The End?

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Hi I I don't know what's happening with Wattpad, but I hope it isn't blank for you anymore!


I held down on the backspace button for the sixth time. Finding the right words to express my current anger towards Madeline was proving to be a problem. It was Saturday night and I hadn't talked to her since Clayton and I had left. For some reason I knew things between us were going to Change when I saw the limo pull up as I held Claytons hand tighter. I suspected it was her parents, and when I saw them I knew they were. I could feel my feet moving faster as the driver opened the door and a toned pair of aging legs descended from the limo. I expected to see her father get out next but he didn't instead the limo drove off leaving me, Clayton and a beautifully intimidating woman looking curiously at me.


"Who are you?" She asked her eyes roaming from my feet to my face, I could feel Claytons grasp tighten at the sting in her voice.

I didn't know what to say, I knew Madeline didn't want her parents knowing that she was gay.

"I'm a friend of Madeline" I said lowly hating the word friend.

She snorted rolling her eyes, "another one of her toys? Please... don't think your anything special to my daughter, she has a lot more where you came from"

I wanted to be shocked at how badly her words hurt, but I couldn't stop thinking of how she knew Madeline was gay? I wondered how long she had known... did she know all along and just pretend to not see it? Or did Madeline lie to me about her parents not being 'supportive' because I wasn't rich?

So many questions were eroding my mind. I stood strong for Clayton.

"Well if that's what you think, then so be it. But I have very strong feelings for your daughter... and I'd like to think the feelings are mutual" I saw her body stiffen, probably at the thought of her daughter being in love with another woman. And one with no financial status.

"Believe me sweetheart, she thinks nothing of you. And you only think of her fortune."

This got me beyond angry, without a second thought I stormed past her, pulling Clayton behind me. His little arm being yanked furiously.

End of Flashback

I didn't want to leave here with no words said. I needed to at least talk to her, even if her mother was right. Even if all along I was nothing but another one of her toys. To me she was more.

I dialed her number again, I was sent straight to voice mail... again.

I flopped back on my suitcase, which was almost completely packed.

This was it.

The End.

Daisy was right, this is the place to find love. But no one ever said anything about keeping it.

"Knock Knock..." Daisy walked in, the same sad expression from the other night on her face.

"Can you stop, feeling bad for me? It was bound to happen," I sat up on the bed, "we're both from completely different walks of life. She's famous and rich and 'well known'. Look at me... I'm just a little free lance artist searching for my non existent soul mate." My thoughts were now driving me completely crazy. Why had I let myself fall for her? Why am I always so naive?

"That's it!" My head flew up at the high pitched voice that now stood in front of me. "I can't stand to see you like this, and at the very least you deserve answers. She can't just go running off, and leave my best friend heart broken"

I sighed,

Standing up and gathering the last pieces of clothing, tossing them into the suitcase.

"There's nothing I can do. She won't even answer my calls, she turned her phone off."

Daisy shook her head with a smile,

"She can't be far"

I chuckled,

"Daisy... we're tourist in one of the biggest cities ever. She knows this place like the back of her hand. She could be anywhere. And plus, I'm not going to chase her. I shouldn't have too, maybe her mom was right. Maybe I should just forget everything about her." I don't know why, but I was staring at the beautiful canvas I had painted of Madeline. I let my mind wonder to her elegant features, her breathtaking smile, her golden locks flowing down her back.... to everything I had to force myself to forget.

"Lina, I'm sure she has a valid excuse. Her mother is a witch"

"I don't care about her mother, and if she cared for me she wouldn't either."

Without saying another word I walked out of my room throwing on my jacket and shoes, I needed air.


I know this was short... probably the shortest yet. But it wasn't meant to be long, I've got a lot planned for the upcoming chapters.

Also, there aren't going to be many chapters left.

Maybe two or three.

I need your opinion and some votes to continue!! ☺

-What do you think of Madeline disappearing?

-Do you think Lina should just forget and move on?


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