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Homura and Aika already walked you all the way to university and you were waiting in your class. Last night, Rei gave you and Michael compliments on taking out the ghouls. Meant less ghouls to fight in a pack. Nothing else eventful happened. Just more standing around and watching. You had to stay up last night in order to wash off and blood that splattered on your clothes. It was fine though since Michael had to do the same.

All the while, you were dreading class. You were sure that Jimin was traumatized and you were scared. It was all your fault. You did this to yourself. Maybe you really didn't deserve friends...

"Hey." Namjoon's voice greeted you.

You sent him a smile, slightly worried. "Hello." You greeted back. There was no way Jimin noticed that it was you. Should you start the cycle again of pulling away? Your eyes glanced around for the happy-go-lucky boy. "Where's Taehyung?"

"Oh, he's running a bit late." He took his seat right next to you. "You see, something happened last night."

Your throat immediately went dry. Jimin recognized you? No, it's impossible. You'll know what happens next. He'll call you a monster. He'll put out your identity to the Doves. You'll get killed. "What happened?" You asked at last.

Namjoon leaned in a bit and you did the same. "Well Jimin saw something last night. Something about a fight and he kind of got caught up in it." You blinked, worriedly thinking of what lie you might say. "He said he saw someone kill someone else, by snapping their neck."

That was you.

You continued staring at him, lips parted open trying to find the right words to say. "Seokjin calmed him down last night but Jimin insisted on coming into his classes today. We filed a police report last night so hopefully they'll do something."

Oh. Jimin didn't know it was you. That was a good thing but you traumatized him! The poor boy. You were sure that he might have nightmares. "Good for filing a report, I hope Jimin isn't too scared." Then you realized your words. Great, if the police worked with the Doves, some problems may rise.

"He's still a little shaken up." Namjoon leaned away and you did the same. "So, I thought it would be best to tell you in case Jimin is not all there today."

"Thank you for telling me." You answered. On the outside, you seemed calm but internally, you were panicking. How could you forget that a human was there? Now it was your fault that Jimin had to witness something so terrible that was a common occurence to you. A moment of silence passed and Taehyung came in.

"Rude. That's my seat, Namjoon." Taehyung sat down in the seat next to the older male.

Namjoon just shrugged and class began. While class droned on, you were off thinking in your own world. Maybe the cycle should start again.

Lunch rolled around and you patiently sat at the table. You were nervous. You know that Jimin didn't know that it was you but it still made you feel terrible. Amongst the noise of the cafeteria, you heard very faint footsteps coming towards you. At once, you looked towards the source and now you really felt bad.

Jimin looked like he didn't get much sleep. There were dark circles under his eyes. His movements were slow and his complexion seemed a little pale. He made his way over and still managed to give you a sweet smile. He took the seat on your left.

"Are you feeling okay?" You asked him. "Did you get enough sleep?"

Jimin had a blank look on his face, slowly registering the words you said. "Oh. Uh, sort of. I don't think I slept much." He yawned and placed his bag on the table.

"Oh." You didn't know how to respond and you could feel the guilt slowly nip at you.

The male leaned back in his chair. "I'm just going to take a nap..." He trailed off and you were sent into a panic.

"Jimin. At least sleep on the table." You said and you were too late.

Jimin was already asleep and he slightly shifted that almost made him fall off his chair. You easily propped him up and gently laid his head on his bag. As soon as your hands left him, two of the boys came over.

"He fell asleep?" Taehyung asked and took the seat next to Jimin.

"Yeah." You answered as Seokjin took the seat on your right. You glanced at him and also saw dark circles under his eyes as well. Although, he seemed more alive than Jimin. "You didn't get enough sleep either?" You asked.

Seokjin shook his head. "Not really. I was calming Jimin through the night." He said and leaned back in his chair, hugging his backpack close to him. You were about to say something else when the male closed his eyes.

"Seokjin said that Jimin was having some nightmares." Taehyung spoke.

"Nightmares?" The enemy named 'guilt' just took a big chunk.

Taehyung nodded. "I think it'll be okay after Jimin processes this."

You were about to say something when you felt a heavy pressure on you. You took a look and realized it was Seokjin. His head rested on your shoulder and you were about to place his head on the table when Taehyung stopped you.

"He doesn't like sleeping on tables."

"Really?" You asked and kept a mental note of that. Oh wait. Maybe you shouldn't.The youngest male nodded. So for now, you let Seokjin rest for a bit as the other boys came around the table. Everyone's eyes glanced at Jimin and Seokjin. You didn't really notice before but all the boys had very faint circles under their eyes. Although, it was nothing compared to Jin and Jimin.

"Fell asleep?" Hoseok asked you and Taehyung to which the male responded by nodding his head. They all took their seats. There was quiet chatter amongst everybody in order to not wake up the two sleeping males. You felt something was off and you looked towards Namjoon. He just stared at you which was starting to make you feel uncomfortable.

You raised an eyebrow at him. He shook out his trance and sent you a sheepish smile. "Sorry, but could I ask you a question Y/N?" You nodded your head despite feeling that your body froze. "I was doing some research last night and I was looking at ghouls."

What? No, it was impossible! Namjoon couldn't have figured out that you were a ghoul!

"And I was wondering, were you aware of something called Doves back in Japan?"

Alright, good it wasn't about you!

"Yeah I was somewhat aware of them." The lie came out naturally. Somewhat was an understatement. You were way too familiar with Doves. "Why's that?"

Namjoon nodded his head. "Ah. You see I was researching ghouls in Japan since Jimin said that the figure that helped him last night broke their arm and neck easily."

Well, it was obvious that those ghouls were fairly weak. You only realized it a couple of hours after the fight. Add that with your adrenaline?

"Ghouls could do that?" You feigned shock.

"Well, I think so. You see," Namjoon unzipped his bag and pulled out a binder with colorful tabs. "I got carried away last night and this is all the information I have on ghouls. I think it was since ghouls are the only supernatural creatures in our world." He flipped open the binder, revealing lots of paper.

Oh no. This could end badly.

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