's lap and slowly grinding on him while he trails kisses down your neck

- Chuck's lips will be on yours, his hands on your hips

- And then they switch so that you're on Chuck's lap facing Raleigh

- For two idiots that fight all the time, they've gotten pretty good at sharing

- And they know exactly what makes you tick

- Your relationship is full of ups and downs

- But the ups usually overcome the downs

- It's a relationship full of love and, surprisingly, newfound respect

- It's a relationship full of love and, surprisingly, newfound respect

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