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— cody's pov —

I digged Hard Rock Cafe, they had great music and the waiters were friendly. As soon as Lucy left, me and guys started to talk.

"So Cody are you going to give your family a tour of stadium and your locker when they come by?" Kiké questioned opening his straw

"Yeah I plan to show them the ins and outs" I say as I drink the water that was in front of  me

"I heard today's game has over 50,000 people coming" Chris informed as widened his eyes

"What? That's crazy, what it's maximum capacity?" I'm always blown away from how many fans take time of their life to watch us play.

"Get a load of this...56,000" Chris leans back

"Crazy indeed" Will added

"Well I honestly can't wait to crush the Giants" Alex says. One day after practice the guys were playing Giants for a series of 3 consecutive games.

In game one, the Dodgers lost by one run at the bottom of the ninth. In game two, the team seemed to be winning with the score of four runs at the beginning of the four innings, but it took a turn after that inning, leaving the game to be beaten by the Giants. You know sometimes, I would want to get in uniform and bat, trying to go for a base hit or a double, anything really that could help.

Game three was the worst. The team had so many errors. Turner got ejected out of the game. It sucked because we were playing at home. I could hear the crowd screaming "LET'S GO DODGERS, LET'S GO" at the top of their lungs. At the end of the game you win or loose, but the team didn't let it get to them. They practiced harder than they would normally do every time they lost because of something they knew they did wrong. The cool thing about it was they didn't set themselves to extreme.

"I just gotta say...I've got a good feeling about this one." Alex smirks and looks at me

About fifteen minutes later Lucy comes with our food in a big circular tray with a tray jack stand. She passes out our order and manages to give it to the right person. "I'll be right back" she says as she folds the tray jack stand. A few seconds she comes back and finishes out passing the order for Corey's and Kike's.

                 — sofia's pov —

About twenty minutes later mom and dad decided we hit the road again. While my dad started the car I grab my phone that was at the side of my thigh. I didn't want to intrude on what Cody was doing but bugging was my job as being a sister and plus he calls me all the time instead of calling mom or dad. I unlock my phone and dial Cody.

             — cody's pov —

As soon as I finished my food and wipe my lips with my napkin, my phone started ringing. I grab it from my pocket and excuse myself from the guys and answer


"Hey I just wanted to ask if your were done with your celebration?"

"Yeah...the guys and I are just finishing" I said as I get a glimpse of the guys finishing up their plates

"Cool. So, how was the food?"

"All you gotta know is where coming back here with mom and dad"

"I'm guessing the food is the bomb dot com"

"Hell yes" I said as I heard Sofia chuckle.

One thing about about Sofia and I had in common was our love for food. When we were living in Arizona, me and Sofia would always pass food shops and eat all the goodies.

I remember one time we went time to the mall to buy a dress for Sofia, the occasion was a wedding for an aunt. Well anyways, we brought the dress and we passed by this place called "Milano Gelato & Crepe Cafe". Sofia and I loved coffee so they had us there. We went inside and took a look at the menu.

"Hey Cody look at this. Doesn't this crepe look tasty?"       

"Very, do you want us to get it?" I had the money, so why not  

"I mean it IS food Cods"  Sofia exaggerated

"Your right,were getting that as soon as possible" I said as we enter the store                                             

Convo with Cashier

"Hey guys what can I get you?"  The cashier asked with a happy voice  

"Yeah, I'll take a small macchiato and she'll take a small mocha" I explained our orders

"Aw that's cute, he's a keeper" The cashier whispers leaning over to Sofia, but I heard what she said

"What?! No way!" Sofia answered immediately. I'm not even sure how that lady thought we were together. We look at each other and look back at the cashier and say "We're siblings" I say making sure she knows it.

"OH MY GOSH, I'm so sorry. I didn't -" The cashier said feeling embarrassed.

"Hey..it's okay. I've said stuff that I regret saying. You miss interpreted, it happens" Sofia says as she tries to make her feel less embarrassed

"I'm sorry I-" The cashier continued to apologized

"It's okay really, I'm sure people think about a "us" before they actually meet us" Sofia added as she looked over to me

"I- Thank you, well anyways anything else?" The cashier relaxes her shoulders and carried on

"Yeah can we get two Nutella crepes" Sofia answers giving out our complete order

"Would that be all?" The cashier asked as she arose her face to Sofia

"Yeah, that'd be it" Sofia replies and I get my wallet from my back pocket

"That'd be $16.25" I open my wallet and hand a her a twenty. She gives me my change back and our receipt, and then again apologizes

Me and Sofia waited in the counter and in about five minutes the blissful food were ready. We get our expressos and crepes and sit outside of the shop.

"Wow this is crazy good" Sofia said as she tried here crepe. "Oh my god, buying this crepe is probably the best decision I've ever made" I chuckle as I take my first bite.

                                   • • •

"You had me at 'coming back'" Sofia says as I know if she's smiling through the phone

"Anyways I think the guys and I are heading down to the stadium in a short while"

"Perfect timing. We just left the gas station"

"Impeccable timing" I giggle because the timing was way right

"Alright see you there"

"See you there"

I hang up the call to find Alex patting my back

"Ya ready to go?" Alex asked

"Totally, lets go"

The team and I get into the cars we drove to get here and got on the five freeway.


A U T H O R' S N O T E

hey! chapter six is here yay! 😆hope you all enjoyed it. Anyways, food is life. Go get food!
-a ❤︎

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