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The Boy Who Was Left Behind

"Flight 187 to Seoul, South Korea now boarding."

Jin perked up at the announcement of his flight. He clicked the bag's handle and pulled it up to his full height. The phone that had been playing a movie was quickly pocketed once he fell in line with the other passengers boarding. The closer he got to the gates, the more his anxiety ate up the lining of his insides. He was positive the orange juice he had downed earlier would make an appearance again.

He swallowed down the choking thought.

It had been almost two years since Jin left Korea. He had taken a trip that would give him various opportunities in regards to his career choices. Free schooling into the career of his choice. In his case, it was acting. They even offered to pay for any one hobby if it required school. So, culinary it was. The only downside was that he had to leave his friends and country for a long period of time. Not to mention the amount of studying it would take to be able to at least communicate in a foreign country. English wasn't as easy as it seemed, he had learned.

It didn't help his evergrowing nervousness at the time that he had missed his flight the day he was supposed to leave. He had to wait another day and received a very angry and slightly vulgar word from the person who gave him the opportunity in the first place. Soon after, he was quick to apologize when he got word that the flight Jin was supposed to board had crashed into the ocean almost an hour into its flight.

Whether it was a stroke of luck that had graced him that day or just pure coincidence, it still shook Jin down to the core. The entire ride on his new plane had him jumping at every groan of the engine or slight turbulence from the winds. But as soon as he had landed safely in Los Angeles, all thoughts of the previous plane had vanished. It was time to start his new life.

As fun and indearing as it had been, it was lonely.

Jin had no contact with the six friends he left behind. Albeit, some were a little upset about the sudden departure, namely Jungkook. He had only given them a week's notice after all. Still, it bothered him that none of them had bothered to try to reach out to him. Overseas was difficult, but he had other means of contact that didn't require a phone lime. Jin wasn't the one to talk, though. By pure mistake, he had accidentally dropped his phone in a pond that he was taking a photo off. Luckily all of his photos had been backed up and recovered, but he never thought to save his contacts. And so, he lost them when he got a new phone.

By that time, he had grown accustomed to the quiet that never seemed to be around when he was with those six. That didn't mean he had forgotten about them. He missed them dearly and only wished that they were safe and happy. And he prayed to whatever god existed almost a million times that poor Namjoon didn't burn down any place that they happened to be staying during that time.

With his degree in hand and two more successful notches under his belt, Jin was on his way back to Korea. The week before when he had bought his flight back home was pure restlessness and buzzing excitement. The first thing he would do was find his friends, offer a paid meal and gush about the golden streets of America.

It was a perfect thought and it kept him going throughout that week.

So when it was finally his turn to give his ticket to the check-in lady, he didn't bother to hide his enthusiasm. His trembling fingers practically gave it away. She gave the male a strange look and seemed to pass it off as plane anxiety. She had seen it a thousand times before.

The flight was almost 16 hours. He made sure to adjust his sleep schedule during the week so that he was prepared for the time change. While people were walking down to get breakfast in the hotel lobby, Jin was just leaving from his dinner and heading up to bed. Always, he had his time set to Korea's - which often confused him if he wasn't paying attention.

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