Mikey- That's Fair

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This ones for @beautifuladieu. Its not exactly like the request, but i hope you like it anyway!

"Mikey! Hurry up!" We were supposed to go to the state fair that day. Mikey had promised to take me, seeing that I never had the chance to as a kid. I was extremely excited.

"Jeez, you're so impatient today." Mikey huffed, fixing the final strand of his hair. "I never thought you'd be this excited."

"Well, I am. And please hurry up Wikey May." He smiled at the nickname. I discovered it by doing that Runny Babbit thing with his name and I thought it was cute as hell,  so I hadn't stopped using it since.

"Alright, just let me get my shoes on, and then we can go." Mikey sat next to me on the bed to tie his sneakers.

"Okay." I grinned, leaning on his side. "I love you Mikey." I said quietly.

"I love you too baby." He answered, kissing my forehead. "Very much."


The first place Mikey took me was the 4H barn. It smelled like shit, but the sheep were very cute, so it made up for the smell. Another thing that really made me happy were the rabbits. In a separate room there were rows of large cages, each holding a very spiffy and well kept rabbit. Black, white, brown, speckled, spotted, you name it, there was probably a rabbit with it.

On a large raised table, there were a few rabbits available for petting, attended to by their 4H kid owners. I only petted a little white pygmy rabbit, because all the people seemed to be making Mikey nervous, and I didn't like seeing him uncomfortable.

Mikey took my hand and brought me to all the carnival booths. We had decided to go in the evening to escape the blistering heat, so it was already getting dark. The lights on the booths illuminated everything around it in soft pastel hues. Where we stood, our skin was covered in pinks and blues, mixing and fighting for dominance. "Mikey, look at that!" I pointed to a little stuffed Bulbasaur hanging in a carnival game booth; the perfect prize. "It's so cute, oh my gosh!" I squeezed his hand and hopped excitedly. He chuckled at me and nodded, but we didn't stop. I was a little disappointed, but I wasn't going to raise a fuss like a toddler.

Mikey had mentioned something about the sunset up on the ferris wheel, so we ended up walking straight past the games and over to the ferris wheel line. With it being so late, the line was short, and we gained entry to the ride quickly. Mikey helped me inside our seat, holding my hand like a true gentleman. Once the ride operator had secured us, I felt us lurch upwards so the next passenger could go on.

I was fine until we got to the top, where we were stuck sitting for a couple minutes as the other ride-goers boarded. My fear of heights was peaking, as were we. My hand, resting in my lap as I made conversation with my boyfriend, reached over shakily to grab his and squeeze. "Y/n, you're gonna be fine." Mikey cooed to me, switching hands and rubbing my thigh. I nodded, but gasped and squeezed again as we moved backward down the wheel arch. Mikey kept whispering nice things in my ear to comfort me, and I took deep breaths and snuggled into his side.

Soon enough, everyone had been secured and the wheel was now operating smoothly. Though it was easier to deal with, I was still tense every time we had to move backward. Mikey laughed a little, making my face flush in embarrassment. I just tried to focus on the mixing palette of sunset colours as we went in circles, making lovey-dovey couple talk to Mikey.

"I wish their was something that would help you chill out." Mikey said.

"I know something..." I smiled.

"Yeah?" Mikey asked, smirking. "And what's that?"

"That little Bulbasaur plushie." I sighed.

"That little guy was pretty cute, huh?"


"But not as cute as you." Mikey said softly, turning his head to look at me.

"Awwww, don't make me blush Mikey!"

"I think its too late for that, don't you?" Mikey teased, nodding toward my already flushed skin. "You're so cute when you're all flustered. So precious." He shifted slightly, making our seat sway. I gripped the front of his shirt and closed my eyes, yet again startled and frightened by the height.

"I'm not precious." I pouted, face buried in Mikey's jacket.


"No, I'm big and mean and scary." I stated, still shaking slightly. "I'll destroy everything in my path." I felt Mikey's chest rising and falling quite quickly. "Stop laughing!" I yelled, though I was muffled.

"Make me!" He laughed again, pulling my face up with his large hands. A little smile was spread on his face, eyes crinkled at the corners and nose scrunched just a little.

"Fine." I sat up straighter and inched  closer to Mikey, grabbing his face with my own hands to counter him. His laughter was cut off when I smashed my lips onto his, kissing him hard. He looked shocked when we separated. "My stone cold little Wikey May finally broke and started feeling." I said, bopping his nose with the tip of my finger. "That's precious."

"Geez, I love you." Mikey pulled me in close go his side. We watched the sunset together like that, me tucked in his side, still scared for my life, high above the earth on that stupid wheel. I took note of Mikey's warmth, his strong masculine scent, pleasantly mixed with the cologne I bought him. He swore he hated cologne; it was just perfume, and he wasn't a 'chick.' I just pretended not to notice that he wore it everytime we went out together.

Finally, we could exit the wheel, and I did so shaking like an autumn leaf. There was an empty grassy area that was secluded from all the noisy people, so we sat there for a while so I could chill out. We laid on our backs, looking at the dark sky that was now dotted with stars. "Look, the big dipper." I said, tapping Mikey with one hand and pointing with the other.

"Oh yeah, and there's Ursa Minor." He nodded, pointing at another constellation. We were silent for a bit, then he sat up. "You wait here," he said. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"What? Where are you going?" I said, sitting up as well.

"No, you just stay there babe." Mikey said, pushing my shoulders down gently. "I won't be gone long." Then he ran off.

Well, that was weird. What in the world is he doing? Oh well...

I felt like I had been laying there alone for hours, even though my phone said it had only been about ten minutes. There was only so much aimless scrolling through social media I could do before I started to lose my marbles, and let me tell you they were starting to roll away.

"Y/n!" I heard Mikey from a little bit behind me. I turned and saw him, big smile and two hotdogs in one hand. His other hand was behind his back, and he kept it that way as he sat down, directly in front of me. I attempted to crane around him to see, but he gave me a look and scolded me. "You have to wait, be patient babe." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of the hot dog.

"You have mustard on your face." I said after a couple minutes. It was true, he did have mustard on the side of his mouth. He tried to wipe it off, missed, missed again, and then after the third time I told him to stop and pulled a tissue from my purse.

"No, stop mothering me!" He cried, twisting his face as I wiped the mustard off. He was squirming too much. "I can get it myself!" He whined.

"You obviously can't!" I laughed, finally managing to get the mustard off. "Gosh, you're such a baby!"

"I think you're the real baby, here." He said, face returning to its stoic expression. I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. "Anyway, I got you something." He whipped his hand from behind his back out and in it was my one true love (besides Mikey, of course), the Bulbasaur plushie.

I squealed in delight as I took the plushie and squeezed it close to me. "Bulbasaur! Thank you!" I jumped on Mikey and kissed all over his face. He just had a little closed mouth smile as he hugged me.

"Do you like it?" He asked quietly, balancing my high energy with his own lowkey vibes.

"Yes, I love it!" I cradled my Bulbasaur baby in my arms and leaned against Mikey. "Don't worry," I said after a moment. "I still love you the most, Wikey May." He just kissed my head and laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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