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Jenny walked through the ashes of the burned city

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Jenny walked through the ashes of the burned city. A few tears gleamed in her eyes as she saw such a waste. It made her sad and disappointed. The dead bodies were the worst. They suffered like hell before it was finally over. Her way lead to the Red Keep or what was remaining. The Dothraki riders looked unbelievable fascinating. Like an unrealistic dance with their horses in their very own way. Yet not fully understood but harmonious somehow. But the words that came out of the mouth of the dragon queen shocked her. She understood almost everything because Aurelian taught her. The words were unbelievable terrifying. Jenny wondered what the unsullied thought. If anyone was agreeing with what she said? Jenny knew something. She was going to kill Dany. The blonde wasn't sure if she eventually killed her mother and her father either but just the idea made her wanna hang the silver haired on the city wall. Like the skull of a killed deer. She made her way to the back of the castle. Her home that was now destroyed. She climbed the mountain of broken dreams and buried memories. A piece of sparkling gold found her eyes. The bow. The only bow she ever owned. The only birthday present she ever got from her brother. Joffrey was cruel but yet always scared of Jensen. But one day he ate her mango cakes for her twelfth birthday which were imported from Dorne. And Jenny was about to kill him. In fear of her fury he bought her the finest bow that was probably ever made in the seven kingdoms. With golden lions painted on it. It was laying on the mountain of rocks like it hadn't been hurt and the arrows were laying somewhere. Most of them were broken but some weren't. Anger was gleaming inside her so she took them before continuing her way now in one of the last remaining corridors. It let directly into the throne room. Jenny looked at the dark sky. Ashes fell down like snowflakes. Her inside felt like it was being ripped apart. Everything was broken and gone. The big hall in which she met all of her best friends was gone. The walls that held her childhood. Every time she made mistakes, first laughs and first cries, from kisses to kills. Her life was in there before it had all fallen apart. Jenny walked to the throne and let her fingertips to touch the stone metal. She remembered when Robert sat with her there just as she was a babe. She walked to the back and slit down as her hands found her forehead. Tears burned on her cheeks like dragon fire. Suddenly she heard steps behind her but didn't bothered to turn around. She just kept on crying in silence. People were talking as she recovered a little.

"I was just a little girl that couldn't count to twenty" Someone said. Not someone it was the dragon queen. Jenny stepped out of her hiding spot with the bow.

"Oh wow so that's why you slaughter millions of people?" She asked making the two snap to her. But before she could say something she had to cough blood because one of her arrows had found it's way into her chest. She had never been a great archer. A mediocre one at best but now she had acted before she could think fully.

Jenny didn't do anything but sit down on the throne with her legs folded and her hands resting on the forged swords. And in that moment she felt like a goddess. Powerful but just. And she realized it that was what she wanted. All she ever wanted to feel.

Jon stood there like an confused puppy. Jenny watched the dragon fly towards them. The fucking dragon. She wanted that thing dead either but she couldn't kill him she knew that. He, if the animal even had a gender, had a broken expression on his face as he saw his mother lay dead. Carefully he picked his mother up. Both Jenny and Jon expected it to do something kill at least one of them. But surprisingly nothing happened. It looked at Jenny with that broken expression before doing the same with Jon before he spread his wings and hovered for a second before turning, flying east. Jenny had the feeling that yet the story of the dragon queen wasn't over but that wouldn't be her problem anymore hopefully.

"Why did you do that?" Jon said his voice cracking as he looked at the girl who rested on the iron throne.

"Because I couldn't think about a girl sitting on a throne with the message bend the knee or be a fucking roast chicken. She was no queen Jon, she was a little girl who no one ever taught to control her temper. You should've done it" She said furious as she leaned forward. The throne wasn't comfortable. " My mother said: every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin. Dany wasn't benefited with greatness but with madness in the end. Just like her father"

"You had no right to-" He started still stiffened from his shock.

"I had every right to it! She slaughtered  innocent children so you're not going to stand there and judge me for killing her" She yelled her finger pointing towards him with fury in her light eyes. "She was no queen. Our kingdom is built on ice and fire. We'll need to fix that what the fire destroyed" Jenny was irritated and still clouded with sadness and fury. "It's my throne" She whispered quietly to herself. She had never wanted the throne before. "Or perhaps yours by birthright Aegon.  Isn't that right?"

"I don't want it! Why doesn't anyone understand that" Jon said almost hopeless stepping towards her. "You look fine on there" He commented before slowly falling to one knee. "Queen Jensen"

"Don't do that Jon" She said sternly as she stood up. But there was nothing in her being that protested.

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