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the blade is for relief ,

the tears are for the pain,

the hollowness is for my truth ,

and depression for my lie,

Sadness is for all I've forgotten,

and fear is for all the things I can remember.

The darkness is my refuge when everything goes wrong,

the light is the only thing willing to follow me.

It tries to pull me out from the dark pit i put myself in,

even when i just want to be left alone.

Every scar I have caused on myself

is for everytime in stayed quiet and no one noticed,

I screamed for help and for someone to save me on the inside.

For eveytime I came to school with a fake smile on my face,

and no one could see past the mask.

For all the times I actually went for help,

and no one helped me.

Every time i got hurt and the person that hurt me

didn't care.

For every person i loved once that i have lost now.

For every person i could of saved,

but didnt try.

For everytime i sat there and let people put me down,

and didnt stand up on my own two feet and stood up for myself.

For every note, every word that i wrote on a piece of paper expressing my pain,

Instead of telling someone who could acctually of comforted me when i needed it....

DARKEST NIGHTS **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now