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It's been three days after the shooting and I'm staying at Wyatt's place because I still haven't talked to Keith yet, he did called yesterday but I didn't felt like talking to him, not after what he had done. I had enough of him, he made me both happy and miserable, I just want to be loved by someone 100% not 30% or only when he wants to. Wyatt is already super pissed off on Keith, he doesn't want him to contact me ever again. After all the chaos and news interviews requests I was so done with the whole shooting aftermath even in hiding the news crew would finds ways to find me, lucky for me I have two best friends here to look out for me, they protect me if I was their grown up child. Wyatt kept on asking who the mystery guy was and each time my answer was the same, I don't know if I ever going to see him again but then out of nowhere his picture was on the news, as Wyatt and I were on the couch only Wyatt was watching I was distracted by game on my phone. Suddenly he asked me "Wait, how did your mystery guy look like again?" I'm still distracted "Blond, green eyes, little rough beard" "you mean like that? is that him? Wyatt points to the TV, I look and quickly sit straight as I saw my savior "THAT'S HIM!" I yell out "Girl he's a hottie and he's a famous hockeyplayer for the Boston Bruins, well done" I rolled my eyes "what do they say his name was?" I asked "sorry I was distracted by his picture". The only thing we found out was that he had a game in a couple hours, "We are so watching the game" Wyatt spit out "What? no, why?" he turn to face me "Listen this is the guy who saved you and you don't even wanna watch him play? I mean see him in his hockey uniform?". To be honest I did wanna see him in his uniform but I also know that if I do then I would be dreaming of him all night so just to be safe I said 'no' "Well don't mind me if I do then, just to see him your hero, your savior, your... I cut him off "yeah yeah I get it" rolling my eyes twice "Fine I'll watch it with you only so you don't feel lonely" I said, Wyatt clap his hands and bounce up and down on the couch "Yeahhh" well there goes my plans for tonight, my reading date with my book, instead I'm having a date watching my hero play hockey on TV.


Today is the day of the game, coach called me in early to discuss if I'm fit for the game, my body feel fit but my mind is a mess to be honest I haven't slept well since the shooting, I kept on getting the memory of hearing the first gunshot and then the nightmare that I'm being shot, If I wanna play tonight I better keep this to myself. I enter the coach's office "Sean ah there you are, please take a seat" the coach points at the chair near his desk "I know the event of last Sunday was terrifying and we are here for you if you need any help, what I'm trying to say is are you mentally and physically fit to play tonight?" "Coach you know I am, it was just a horrible Sunday night I wasn't hurt" "how about traumatized?" the coach and I looked at each other for a few seconds without saying anything then he said "look why don't we skate a few rounds and let the medical staff check you" since I didn't want to miss the game I just agree on it.

On the ice I'm skating my ass off trying to get that spot on the tonight's roster, moving left to right, side to side, skating backwards picking up spead. As I'm doing all my tricks on the ice I could see the medical team having a discussion with the coach, the coach calls me and I skate to him, "you're in tonight's lineup" "YES!" I'm so excited "but if you think there's any doubt that you're not fit to skate let me know okay" Coach said "I wouldn't let you down coach" "now go take a shower and take some rest I need you 100% fit up for tonight" And with that I carry myself to the lockerroom.

It's game time and all the boys are pumped for the game against the Anaheim Ducks, Marchad is bumping into everyone as he usually does before every game but as he reached me he just gave me a fist bump, it took me by surprised so I turned to Jake Debrusk "Just go with it" he said before we all skate on the ice for a warm up.


"OH MY GOD IT'S ON, THEY ARE ON THE ICE DANI!" Wyatt yells from the livingroom, "I'M COMING!" as I yelled back I took one last sigh and closed the laptop, So my savior jersey nr is 52 I just want to see how good of a player he is, I walked into the livingroom and sit next to Wyatt, "Now we only have to look for your mystery man" he said while stiffing his mouth full of popcorn, 'do I dare tell him my savior's jersey nr?' I thought, oh what the heck he's always been there for me and even made me stay with him until I figure out what I'm going to do or where I would be living because I'm not moving back with Keith. "He's wearing nr 52" I whisper, Wyatt head turned so quickly even I could hear his neck crack "I'm sorry, what?" "his jersey nr is 52" I said a little louder "I knew it, you sneaky little girl, you googled him didn't you?" he's grinning at me "so what if I did, you would have done the same thing" "true, I would have also stalked him online and in public" he joked "HAH! now see that's make us different thank God, while you will be all up in someone face I will be just sitting in the corner waiting to be noticed" "and that's one reason why you stayed with Keith all these years because you're afraid of exploring new fish." "How about we keep Keith out of this conversation and focus on the game." I didnt want to hear his name at the moment "Well you know your mystery man is a way better match for you then that low life piece of crap..." I cut him off "Oh look the national anthem" I pointed at the TV, Wyatt stands up and start singing loudly with the singer, I giggle while sipping my tea.


As I stand on the blue line ready for the puck drop, I suddenly regret on saying I'm fit to play, It's not so much the game that's bothering me but more the crowd and the noises they are making 'suck it up Kuraly, you're on the ice now and it's too late to turn back' I thought to myself, I have won a couple faceoff during the game but that's about it, lucky Tuukka our goalie done most of the work stopping rebounces and the pucks from going into the nett. Suddenly as I try to stop the puck from entering our zone Getzlaf took a long shot and the puck made a loud bang on the board which took me back to that night, I quickly went down and place my head between both my arms, everything went fuzzy from that moment, the only thing I could see was yellow and black colors storming my way and just like that the memory was back of me and her hiding from the shooter, hearing the shots in the distance and people were screaming.


'Looks like Kuraly is down on the ice, I have no idea what he's doing but it seems to me that he's having a sort of panic attack and we all know what happened last Sunday so no need to explain it to the viewers, the medical staff and coach are on their way to the ice, his teammates are blocking the view to Kuraly so we can't really see what's going on but let me tell you folks Kuraly doesn't look good' one of the broadcasters said on TV. Wyatt and I just sat on the couch speechless not saying anything, and with that I was having a panic attack myself not just because I went thru the same thing but because I knew what he was feeling and I was worried for his well-being, he was so calm during the shooting that I forgot that he might had suffered too from emotional breakdown of that night. I suddenly broke the silence "WHY IS HE EVEN ON THE ICE, WHY IS HE EVEN PLAYING?!?!" I cried out "I don't know Dani" Wyatt reply with a hand on my shoulder "HE SHOULDN'T BE ON THE ICE, NOT IN PUBLIC LIKE THAT!!" I cried even louder "HE WAS SO BRAVE THAT NIGHT WYATT!" he leans closer and hugged me "I know sweetie" "AND NOW LOOK AT HIM, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" still crying "don't say that" "BUT IT'S THE TRUTH, HE WASN'T AFRAID BECAUSE HE WANTED ME TO SEE THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT AND THAT WE WOULD GET OUT ALIVE!" "hey listen, you both are alive that's all that matters" and with that Wyatt hugged me so tightly that I couldn't see that my hero is carried off the ice.

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