The Castle

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"Auntie Lin! Were back!" I was sitting on the balcony holding my phone while staring at the castle.
Should I call?
What am I talking about of course I should!
But no... Then I'll sound desperate.
That's not possible she's the one who invited me!

Stepping back into the room I closed the balcony door,
"Hey buddy, did you have fun today?" He was dragging a gigantic bag filled with random items.

His toothless grin caused me to smile,
"YES! We saw so many things!" He finally managed to drag the bag to the couch and sat down. I saw Daisy in the kitchen like area pulling out some take out food.

Walking over I noticed she looked sad,
"What's up?" I asked leaning against the bar counter, crossing my arms over my chest.

She looked up almost shocked,
"Uh... Nothing," she smiled, but I knew it wasn't a real Daisy smile, "I'm good!"

I figured she would come around eventually, I wasn't going to bug into her personal business. Going back over to Clayton I sat down across from him, watching as he took out several toys and clothes. "Wow someone did some major shopping!" I said causing him to smile even harder.

"Yeah, moms new friend Thomas took us all around. And he even bought me this! He held up an airplane with a controller, "it's a remote control plane!" I just shook my head and looked back over to my best friend. Something was definitely up, I mean apparently she met someone. According to Clayton, this someone was her new friend.

I sighed walking into my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I hadn't realized I was still holding my phone. I sat it down on my dresser and flopped back on the super soft bed.
I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow to call her, so at least I won't seem like I'm rushing or desperate.

Yawning, I changed into my pajamas. Unlocking the door, I took my camera from out of my purse and sat on the bed. With my back against the headboard, I scrolled through the pictures I had taken today. There were over twenty of that plaza type building that Madeline had taken me too. Then there was that one, where Madeline was looking at me in amazement. Her facial features were beautiful, the way her jaws sculpted her cheek bones making them stand out. The way the emerald in her eyes brightened against her beautifully tanned skin, her blonde hair hanging just above her butt.
Just like nothing I walked over to my artist bag, pulling out my travel canvas I set it up on the floor beside my bed. Immediately I began to sketch the picture of Madeline.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but eventually someone walked into my room.

"Lin?" It was Daisy

I stuck my head up from the other side of the bed, she just smiled and walked over taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She stared at my picture for awhile,
"Who's that?" She finally asked

I was shocked and I didn't know If I should tell her the truth or just avoid the subject all together.
I stopped sketching the plaza that was behind Madeline and sat my back against the wall. My hands were messy from my charcoal pencil,
"Uh she's just someone I met today" I could tell by her facial expression that I was going to wind up telling her the entire story.

"And that's it? Your just drawing this amazingly beautiful women for no reason in particular?" She gave me that knowing look.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair and immediately regretting it! She laughed, and I began to tell her everything that happened to me today. And how unexpected it was.
I told her that at first Madeline seemed uptight and arrogant, and how the outside of the hotel was completely crowded with screaming people. Then how she apologized and asked me to go to lunch with her.
"Wait so you went to lunch with the richest person in Paris?" She asked completely stunned

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