Chapter 7 - This is imposible.

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That whole week since that night , and now we're back home. Today, everyone went out hunting. I went to the kitchen to make me something to eat. I made Pancakes, hotdogs, and some lime-aid.

In the middle of biting a piece of pancake, I felt sick to my stomach. I knew I was going to puke. I ran to the bathroom, and puked in the toilet.

After 5 minutes of puking, I stopped, and grabbed my phone. I called the first Cullen on my contact list, Alice. After a couple rings, she didn't answer. So I call Carlisle, the next Cullen on my list. After 2 rings, he answered.

C- "Hello?"

L- "Carlisle. It's me."

C - "Lexi? What's wrong?"

L- "Can you guys get home fast. I don't feel good...." I just couldn't breathe. I was trying to take deep breath.

C- "Lexi, calm down, we're on our way."

L - "Ok."

And that was our conversation. right when he hung up, I felt sick again. I was going to puke again. And I did. After 2 minutes, I heard a lot of people yell, "Lexi!!."

"In here." I say softly, knowing they could hear me. Then in three seconds, Jasper was by my side. "What's wrong?" he asks. "I just suddenly felt sick for no reason, and then I puked, and I don't know why." I told him.

I felt someone else next to me, I look over to see Carlisle. "You should go lay down. Jasper take her, she shouldn't walk, she might get sick again." he says to us. We nod.

Jasper carried me over to our room. He sat me down on the bed. Rosalie walks in and hands me my phone. "Thanks." I tell her, she just smiles. I look at my phone and notice the date. It's the 25th, that means, "I'm Late." I whisper looking up from phone.

I look at Jasper and he looks over at me, kinda lost in thought. Then I look at Rosalie. She just stared at me wide eyed. "That's impossible." I say. I stand up, when I do, I felt pain I my stomach, I gasp looking  and holding on to my stomach. I look up at Rosalie, "Get Carlisle." I tell her. She nods and disappears. "Jasper." I say softly looking over at him.

He still looks like he's spaced out, or lost in thought, or in shock. It's hard to tell.

Carlisle walks through the door. 'What's wrong?" he asks us.

"This is impossible, but I- I'm pregnant." I say. Then I felt the pain in my stomach again.

I sat down on the bed, and Jasper sat next to me.

"This is impossible." we all say.


IT'S FALL BREAK!!!!! I have time to type!!!!

Ok well I hope you like it. I what you guys to guess what she's going to have! ;-)

Ok so for you people who do celebrate All Hallows Eve, what are you going to be?

Haha I went all old English on you!

Anywho...., who's seen the new season of the vampire diaries? Opinions? What about Supernatural? Or America's next top model? Ooooo, I hope Will wins!! He is my boo!

Haha any way plz,




Lots of Luv ~ snowflake

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