A Very Letty Christmas

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Zelda zipped Leticia's coat up, tucking her pink scarf into the thick coat. Once the little girl was bundled up, Zelda removed her from her car seat. 

Handing the girl to Lilith, Zelda lit a cigarette. 

They were hunting for a Yule tree. Leticia loved Yule and Lilith had talked Zelda into letting them celebrate more Christmas based traditions. 

Hilda and Cerberus were in front of them. Lance was carrying a pile of wood between his arm and hip. 

Leticia was marveling at all the trees in the orchard. Her small hands tangled in Lilith's hair. 

A few snowflakes papered both women's hair. 

"Remember, small tree this year, pumpkin." Lilith tickled Leticia's chin, making the small girl giggle. 

"Okay, mama." Zelda smiled at her daughter, taking her last drag before stumping it out beneath her heel. 

"All the small trees are over there." Lilith pointed to a small row of trees. Leticia instantly demanded to be put down. 

Lilith grabbed ahold of one of her gloved hands as the girl raced over to the trees.

They stood there as Leticia's hands grabbed at the trees until she finally picked one that she thought fit best in their living room. Zelda was relieved it was the smallest of the eight.

It wasn't very small. A bit taller than Zelda but the year before, Leticia had to pick the biggest one possible. Lance ended up cutting it down 4 feet. 

Lilith bent down beside Leticia, holding the small girls sides. 
"This is the one you want, pumpkin?" 

"Mhmm, mama." 

"Alrighty, little one." Lance said before flinging the tree over his shoulder. "I'll put this over our car." 

Zelda was relieved she didn't have to drive with the bloody thing on her roof.

Lilith picked Leticia up again. The girl snuggled close to her mama, cold from the intense weather Greendale was having. 

"And then we'll decorate it when we get home, love." Hilda tickled the girl's cheeks. Leticia giggled and nodded rapidly. Lilith smiled, hugging her close before she had to put her back into her car seat. 


Once home, they did as Hilda promised. Zelda watched as her wife, sister, brother-in-law and daughter decorated their Yule tree. Lance picked Leticia up to put the star on top. It warmed Zelda's heart to watching her family. 



"Ambrose and Sabrina are coming home for Christmas, correct?" Zelda nodded, taking her last sip of bourbon. 


Leticia cheered. Lilith bent down to tickle the girl's sides. "We'll see them bright and early, pumpkin." 

"I can't wait to see Brina and Ambrose!" The four adults chuckled. Lilith picked the girl up. 

"And Nicolas." Zelda added. 

"But that means you have to go to bed early." Leticia pouted for only a second before agreeing to the terms. 

Lance and Hilda cuddled up on the couch while Lilith and Zelda brought the girl to get ready for bed. 

Lilith helped her brush her teeth and hair, while Zelda got her pajamas ready. Last year, Hilda knitted her a reindeer onesie. It took Lilith and Zelda days to try and get the girl to wear anything else but the onesie. 

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