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I was tricked, deceived. Shackles chained tightly to my wrists bounding me to the stone floor. Rags ripped from my thin body, discarded in the dark basement. Void of any light I sat on the harsh ground my words came jumbled and raspy "w-w-what did I do? Why are you doing this?!" I struggled with the syllables that flowed unpolished and graceless from my quivering lips. A woman clothed in a ominous cloak stepped from the clotted group of whispering people "dear, your but a sacrifice" my mouth grew dry as cries struggled to burst from my sore throat. "What?" Barely a whisper, weak and quiet. Disbelieving. She drew closer as my vision grew clouded with bleary tears her form kneeling Infront of me "get the candles, lay them out our Lord Molag Bal grows impatient" eyes blurred and shaking grew wide. "No,no,no! Please! I-I" a harsh smack whipped my head to the left making my knotted locks follow soon wrapping tightly around my neck, a noose of sorts. How I pleaded for a noose, to coil it with rope and drape it around my neck. A hanging would be grateful comparing to the horrors I would endure. My body began to tremble as candles were set out around my crumpled form, the fires cold as ice and blue as the deep ocean flickered in the night. I clenched my fists tightly eyeing the symbol of Molag Bal etched with care into the stone ground. Then they gathered, hands raised above their head. The dreadful cult leader cast aside her clothing her pale skin glowing in the blue candle light. I pulled and screeched into the Oblivion as the foundation began to crumble with each chant they spoke. A voice raised above the growing incantations, deeper and full with authority. "STUPID MORTALS!" a shiver like the fingertips of skeletons slid down my uncovered spine. "A sacrifice my dread Lord, the God of Schemes, Lord of Lies, the tormen-" a thundering crash of a demonic voice echoed off the bland stones deafening anyone in the room. "She's weak, your stronger. But don't kill her so quick!" A light, violet in color hovered in the middle of the small room looming ominously speaking in a series of deep frequencies. The leader, with a smile turned towards me, the quivering Altmer. "What does The God of Schemes ask for?" Her voice dropping laced with venom as her cold amber eyes bore into mine. "You know exactly what is needed of you mortal!" The booming voice of Molag Bal reverberated like a ripple of a rock being thrown into a calm lake. Slightly, the woman twitched her eyes closing shut before opening them to a blood lust. Those pupils, so small. Drenched in a crazed frenzy as she pulled my gaunt form from the ground. "HURRY IMBECILES! UNCHAIN HER NOW!" her voice was almost as commanding as the Daedric Lord himself. Males, they came and unshackled my wrists quiet as the brewing storm. "Please! Just let me go!" My voice quivered and sputtered out when one of the tall cloaked males shoved me forward. With such ferocity and strength behind the push I hurled myself into the stone wall. A crush and a sharp pain pierced aching ears. Tears, long dry caked on my cheeks as I twisted my sore body around. "Please don't do this!" I threw my hand out when, with extra lightening a twisted Dunmer stepped forward from the group of hungry males. His smile deformed and dripping with malice, those eyes clouded with lust. I felt my eyes burn commanding tears to flow but none came. A painful itch crawled up my throat as I begun to scream, a plead to be put down. "Wait" the female proclaimed stepping forward in more clothing than before. Her alluring Imperial features glowing in the light. "You know what you must do, before the fun of course" she sneered at me from the corners of her eyes. I slumped into the corner my back imbedded into the jagged razors as I shook my head violently side to side. A vile, thick with slime was produced into the males hand after being worshipped by the ungodly Priestess. Once again, the Dunmer began his walk towards the trembling form. "Our Lord my you condemn this insignificant woman to endless torture, let her thirst turn her into Ash, let her memories ask for death, but she will never receive" her voice so haunting pierced my ears sending my body into panic as I attempted to escape the hold of the male elf. It was no use, with very little food I was malnourished. Weak. His hold brought bruises to my upper forearms as he threw me to the cold ground making my head ping harshly against the rock. Everything spun as he straddled my lower stomach, uncorking the vile. With a sinister grin he leaned down the vile hovering over my parted, gasping lips. "Drink!" His voice was harsh, void of emotions.
"NO!" I shrieked thrashing my platinum locks like a tornado. A angered grunt came from the male before hands groped my arms and held them down tightly. Another pair of hands more feminine, soft and clawed gripped my head holding it in place. "Now, now. Dear, we have to obey our Lord Molag Bal. So how about you fucking calm down" her voice chilled me to the core. I could feel my heart leaping up into my esophagus as the vile drew closer to my mouth. Their hands dug into my thin flesh, prodding the gold skin there as the vile emptied it's contents into my maul. Vile, disgusting, putrid. It was irony, like blood but the consistency of tar. My gag reflex begun to kick in, rejecting the morbid fluid. The deep blue hand of the Dunmer clasped itself against my lips as the bile attempted to inch out. All at once the hands let go, leaving my skin burning. He wrapped his hand around my throat rubbing it, silently begging that I swallowed the awful bile. "SWALLOW YOU STUPID VERMIN!" the voice of Molag Bal growled animalisticaly sending everyone over the edge. A voice, not of Nirn commanded me to take in the unpleasant liquid with little say. They moved from me like mindless drones as I spurted on the fluid, wanting to cough it up but not able to. Child. I could hardly hear it over my hammering heart. Sweet child. I peered up with half lidded eyes as I held my throat, they were all looking at me but not one mouth moved. All will be shown in due time, you must endure. I sprawled out on the cold flooring as my breathing became labored and rough. Everything was burning, engulfed in invisible flames. My throat collapsed on itself as I desperately scratched at it. So thirsty. I thrashed hopelessly on the floor as the flames became replaced with icy chills. Death was present, pulling his veil over my body. Now I shook, every limb bounced uncontrollably as my scream traveled and bounced off Evey rock, it was shrill as a child at the feeling of muscle being torn from my bones. Shhh, you will have no more pain dear child. Get up and fight. Clarity. I could only imagine the feeling of a mother wrapping her small babe in her arms and rocking her with extreme care while the baby babbled. A smile, small but full with joy crossed my lips. "Why does she smile!? What's going on!?" The Dunmer rushed over burying his lanky hand deep into my golden locks as he yanked me from the ground. I could hear it, thumping in my ear drums. His heart hammered with terror, he fears he did something wrong. I was cold, to the touch even his touch warmed my skin "she's turned, but-" he stared on confusion evident in his red orbs "this isn't right" he whispered pulling my face towards him. An itch, so overpowering drew my eyes to stare so intense at the veins pumping the deep red liquid in his throat. "Lilith? I-" he twisted his head around to peer at the leader giving me a chance, a chance to lunge. I ripped into his throat, tore like an animal that had been starved in a cage. His yell, full with horror fell from his open maul while my teeth dug deep in his flesh.

