Dear Mother

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Drifting. Falling away, awaking in the deep abyss. Child. Loud, full of vicious authority a male's voice thundered. Fear, it did not creep into my bones. It didn't flow through my veins, no it hibernated in the dead winter of my heart. Listen. It's tone changed, softened. I squinted my eyes and attempted to peer through the veil of inky darkness. I am but the abyss, always watching, protecting. Do not fret, when death closes in know I will be there. I swung my head around looking for the wondering deep voice. Then, red orbs the same as the burning embers of a dying fire manifested in the blackness. They memorized me, in thralled me, drew me in. This child doesn't remember, but a person will not know of another's past unless told. The voice sent quivers of uncertainty down my spine as I shook under the profound emotion of sadness. Sad that the voice will disappear, disappointed that it will vanish into the deep dark without a goodbye. Don't fret over what you can't see, stay in the shadows and I will never leave you. I wanted to grasp my arms around the void that spoke with a pacifying tone, one so similar to the love of a father. Like a caress consciousness began to pull me back, draw me into reality. Listen. I parted with the hoarse command of the Void waking to a oddly warm sensation over my body. Coiled, like a snake protecting her young was Cicero attached to my side in an loving embrace.

A week had gone by since....the incident. Not once, did I lap at the deep scarlet blood ever again. This wasn't me, and I didn't want to accept it. The thirst, it ravaged my body turned it frail and weak. Sunken and pale unlike to my golden tone with black veins that bulged across my features. "Gwyneth? Cicero knows not where we're going? Does the pretty elf know?" Two blinks brought me back from my daydream as I took in the bumpy ride atop of the carriage. Peering around only trees and high foliage surrounded us but a melody soft, alluring as it danced between the waving pines. "Stop" I placed my thin hand on his knee gesturing to the air. Cicero stiffened, then shuffled his legs uncomfortably as he turned in his wooden seat trying to strain his ears for the music. "Pretty Gwyneth, Cicero hears nothing but the annoying little bird that go-" his tone begun to change into his well known cackling of madness before I raised my hand to his mouth, successfully quieting him.
"It's a celebration" I whispered more to myself as I climbed carefully off the front of the raggedy carriage. "But pretty elf, Cicero hears nothing" he ponders the surroundings before jumping off as well granted more exaggerated then myself with a small flip and a twirl. "Oooh! I understand now!" He jumped around from foot to foot excitedly as he clapped his hands in a mad frenzy. "What Cicero?" I peered at him from the corner of my piercing orbs as I searched the Forest. "Pretty, pretty elf and her Vampire ears! A fine Listener she would make if only the Night Mother would pick a Listener" he mumbled the last part but no matter I heard enough to set my ears alight. Slowly, my head swiveled to the mad Jester making his giggling cease. A cold stare, one to match my glowing embers that flickered with loathing bore into his soul. "Don't" simple, bitter it rolled off my tongue harsher than an insult but nicer than a death sentence. Cicero, wide eyes stared at me mouth parted in disbelief "oh, of course Cicero is sorry if he angered pre-" I squinted my eyes into a lingering stare making his words crawl back down his maul and hide in the caverns of his esophagus. I didn't wait for his long face, or his lip to jut out like that of a pouty child no I walked cautiously forward. The music was loud even if Cicero proclaimed there was none, a melody of happiness, marriage perhaps? I crept closer, crouching down to the sound of weeping. "Crying? Cicero hears a child" his voice substantially lower this time as he kneeled next to me. I nodded, agreeing with his conclusion as I begin to pinpoint the sound. A female, small no older than ten was laying by a tree with frail hands placed on a dirty face. "Look" I whispered pointing in the direction of the looming tree were the child sat under. "Ah, a sad child. Cicero will cheer her up just fine!" He started to rise from his kneeling position to skip to the tree. I lunged at his hand, pulling him to the ground next to me before he could announce himself. "Cicero! She's a child, and it would be very suspicious if a male in the middle of a forest wearing a Motely!" I softly yelled into his ear as I pulled him closer to shield him from wondering eyes. "Oh, elf makes sense! Stupid Cicero, why doesn't the elf talk to her" he proclaims as he snatched the Jester hat that laid on the leaf covered ground. Unsettling discomfort crept into me, unknown to what was to come I stood up. Leisurely, I walked to her, her sniffles and cries more than apparent now. "Girl?" I spoke with authority as I gazed at her. Clothes, in utter disarray mangled and dirty. Skin, tanned and scared. Ears, torn to small stubs. But her eyes. Shaking with fear although full with hope. It seemed her lips were locked for moments before she bursted from the ground and latched tightly to my hips. "Finally! I was hoping someone would find me!" She was warm, so sweet smelling despite the amount of grime layered on her skin. She clenched tighter when I patted her back "are you lost?" It was forced from a distracted mind as I could only hear the beating of a young heart. Loud, pounding the sound of a prisoner banging on the steel bars of the dark dungeon. Rushing blood, flowing without strain in tiny veins. My hands clenched in her clothes as cracking of twigs sounded behind me. "Gwyneth?" It was Cicero, trying to pull me back to reality but I was so starved, thirsty. I moved my hands from her upper forearms to her slender shoulders where I tightly grasped them digging my sharp nails into the flesh. "Ow! That hurts!" She begun to struggle as my grip tightened. Then, I lifted her from the ground her legs flailing about like strangled pigs. Feet into the air my glossed over eyes bore into hers before I devoured her neck, stripped the skin with sharp teeth. A blood curdling scream, crunching of veins, sickening plops of flesh being discarded to the blood painted grass. Her bones crushed from the demonic strength of a starved Vampire as I coiled my arms around her as my face drenched in innocent blood dug deep into her flenching throat. Like a whisper Cicero's yell coursed through the air, muffled and sane laced with terror. I gripped her hair, yanked her head sideways the crunching of eager hunger draining my humanity. Deranged screeches of help pierced the forest making the animals flee, burst from the hiding places. Chaos, frenzy, insanity as animals prey and predator alike ran. Even deeper did I devour, ripped chunks of stained flesh to have liquid flow like a river into my desirous mouth. Child. Too quiet to hear over the screams. Sweet child. Loud enough to hear with the dying cries of food but not enough to bother. Listen. Chills brought bumps to cover my icy blood stained skin. She's dead. They spoke, feminine and masculine mixed together in unity. I haulted, finally feeling her lax muscles in my tightened arms. "Gwen?" Cicero's hoarse voice echoed through the irony air but left ignored.
I pulled her back, her face frozen in terror, skin paler than newly fallen snow. Throat, torn and veins ripped laid flayed open contaminated in deep red liquid. I dropped her, letting her motionless body flop onto the soiled grass. Her bones, sticking out from their skin prison broken and snapped in half from the shear power of my feral hunger. A gag begun to shake my body as I bent over at my waist, tears falling mindlessly down my stained cheeks. "FUCK YOU! CURSE YOU TO OBLIVION!" rage filled profanities filled the erie silence as I screamed with sorrow at Molag. My creater, the son of a bitch that turned me. Another gag racked my body as my sticky hands clenched the soil of the ground. "Dear Gwyneth?" A hand warm and shaky was placed on my upper back rubbing in circular motions. I turned my horrified head, even with blurry vision could see the horror on the Jester's face.
"Allyona?! Dear! Where are you!" Our hearts clenched in union at the unexpected voice reverberating against the trees.

A scream, laced with horror pierced my heart as we left. Making my face cringe and twist leaving a sour frown behind.
A mother lost a child today, and it was all my fault.

~I did this to myself.
It's my fault.
Everything is my fault.~

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