Young Forever || Epilogue

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The only thing that cut through the silence were the sound of the curtains violently fluttering as Jin threw them open. A sharp inhale filled his lungs as soon as the bright flash of light hit him. The heat and crackle of the fire disappear behind him. All that's left is the blinding light.

He's back in his bed. Routinely, he checks his phone. Same day. The same day that everything went wrong. He looked down at his clothes. The blood, ash, and shards of glass were all gone. They always were. It was a reset anyways.

Jin didn't feel exhausted, but he knew his mind was. Everything felt robotic. But, he had a schedule to finish, so he wasted no time in getting up and slipping on his shoes. He pocketed his keys and grabbed the polaroid. Using the marker on his drawer, he added another line on the backside of the polaroid. This was his 385th attempt. He would do a thousand more if it meant that he could save everyone.

He added the polaroid to the keys in his pockets and set off.

. . .

The wind poured in through the open windows. It suffocated Jin, but he liked the freeing feeling it gave him. His truck's radio quietly played a soft tune. He looked around the area to make sure he was going in the right direction. He didn't want to use a GPS or a map. He knew where everything was. Driving around for all of those repeated days had Jin knowing the entirety of Seoul like the back of his hand.

This timeline was different, he realized. He had to go to a new place. It lasted longer than the others, but he still had his duties to fulfill. He always did. The curse of turning back time made sure that he was always on his toes and caused him to develop a sixth sense for these types of things.

"Jin hyung, how much longer?"

Namjoon's tired voice tore him away from his thoughts as he looked at his younger friend. He was rubbing his eyes, no doubt waking up from his small nap. The sudden voice caused the three to wake up in the back. Yoongi complained about the noise, therefore jostling Jungkook awake. The youngest stretched and smacked Taehyung in the process. He cried out and lazily hit Jungkook in the arm. He was just as groggy as the rest.

The small window in the back opened up, air wooshing and carrying Hoseok's voice as he spoke, "Are we almost there, hyung?" he asked, mirroring Namjoon's earlier question. Jimin peering in silently from the bed of the truck, blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders.

Jin waved both of their questions off, "You'll see."

All five of them complained, Yoongi being the only one taking advantage of the time to return to his nap. Now awake, the rest began a small conversation, careful to not disturb their hyung. Hoseok had closed the window only partially in case Jin or the others needed to tell them anything.

It wasn't until they broke through the lines of buildings and trees did everyone see what their destination had been all along. Jimin and Hoseok in the back began to holler and hit the roof of the truck. Yoongi woke up with another complaint but noticed where they were driving to. A smile overtook his features and he rolled down his window with Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon let out a loud laugh, eyes shining happily at the sight before him, his long legs kicking under the dash out of pure joy. Taehyung and Jungkook cheered loudly, adding to the noise produced by the two in the back.

Jin smiled to himself as he tore down the sands of the beach and towards the whispy waters of the ocean.

This is how it was different. This time, he did save everyone.

Once parked, Jimin and Hoseok jumped out of the back with reckless abandon. Taehyung sprang open the door and joined them. The rest followed, Yoongi even running after them. Jin opened his door and used the floor of the truck to help him stand as he held onto the door. The six of them ran towards the ocean, Jimin holding the blanket out above him as it fluttered wildly behind while he ran. Various cheers came from them as they dove into the ocean fully clothed.

"Yah, hyung! Are you coming or what?

Jin smiled warmly. He took the polaroid off of the string hung by the rearview mirror and shoved it into his pocket.

The winds battered against him, threading through his hair as he sprinted towards the ocean. He abruptly stopped at the edge. The water tickled his shoes, some of it already seeping through the fabric and wetting his socks. He looked at the vast ocean. Only a small part was disturbed by the six other boys trashing around in the waters.

Jin took out the polaroid again. The dashes were still on the back of the photo. A sigh escaped his parted lips, mixing in with the salty air provided by the ocean. Without a second glance, he threw the polaroid into the water.

At that moment, relief washed over him and the weight of the world on his shoulders seemed to lessen. Jin smiled for the first time in a long time. A true, genuine smile. He watched the photo sink as the waves pushed it down further and further until he couldn't see it anymore.

Everyone was safe. He could take new photos now that it was all okay again. He could retain new memories.

With that thought in mind, Jin shouldered off his jacket and tossed it into the sand. He kicked off his shoes and dove into the water, laughing as the six boys cheered. They hugged and splashed water at him. Bubbly laughter surrounded the group as they blinked the water out of their eyes. Their hearts were light and happy.

A butterfly watched them as it perched on the hood of the truck. It watched them mingle and laugh together in the salty ocean. And just like the photo, it too disappeared. It was time for new things to come. Better things.

Everything was okay once again.

. . .

"I wish to go back to that Summer's sea."

"Your wish is granted."

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