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Mary turned the corner and for the third time since Zelda moved in, she jumped at the sight of Vinegar Tom. 
"Damn thing." The stuffed dog always gave her the creeps. Vinegar Tom had been Zelda's familiar and died a while back. And for some Lilith forbid reason, she stuffed him. Mary pushed him further away with her shoe. She sat down and tried to enjoy her tea. The dog was just staring at her. It felt as if he was looking straight into her soul. Mary set the tea down and picked the dog up. 
"Sorry Zelda." She whispered. Mary opened the closet in the spare bedroom and pushed some things to the side. She set the dog on the very top shelf, away from anyone's eyes. 
She knew how much Zelda loved and missed that dog but it was too creepy for her. 
There, now I can enjoy my tea without that horrible dog staring at me. 

Zelda came home, with a wide smile on her face. 
"I'm home!" Mary came out of the bathroom, smiling. 

"How was your day?" Mary gave her a quick peck. 

"Not too bad, yours?" Mary shrugged. 

"Not much happened. Need help with the bags?" Zelda nodded, handing her a few of their groceries. "Did you pick up the flowers I wanted?" Zelda stopped. 

"Shit! I'm sorry." Mary smiled. 

"It's fine, Zelda. I'll pick them up tomorrow." Zelda sighed and then stopped in her tracks again. 



"Where is Vinnie T?" Mary nervously bit the inside of her cheek. 

"I put him in the guest closet." Zelda turned and looked at her. 

"You did what?" 

"He gave me the creeps." Zelda set the groceries down. 

"So you put him in the closet?" Zelda looked hurt and confused. Mary reached for her hand but she jerked it away. 

"Maybe it's time for a new dog? A real dog.  I just don't like that thing." Zelda furrowed her brows. 

"If my dog gets put in the closet, then so do your dolls." Mary shook her head. 

"No! This is my house." 

"Correction, dear. This is our house. Why don't you put your baby dolls away and we can get a baby? A real baby, hm?" Mary sighed. 

"I'm sorry." 

"Whatever. If you want him in the closet, than he can stay there." Zelda left the kitchen. Mary felt worse than ever. This was the first fight they had since Mary found out about her death and possession. 

Mary walked down the streets of Greendale. It was mid spring and everything was starting to warm up. Which means, the local flower shop would be open. Mary always bought her seeds and flowers from there. 

She purchased a few pots and a couple of seed packages. Walking back with the two large shopping bags and staring at the shops she walked past. 

She smiled as she walked past a window with cat towers and a tabby cat sitting in a cat bed. She continued walking and then stopped. A rescue shelter. That's what she had just walked past. Backing up, Mary looked in the window. They had dogs from the looks of it. 

"I'm home! Zelda come here!" Zelda turned to look up at her. She wore glasses and had a book in hand. 


"Really? Are you still mad at me!?" Zelda slowly nodded. 

"I don't think you'll be after this." Mary placed something beside Zelda. Zelda didn't look and just continued reading. That's why she was surprised when a wet nose touched her cheek. Zelda looked and tried now to have a reaction to the little dog next to her. 
"Zelda, I got you a dog! I know you said you didn't want one but trust me, you'll love her." Zelda let the dog lick her hand and crawl into her lap. 
"I think she'll get along with Vinnie, don't you think?" Zelda watched Mary leave the room and then come back with Vinnie in her arms. Mary placed the dog down. The little cavalier king charles spaniel Mary had bought cocked her head to the side. 

"What's her name?" 

"All up to you, my dear." Mary kissed the top of Zelda's head, before leaving the room. 

The dog put her paws to Zelda's chest, looking up at her. 
"How about...Rosemary." The dog barked in agreement. 

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