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— sofia's pov —

Mom and dad looked so happy. Hell the whole family was happy. As we headed to the locker rooms, Cody showed me where I would need to buy the best food. He pointed each of them out. We stop at the elevator and wait for our parents who seem to be taking it all in.

"So, this elevator only goes down. I haven't seen that in a stadium" I said to Cody trying to the conversation flowing

"Yeah..and the one on the right goes up" He said as he points to that elevator

Our parents arrived and we got in the elevator. Cody pushed the button and we started heading down

                          — cody's pov —

We got out of the elevator and I face my family, telling them to wait in front of the locker rooms

I go down the stairs to find the team getting for BP. I quickly inform the guys that my family were here and it would mean a lot if they could stop and say hi.

"Dude, I've been waiting for this since they announced your debut" Kike yells as puts on his cap

I grab the guys who I could find and go meet with my family again alongside some of the guys.

I come out to find only mom and dad. Where did Sofia go? "Did she really just leave?" I asked my parents.

"She went to see the field again. Something about how she wanted to sit down and just breath" Mom said answering my question.

While Sofia was a no show, I introduce the team to my parents. It sucked cause I wanted to meet Sofia too, now I would have to get the other the guys another time. My parents seemed to love they guys, they couldn't stop talking about baseball. My parents got to meet Kiké, Max, Alex, Will, Chris, and Joc. What I found weird was Corey wasn't in the locker rooms. He said he wanted to meet my family, but where was he?

"Hey Joc, do you know where Corey is? I asked as I got closer to Joc

"I..I  think he went to get something in his car or something" Job answered

          — corey's pov —

When I parted with Cody I knew I forgot something. My brand new gloves I bought yesterday. The thought of them slipped my mind. I quickly jog to the car and find them in the trunk. I get my gloves and lock the car.

I jog back to locker room, but I decide to stop midway. I climb down the narrow stairs of right deck. This ballpark is well taken care of. I love seeing the empty seats before a game starts, but this time it wasn't empty. I get closer to find a girl seating in the seats looking over the field. I got closer to her and say

"Nice view, huh" I probably startled her. She had no idea who I was. Was she going to answer? I don't know but she seemed to be taking in the view, so I waited for a few seconds for her to reply.

"Breathtaking" She gushes. She turned her head to get a view of me. I sat down next to her, leaving the narrow stairs dividing us.

The girl was stunningly gorgeous, like a painting of a goddess brought to life. She smiled sweetly at me, her eyes sparkling like stars flaunted on the night sky.She had these greenish/hazel eyes that followed her long brown hair. She wore a white shirt with a big word 'la' and 'dodgers' at the bottom. On top of the shirt, she had red and black squared flannel and, a blue denim jacket, she also had ripped shorts. She had two bracelets, one on her wrist that read 'family and another one that said 'love'. Your probably wondering why I analyzed her it's just she really caught my eye

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