Chapter 5

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The air was a mist of darkness, and cool crisp air. The little shops lights were dim, ready to shut down.

Street lamps sat aligned in a straight row, they're orange glow alit the asphalt road. My scuffed converse stumbled over loose rocks that scattered the earth, making a low crunch sound.

The silhouettes of drunken men and women stumbled in a tremendous herd outside the local bar. It became such a normal thing to see this that I became immune to it.

I made multiple quick turns from intoxicated men looking for a hug. The reeks of vodka evident on they're breath, scrunching my nose in distaste.

My gray converse had multiple holes, stretching and growing while I quickly walked away from the bar. My eyes darted from side to side, taking in my surroundings. The moon shone through the little of cracks between the tightly packed buildings.

A shadow moved beneath the little of light that covered the streets, it was quite strangely tall. Quick feet walked closely behind me, my eyes widened; was he following me?

The figure vaguely reminded me of a male.

He possibly was going to the local fast food restaurant that was only 4 feet ahead of me.

That seemed reasonable, very reasonable.

But as soon as I had past the restaurant, he was still trailing me. I could see the shimmer of light that reflected from a piece of metal found on his face.

I counted each of my steps with precaution, wanting the man to leave me in peace.

My pace quickened to a jog, leading to full out running. Sweat drenched my articles of clothing as adrenaline pumped through my veins.

I could hear the man running after me, him having trees for legs caught me in seconds.

I screamed as he placed his hand over my mouth. The smell of mint hit my face as he spoke lowly in my ear.

"Now, Now babe we don't want to be caught now do we?" he mumbled softly in my ear.

He turned me, so I was fully taking in his features. His chiseled jaw had very observable stubble, his smirk evident.

"Let me go!" I hushed, pushing his face away from mine. My movements were frozen as he held me tightly against him, his eyes bored onto mine in such an intense moment.

"Well you see princess, I would; but I'd rather not."

He grabbed my hand in such a forceful way I stumbled over my feet.

His blonde hairs clung to each other as he rudely dragged me through the street lit road.

Cars zoomed past us; all I wanted to do is run in front of one. The boy obviously could tell I was running to keep in his step as he slowed his step.

"Names Luke" he mumbled

I hadn't replied, just kept walking forward. He mustn't have liked that for he whipped me to face him. He frowned, with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Sam" it was barely just a whisper

His body frame scared me yes; I just couldn't let him see that.

And with that little of talk me was lead to the dump of a house called mine.

My steps quickened as I reached the door, my breath quickened as his hand held my wrist tighter.

"Goodnight princess, it wont be the last" he mumbled in my ear.

"Oh this will defiantly the last" I rushed

"That's what you think, my dear"

and with that he left..



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