Chapter 1

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Yoongi was absolutely done with life. He'd gone through some nonsense in his life, but this takes the cake. The day had gone suspiciously well. The moment he noticed not even an ounce of dismay in his day, he knew something was going to happen.

He thought nothing of it. He would try to enjoy the day. It was the last day of the holidays and he wrapped up his due performances. He got a huge applause from the crowd at a huge party, got acquainted to a few people and saved a girl from bleeding to death.

He was feeling good about himself when the girl thanked him.

The most surprising thing was that - dare one say - he slept!

Overall, he wanted to enjoy the day. Unfortunately, he couldn't with the suspicions he had.

Now that he was in the situation he was in... it was clear.

He should've enjoyed it while it lasted.

What he got himself into was just that horrifying. He wouldn't even shout out loud: "I knew it!"

He wouldn't either way.

It was an effort - period.

"How did my life come to this?" He asked as he stared at the sky in complete and utter dismay. He stared at the sky as if it were the last day and he had to write a letter to just one person he loved. Or was that too exaggerating?

In conclusion, the day sucked in the end. 

As it always did.

And as if God answered, he heard his friend speak, "You can't complain at this point."

Yoongi rolled his eyes with a bitter expression. His out-grown hair swayed when he turned his head to look at the man who made that remarkable comment.

The man pursed his lips, trying to hold back laughter at the sight.

At that, Min Yoongi only looked at him nonchalantly. That was a sign on its own to say: "I will get you back for this."

The man lifted his hands in defense. "Stop looking at me like that!" He exclaimed. "I really can't take you seriously. If you glare like that, all serious, I won't be able to stop myself!"

"Just give me the files already. Who are the suspects?" There was a small hint of impatience in his voice. Albeit, he done well to suppress most of his emotions.

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