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The Boy Who Was Stained With Blood

The sensation of another sting in his hand didn't bother him. He had already counted five splinters. Yet, he still held the stick. It dragged along behind him, getting caught in cracks in the concrete and effortlessly pushing pebbles aside. Wood against concrete and scuffs from his worn out converse was all that broke the silence between each car that passed. 

He sniffled and turned to the fence on his right. The sun barely dipped its intensely bright toe into the grassy landscape before it. The temperature was dropping, but not by an extravagant amount. His black jacket did nothing against the hot day presented to him. But it was all he felt secure in. Ever since his other sense of security had long left. 

He grimaced and trudged forward. The stick made its way from the ground to the side of the fence, hitting every chain as he walked, bringing the stick with him. The rattling eased his now cloudy mind. He just needed something to get him out of that head space. 

Time passed as it did. He didn't bother checking his phone that was in his pocket. The sun was now more than halfway below the surface, the air significantly cooler now.  Though, if he didn't head home now, he wasn't sure what would come of him the next day if he did show his face. And it's not like he could exactly run away. Money was tight, and he wasn't for stealing, even during desperate times. 

He had to remind himself who he was at times like those. Often, he whispered, "I'm Taehyung. I'm strong. I can be free. Just a little longer." It was simple but it managed to get him through those moments where he felt it was all worthless. 

Something caught his eye in the distance. Between the towering buildings and blaring green wildlife, stood the run down train tracks. Trailer cars placed haphazardly around the unused tracks. The mahogany rust contrasting considerably with the colorful plants surrounding it. 

Taehyung kept walking. 

. . .

"You know that's blue, right?" 

Taehyung stopped and pulled the can away from the wall. He brought it closer to him and read the label. All that passed from his lips was an "oh". 

The boy next to him laughed from his spot on the floor. His hand floated over the spray cans beside him before plucking the one he was looking for. "Here." He tossed the black can to Taehyung, "Just cover it up." The younger boy caught it effortlessly and thanked him. He shook the can to activate the marble that was rattling inside the aluminum. What a comforting sound. 

The boy on the ground watched as Taehyung carefully covered whatever blue he accidentally put down with the black spray paint. He always loved watching him paint. How his eyes would stay laser-focused on one part of whatever junk he was trying to create. But it wasn't junk. It was art, however confusing it might be. It could be cluttered beyond recognition, or thoughtfully spaced out. That was the amazing thing about spray art. It wasn't graffiti, it was someone who knew what they were thinking and wanted to express those thoughts in vibrant colors and jagged lines. 

Sure, it was illegal, but that's the fun part. 


Taehyung's voice snapped his attention back to the younger boy, noticing the older one was zoning off. Taehyung laughed. "I'm done." 

The older boy switched his lollipop to the other side of his mouth and stood, still supporting his back against the wall. He was taller than Taehyung by a couple of inches, his long legs only accommodating his height more. 

Taehyung shifted out of the way to let his hyung survey the wall. A small smile from him was all Taehyung needed to feel like he accomplished his idea. Then his smile fell. He lifted his arm and pointed to a spot on the wall. "You forgot to color this part in." Taehyung rose a brow and followed where he was pointed. He gasped and ran over to the collection of cans. He snatched a color and stepped over to the blank spot. 

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