Walk, child. This is no place for you. Go towards the road, Cicero will help you. My legs shook, they felt boneless. Blood, the pleasureable scent intoxicated me, drove me, drenched me. The damn Imperial bitch ran as her Covent collapsed lifeless against the floor. Molag's scream still pings around my skull. HOW!? THIS WAS MY SACRIFICE! I WILL FIND YOUR CHAMPION! EVEN IF I HAVE TO DEFILE HER MYSELF!" My body shivered at the tone and my feet clumsily stumbled faster as the blood seeped from my abdomen. I inhaled deeply, flowers. However, the light-headedness plagued my mind as I continually checked my wound with worry. That damn stuck pig stabbed me good before she made her escape.
Further child. I grinded my pointed teeth grunting as I pushed my beaten bloody body to press further. I could smell it, the musky smell of rain and flowers, I could feel it. The heat of the beaming sun, the waft of moist air. I shuffled faster my feet busted with shards of small rocks embedded in the open flesh. Further, I was now leaning on the wall gasping for air as the sticky fluid ran down my thigh slowly trickling to the floor leaving foot prints. Hurry. The voice whispered again, a womanly hiss of urgency. I pushed myself off the stone wall and bursted into a sprint, light shined from a crack in the wall. I was so close, even the pain in my feet couldn't keep me from bursting I into a hurried run.

I heard it babbling of a crazed man, he was just out of the mouth of the cave. Tears resurfaced as the voice hummed in joy sweet child, follow this mad man. He will not harm you. Let him help. Salty liquid poured from my eyes tinting a morbid pink as they ran silently down my sunken cheeks. The pitter patter echoed outside the cave and the sun greeted me with open arms as I rushed towards the beam of light. I was free.

~I came into this world kicking and screaming while covered in someone else's blood and I have no problem with going out the same way~

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