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All the way there, Taehyung began talking about random things. "Were you working at the cafe right now?" He questioned.

"No, I was actually with Hoseok the whole time." The mention of the said male made you slightly blush. Oh no. The memories were replaying themselves.

"Oh really?" He smiled but it seemed off to you. "Was his dance good?"

You nodded rapidly. "Yeah! He dances amazing." You praised and mentioning him kept bringing up that he was almost going to kiss you! In order to get your mind off of it, you changed the subject. "What movie were we watching?"

Taehyung's eyes lit up. "It's a thriller movie! You'll see when we get there."

You racked your brain to guess and nothing was coming up. Your eyes glanced towards Namjoon who stayed quiet most of the time. "How was your day, Namjoon?"

The tall male was pulled out his thoughts and looked at you. "It was pretty good. I think I passed my test today."

"I'm sure you passed!" You smiled. How could he not? You're still remembering that time where he flew through the packet of math problems. Yeah, you were still a little jealous. The three of you continued until you reached the theater. Once you stepped inside, you stopped yourself from flinching as the smell of food whacked you in the face. How awful. Your eyes glanced at the boys to see them excitedly looking at the food.

"Okay, let's go get the tickets." Taehyung began leading the way to the long line. For today, it was quite busy.

Namjoon was looking over at the long line for the food. "How about Y/N and I go get popcorn?" He suggested. "Looks like it'll be awhile."

"Uh yeah sure." Taehyung said. "Just one large popcorn before Jin yells at us for eating snacks before dinner."

Namjoon nodded and gestured for you to follow him. You did so like a lost puppy because the smell of rotten. It was making you feel a bit dizzy. You chatted with Namjoon, trying to keep your sanity in check. Now it was making you feel a bit nauseous. As you two got up to the counter, Namjoon began to order. It was a good thing because you feel that you may have messed it up. He took the large popcorn and you two returned to Taehyung.

He held up the tickets. "Got them!" Your group followed the section of the screenings and stopped in front of one. Up on the sign read, Inheritance. The title didn't ring a bell and after Taehyung gave the tickets to the usher, you headed inside. The young male chose some seats towards the top but in the middle. You took a seat next to Taehyung and Namjoon claimed the space next to you. Great.

That immediately got the familiar words of Jungkook. Nope! You're not doing this when Taehyung invited you out to hangout!

"Hey pass the popcorn!" Taehyung whined and Namjoon begrudgingly handed over the tub. As it did, the awful smell hit you in the face. Terrible. "Want some too?" Taehyung offered the bucket towards you.

"I'll get some in a few." You lied. "I had a couple of snacks when I was at the dance studio." He nodded and gave the bucket back to Namjoon who wanted more. This was so going to make you feel nauseous. "Here, I can hold it." You offered and Namjoon handed it over.

You held it near your knees and immediately, the smell lessened already. As long as you kept it a bit away from you and they weren't passing it to each other almost right underneath your nose, you were going to be fine. You knew that towards the end, you would probably eat a couple of pieces to keep it looking like you were tempted. At last the lights dimmed and the movie started.

It was only the last quarter until the movie ended when you took your chance eating only two pieces of popcorn. The boys had stopped eating long ago. Your hand slipped inside and it was just the moment that you retracted your hand that both of the boys reached their hands inside of the bucket. Huh?

You watched, definitely confused as you saw that their hands were clasped together. They rose out of the bucket and something finally clicked inside your mind. Don't tell me... That cliche moment when a couple reaches in and their hands touch? Oh great. They liked you too? You continued to watch and glanced at them. They both turned to each other and once they realized it wasn't your hand, they immediately let go. Although they seemed to either be embarrassed or just frustrated. You couldn't tell.

You just shook your head and began to fake eat the popcorn. The rough texture made you want to spit it back into the bucket. The butter was slightly better but it was horrible all the time. You gulped feeling it slide down your throat. Disgusting.

For the rest of the movie, your entire focus was on it. It ended and your group headed outside. "What did you think?" Namjoon asked.

"I liked it." You answered with a smile and your eyes trying to find a restroom. Taehyung and Namjoon agreed and began to discuss it. Meanwhile, you finally found the savior. "I'll be back." You said to them and hurried to the restroom. After regurgitating the awful food, you washed out your mouth and made sure that you were the only one in the restroom. You surely did not want others watching you. You headed out the restroom and found the boys loitering by the entrance of the theater.

As soon as you stepped out, the wind greeted you with relief. The boys discussed what to do next when your phone rang. You took it out of your bag to see who it was. It was Rei. Did that mean he found out what you did? You took a gamble and he probably did. Swiping to answer, you held it up to your ear. "Hello?"

"Y/N." His stern voice made you wince. Yep, he definitely knew. "Did you kill a ghoul about two days ago and left a message for our enemy?"

You switched to Japanese so that the boys couldn't listen in. "Yeah. It was just in the moment."

There was an angry sigh on the other line. "I'm sure Yuki definitely got the message. That was completely reckless!"

"But they did it first." You countered.

"Does that mean to stoop to their level?"

"It was just a ghoul of theirs." You defended.

Another sigh. "You mean to scare innocent humans with a dead body on their rooftop? A message saying, 'I'll be waiting for you' and with a smiley face? The humans don't know if that was for them or not!" He snapped.

You stood still, frowning at the thought. "I'm sorry." You apologized. "I'm just pissed off at them."

"I understand and we will destroy them soon." He promised and his voice was softer than before. "Just please don't be so reckless."

"Alright. I promise." You smiled a bit.

"Good. I'll see you later. Oh. Just for getting that on the news, you're cleaning up the restaurant. " He said and before you could even argue, he hung up. With that taken care of, you began walking with the boys as they suggested to look at the nearby local shops. You agreed to do so because you didn't know what else you'll be doing. 

After the boys were done, they insisted to walk you home. No matter how many times you declined. You said goodbye to them and headed inside to start your punishment. Halfway through, your phone chimed with a message.

From: Jimin
To: Y/N

Hi! I was wondering if you would like to come to my recital tomorrow night? You don't have to if you want though! :)

A smile lit up your features as you replied with;

From: Y/N
To: Jimin

Of course I will! See you tomorrow! :D

With that, you actually got some energy and finished off your punishment.

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