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The sun seared against my skin, turning my cheeks red as the heat transcended to my ears. A hand rests on my shoulder, I jolt back as I thought I was the only one in this garden.

But as I gaze around, the sunflowers watch in mischief, their breathy giggles ringing through this garden, I through my head back in frustration but that's when I spot you.

Hidden away, camouflaged by the vines that began to devour your petals. Your leaves drooped down, holes and rough edges tugged at the delicate velvet of your skin. My heart ached, but not in pity. It ached in a way that made my cheeks dust pink and the skin by my eyes crinkle.

So many people had walked right passed you, so many people never gave you a second glance, but I did.

Your dark brown eyes seemed to look into my soul no other person had, a million stars replaced your irises making the universe jealous of the light you were given. Your hair falls perfectly across your face as the smile, that I have tried my hardest to create, makes your cheeks pink.

But you didn't realize your beauty, you deny how mesmerizing you are because of a few scratches, a few imperfections that make you even more irresistible. You are just a rose, prickled with thorns so people don't get too close, hidden by the vines as you try your hardest to stay hidden.

Stop hiding, stop pushing people out.

Let us in, let them adore you, love you, be there for you.

You don't have to walk in this garden alone, we all are wilting and our petals are slowly falling, we all are struggling and wish to disappear in the back of the garden.

But we don't have to do it alone.

Don't hide away, your talent and beauty must be showcased in fine sheets of a glass vase for the world to appreciate such an art.

Don't let the vines wrap around your neck and tie your hands behind your back as you watch the garden before you evolve and all you are left to do is watch.

I watched the vines hold you captive, I screamed and thrashed as I beg them not to take you away.

I cried for nights looking at the stars as they would never shine as bright as you. I scolded at the moon, whispering a chant that would be cried for the next few weeks.

I wish I could have stayed and cut you loose, but each time thorns tore through my skin. My fingertips were bruises and drops of blood lined my fingernails, but it didn't matter.

Experiencing your love overwhelmed me in euphoria, and anyone who has experienced it. It is an overwhelming sensation that seems to melt into every crevice of my soul. it is almost an addiction, but the word would never be able to suffice it.

And I hope whoever is next to experience it, soaks it in, drenches in its warmth, because when it is gone - the world seems to crumble at your feet.

Your petals are decorated with speckles of water that seem to reflect off the sun and create a light brighter than the world has ever seen. Let everyone see the love you have to offer, let everyone see your scars, and bruises this world has bestowed on you.

Do not be ashamed of the beauty you were given.

And when you're ready we'll be waiting

on the other side of the garden

lastly, and not surprisingly i love you

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