↠ 6

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Everyone perched on the building across the street, looking at the tall building that held the temporary office for the Doves. "This is where they are?" Aika asked, her dark orange mask faintly reflected the moonlight and street lights. It represented her burning passion - just like fire.

"Yes." Rei replied. "I'm sure this is it or buildings walk away at night."

Aika shut her mouth in fear. If Rei dropped sarcastic remarks and was not his usual composed self, it meant he was irritated at something. Everyone was silent as they observed Rei who continued facing the direction of the building.

At last, he finally said something. "Aika and Homura," The duo perked up for orders. "To that one." He pointed at an adjacent building that faced the east side.

"Question," Homura asked, her cat mask also reflected the light from the streets. A pure white cat with beady eyes. "What if they spot us? Do we kill them or-"

"No." Rei interrupted. "Just run. We don't know how many Doves they have here."

The pair nodded and dashed off to where Rei told them to go. "To that building over there." Rei pointed at the building adjacent to him but on the opposite side of the other duo. "I trust you guys to not kill anyone tonight."

You and Michael nodded once before taking off to the building. You felt the wind nip at you as you jumped across the building and to a complete stop on the rooftop. If you focused hard enough, you could see the silhouettes of Aika and Homura on the other side. You crouched down and leaned against the ledge of the building. Michael did the same but with a sigh. "Do you think they figured out we left Tokyo?" Michael asked but still kept his focus on the building.

You glanced at him. "Most likely. I know that she won't stop until I'm dead or I'll kill her first." You could feel your blood boil at the mention of her. It made you want to kill something.

Michael gave you a little nod in acknowledgement, his black dog mask faintly reflecting off some light. You're weren't sure how long you were there but as your eyes continued to scan the building for anyone, you caught sight of something in your peripheral vision. Your eyes widened slightly as you saw the group of guys walking down the street.

What caught your attention was Jimin's faint pink hair shimmering in the street lights. What were they doing here at this part of town? The arcade was literally on the other side of town. Unless they were just walking around? Most likely.

As you continued to stare at them laughing carefree, Michael's voice startled you. "Are those your friends?"

You blinked out from staring and turned your head to see the Michael was also looking at them. His attention was now on them. "Yes." You responded in a soft voice.

The group continued to make more laughter and by now they were at the end of the block. "They seem fun." Michael commented. "Just please be careful around them."

A smile appeared on your face. Although Michael couldn't see the happiness on your face, you radiate happiness. "Thanks, I will." You watched them laugh with each other, seeing Hoseok bug Yoongi for whatever reason, Jungkook teasing Seokjin, while Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung were passing a ball with each other.

You wished to live a carefree life. Well, not exactly carefree but without the worry about being a ghoul. To freely roam the streets without a Dove or another cannibal ghoul on your tail. How fun would that be? To eat human food instead of flesh like an animal. You frowned a bit before shaking away the thoughts. You would never have that.

Instead you continued to watch them. Suddenly, like he felt like something was watching him, Yoongi looked around and up to the rooftops. Oh no. You slowly lowered yourself and saw him look straight in your direction. Taehyung tugged on his arm to follow the group and luckily Yoongi followed. Then they disappeared around the corner.

"You know they won't be able to see us all the way up here right?" Michael asked although it was in a teasing tone.

"I know!" You rose back to your original position. "It was just a reflex."

Michael chuckled. "Even if they do have perfect vision, they can't see in the dark." You only huffed at his response before trying to comfortable on the rooftop. You had a feeling that it was going to be a long night.

Four hours later, you were ready to pass out. You felt your eyes slip close once more until Michael jabbed you in the side. "Stop dozing off."

"It's not my fault!" You whispered yelled in fear of Rei overhearing you. "I got class tomorrow. How long are we going to be here?"

Michael shrugged a shoulder. "Don't know. Whenever Rei decides."

You angrily let out a sigh and glanced over to the two shadows on the opposite side of you. Aika and Homura looked like they were bored out of their minds too. You were pretty sure it was Aika who laying down while Homura was slightly swaying her body to keep her awake.

You were tired as hell. All you wanted was some sleep. Not to be wrong, if there was a situation of course you would be filled with adrenaline and do whatever it is to protect your family. There was a guarantee for that.

Yawning once more, you swung your legs against the ledge, hoping to keep active. No one has even gotten inside the building or went outside. There were still a few lights on some levels of the buildings but all of them had curtains. They slowly died out one by one until there was only one left. You were pretty sure whoever was up was going to sleep at some point.

Like a wish, the light finally went out. With a bit of excitement in your voice, you asked, "Do you think we'll be able to go home now?"

"Probably." Michael answered. "Like what if we do stay the whole night? I don't think there's any point to that."

You agreed with Michael until you felt someone's presence. You turned around to see Rei who appeared. "Let's go home." He said and dashed off to go get the others.

"Finally." You immediately rose to your feet, stretching out tired muscles. "I wonder what time it is?" You mumbled under your breath.

"Almost two in the morning." Michael had uncovered his sleeve where he had a watch then rolled it back down.

You nodded to acknowledge him and the two of you followed the trio home. Now you'll be able to sleep somewhat. Even if your class started in seven hours. Still, it wasn't like you be very tired, it would be a good amount of sleep. Once you got home, you went to your room and crashed out on your bed.

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