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The coach made me go to this stupid group therapy after I suffered from my breakdown on the ice at the last game, I keep on getting those nightmares and flashbacks of the night, I'm staying in Boston as my team went to their away game in LA. This totally suck because I hate exposing my weakness to people I don't know and yet here I am, I hesitate of going in the building still sitting in my car not able to move any muscle even if I wanted to. I just let out a deep sigh and let go of the steering wheel, took one last look in the car mirror "man up, you can do this" then suddenly I see movement in the shape of a female in the mirror I look back and saw that it was the girl Danielle, the wind is blowing her long blond hair into waves, I quickly step out of my car and run over next to her, "Hey" I had scared her a littlebit which made her jump to the side and away from me "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" then she looks relieved as she saw who I was "Oh it's you" she said "Danielle right?" I asked her and she blush a little which was super cute "I hate to admit that I forgot yours" with that our eyes are locked with each other and we both were silence for a couple seconds until she broke our eye contact and with that I said with blushing cheeks "Sean, Sean Kuraly" she gives me a smile "nice to meet you again Sean" I smile back "likewise and this time it's a better meeting with no flying bullets around us" I saw that her smile fades and I soon regret saying it "too soon?" then she answered back "yay" "I'm sorry" I apologize to her, she looks down "it's okay... uhm are you here for the group therapy too?" "yeah and you?" "yes, well my boyfriend said I should go" damn she is still with him "you mean the dude that run and left you alone?" "that's him" she replies "I can't believe you're still with him" I was hoping she would've dump his sorry ass already because if she was mine I wouldn't have left her in that situation, lucky for her I was there to comfort and protected her while her boyfriend only thought about saving himself. "he means well" I give her a sarcasm look "sure if it wasn't for me you would have been shot" she looks at me with a painful face, start walking away from me, I tilted my head backwards and sigh then I run to her side again "look I didn't meant to hurt you by saying that, but you know it's true, the dude shouldn't have left you in the first place and save his ass" "if you don't have anything nice to say then I suggest you leave it at that" she said with a angry tone 'Shit I've hurt her feelings' I thought to myself "we better go inside, the group therapy is about to start" we walk into the building together.


The truth always hurts they say and at this moment I knew he was right, if it wasn't for him I would have been shot or even worse died, I myself don't even know why I took Keith back in the first place, like 5 years of putting up with his 'me' ego wasn't enough already, he never ever had put me first place, it took a total stranger to do that and yet my dumb self kept on falling for his begging techniques every freaking time and now Sean who doesn't even know Keith knew that my boyfriend puts himself first before me. I walk inside to the room where the group therapy was, to my surprise it was with the people that were all there that night, that awful night. Sean come to stand behind me at the door frame, his tall posture leans in from behind and he whispers "lucky it's with the people of that night" I look over my shoulder to him, he gives me a little smile and we both walk inside. In the room there was only one big table to the side filled with snacks, coffee, tea and other beverages, then in the middle there chairs filling up a circle. Sean stay right behind me as I explore the room more, suddenly two men walked over my way, looking happy "wait is that you?" one guy said I look back at Sean who looks a bit embrassed, he cleared his throat "yeah" "The Sean Kuraly?" the other guy said, Sean looks down at me and then back to the guys "Yup that's me" "aww man I didn't knew you were at the shooting too" the first guy said while shaking Sean's hand "I did" a shorter guy said behind us, he sneaked in just behind Sean with a mouth full of cake and a red cup of beverage. We all looked at him he wasn't taller then me "how did you knew he was there? you weren't even at the shooting" both men reply "I was in the kitchen, I am the dishwasher" the little guy said, both men were looking fishy at each other "then why weren't you at the police station when they question us?" the second guy said "because I had better things to do" "better things then giving the police your statement?" Sean asked, the short guy turned to Sean and said "don't give me that attitude mister big shot" "well it least his salary is 10 times more then yours little fella" the first guy said laughing "who cares, he isn't that great of a player anyway" the shorter guy dares to say that, I see Sean raising one hand up in the air "Dude I'm right here" I scoffs and Sean looked at me with a little smile "if you all would like to take a seat so we could begin the session" the therapist said, we all walk to the middle part where all the chairs are, I pick my seat and Sean picked the one beside me.


We all sat down and listen to each others stories, some of us are dealing with the tragic event better then others but everyone does feel emotional as of what have happened that night, where one woman explained how she saw the shooter shot the couple next to her, eversince that night she hasn't slept because of the scene that kept on playing over and over in her mind, awake or asleep she said that she could see the woman falling backwards in her seat and that her husband tries to save her from bleeding out by the bullets but end up getting shot himself, she could also remember their last words to each other 'I love you's' with that Danielle broke down in tears, I place my hand on her back and tried to comfort her then the whole room tears up "when the bullets were flying, I thought that's it I'm going to die right there during a business meeting and I had regrets that I didn't said enough 'I love you's' to my wife and children" as the guy next to me cried, "It's normal that you all feel that way it's part of dealing with the situation you all were in, everyone of you have nightmares about it even when you're awake, you think of it and that's were we come in but it's also help to talk about it with each other because no one understand what you went thru better then the people in this circle" the therapist said, everyone looks at each other, then I look at Danielle, she was still looking down at her hands, the therapist was right no one understood it better then Danielle, she had felt my fear too just as much as I felt hers, shacking in my arms, I felt her tears falling on my skin as we trying to survive, that night we were as one, body to body, fear by fear and no one can take that away from us not even her sorry ass boyfriend.

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