Chapter 9 - Blood

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A few weeks past, and Bella had X-rays and ultra sounds. I talked with Jasper, and we want to keep the baby, but it's slowly killing me, but we're trying to ignore that negative fact. It's a very scary fact though. I'm becoming really really weak with each day. And so is Bella. I'm so weak I can't leave the leaving room, I need help to walk everywhere, Bella can still walk but not me. I also can't eat, cause what ever goes down, won't stay down.

Jasper 's worried but I tell him not to be. Alive still won't call the Baby well, a baby. Rosalie's still helping us. And the wolves want both of us dead...., but Jacob, Seth and Leah are helping us. Well Jacob is more helping Bella then anyone. When ever I go out Seth helps me, Leah does to whenever Seth isn't there. I can tell that Leah doesn't hate me, like she does others. I'll say she has a higher tolerance for me then she does for the others. I really like hanging out the two siblings, I'm glad I made new friends.

Right now, we're watching a football game. I was leaning against Jasper. See normally I would be shouting at the TV like Emmet, but I can't exactly do anything that I'm used to doing, so I'm yelling in my head and Edward is just giving me weird looks, and Jasper's trying not to laugh. And everyone's just quietly watching the game because Esme said, ' Yelling will get the girls worked up.' I'm pretty sure she meant me.

Then Bella gasp. She was either in pain or going to puke, or both... then I felt Pain. I gasp. Jasper held me to comfort me. It hurt bad, my side was killing me. "We need to find a way to get food in there systems." Esme says. " I can only see the Fetus's." Alice says. "The Babies." Rosalie corrected.

"Maybe I could find out what they want." Alice suggests. "I think you may be right. Jacob had an idea." Edward say.. "It wasn't an idea, more of a snide comment." Jacob says. "What were you thinking?" Carlisle asks.

"That it was probably looking for someone to sink it's teeth into." Jacob says. We all look at him, He shouldn't joke like that around hungry vamps. "What it's craving isn't animal blood." Edward says.  " got some of Bella and Lexi's blood in the kitchen." Carlisle says. Jasper tenses up. Alice gives me an apologetic look, then grabs Jaspers arm and leads him away. He looks at me, with a sad look.

Jasper can be around my blood, but not Bella's blood. Carlisle came back, he stared to pour some blood into cups. "Wait you're going to make her drink that?" Jacob asks. Seriously, and he's the one who come up with the idea.

Bella drank hers first. "It, taste... good." she says. "oh, I think I'm gonna be sick." Jacob says.

I drink mine. It taste like blood, so yeah.... It's good, for blood..... Carlisle checks our pulse, Your pulses are already getting stronger." he tells us. Now I'm feeling a bit better.


Hey!!!! Ok so how was everyones Halloween? I didn't do anything, no one wanted to go with me. Anyway, umm, tell me what you think. I think there is like 3 chapters left, or 2. However long I decide to continue and type the chapters.

Ok, if you love Marvel, Avengers and Especially Loki, check out Brain Wave, the seventh avenger. Im helping the author of the story.  Check it out!




Lots of Luv ~ snowflake

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