Deep Into The Woods

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"This is all your fault!" Zelda yelled back as she marched through the darkened forest. Her lighter lit in her left hand and a cigarette in the other. Lilith trailed not far behind her, stumbling on everything she possibly could. 

"I'm sorry! I thought I knew where I was going but-" 

"You were wrong!" They had just gotten back from dinner at Cerberus's and Lilith insisted they take the way through the woods back to the mortuary. Little did Zelda know, Lilith was shit at directions. 

"Wait! I can't walk that fast." Zelda threw her cigarette on the ground and crushed it under her heel. Turning, Zelda saw Lilith trip and hit a tree. 

"Be careful. You look like you're walking on consecrated ground." Lilith faked laughed, finally catching up to her wife. 

"So we are lost. I think we are just going deeper into the woods." Lilith said in a cavalier way. 

"You fucking think!" Zelda walked as fast as she could in her low heels, leaving Lilith behind. 

"Zeeeldaaa! Don't walk that fast!" Lilith stumbled after the redhead. 
"Please! My feet hurt!" 

"Do you want us to stop then?" Lilith nodded. 

"Please." Zelda helped her sit down on a log. Her feet were red and there was a small cut on the top of her right foot. 

"Oh Lilith." Zelda kneeled and rubbed the woman's feet. 

"They hurt. Why can't we just transport ourselves?" 

"Because to transport anywhere we need to be in a close distance to do so. Let's just continue walking, okay?" Lilith nodded, leaning in to take a quick kiss from Zelda. 

The woods got even more unfamiliar as they went along. 
Zelda started to whine now and Lilith remained quiet. 



"My lighter died. We are fucked." Lilith sighed. 

"It's not like it was doing anything, anyway." Zelda threw the lighter on the ground and crossed her arms. 
"Let's turn a different way then?"

"No! We'll get even more lost!" Lilith grabbed Zelda's hand and they started walking back from where they came from. 

"We are going backwards. It's an adventure!" 

"An adventure!?" Zelda furrowed her brows in shock. 

"Yes! The...Adventures of Zelda and Lilith! Lost in the forest!" Zelda stared at her wife in utter disbelief. 

"You, my dear, are an idiot and I'm never trusting you with directions ever again!" 

"Zelda, I'm not an idiot." Zelda turned to see Lilith pouting. 

"Lilith, I'm sorry. I just want to go home...lay with you." Lilith kissed Zelda's cheek. 

"We better get a move on it then. I reckon it's nearly 10:00pm." Zelda stopped and laughed. 

"You reckon? Okay, Hilda." Lilith scoffed and playfully swatted Zelda's arm. 

The night was getting colder and darker as they went along. The trees looked more familiar as they continued. This was definitely the way they had came. 

"Do you think everyone at home is sleeping?" Zelda nodded. 

"Sabrina and Ambrose need to wake up early for the Academy and Hilda has work in the morning." Lilith sighed. 

"So we have to be quiet." Zelda stopped. 

"If you think you're getting any after getting us lost, you're out of your mind." Lilith scoffed. 

"No I mean we have to be quiet coming home. Sabrina is such a light sleeper." Zelda nodded in agreement. 

They finally got back to the main street. Zelda sighed in relief as soon as they stepped under the orange glowing street lamp. 

The two walked down a small path near the river that ran beside the highway. Once they got to a sign that read, Private Property Housing. The two snapped their fingers, appearing on the footsteps to the Spellman residence in seconds. 

"Remember, quiet." Lilith nodded. 

They carefully got into the house, taking their heels off at the door, which they never did. Zelda and Lilith walked side by side up the staircase. 

"Fuck fuck fuck." Lilith grabbed onto the railing before she fell down the stairs. She accidentally stubbed her toe on the way up. 
Zelda grabbed her waist, pulling her upright. 

"What did I say? Quiet." Lilith mouthed 'sorry'. 

They slowly entered their bedroom, careful not to wake the toddler.
Zelda peered into Leticia's crib. The girl was fast asleep. 
The two quickly changed their clothing into nightgowns. Zelda got under the covers, waiting for Lilith. 
The brunette tied her hair up into a bun and slid under the thick blanket, curling up to Zelda. 



"I'm buying you a map of Greendale next time we walk past the History Museum." Lilith swatted her. 

"For the last time, I'm sorry." Lilith whined. 

"I know. But I'm never going to let it go. How's your feet?"

"They hurt...alot." 

"Tomorrow, I'll give you a foot massage. Maybe stay in bed for the majority of the day." Lilith liked that idea. 

"Okay. Goodnight, Zelds." 

"Goodnight, Lili." They shared a kiss, falling into a dreamless sleep. 

Okay...I suck, I'm aware. I literally couldn't think today and this is 100% garbage but what are you going to do?
Btw I have a new MadamSpellman multi fic coming very soon so hold tight! It's going to be a slow burn!

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