-Season 1- Being Chose.

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"Harper Kinsly!" I heard my name been shouted out. My heart pounded in my chest, why would someone choose me? I asked my self over and over again. Nearly forgetting my name was being called.

I shook it off and stood up in the hall. "Follow me." One of the receptionist said. I nodded my head and trailed behind her trying not to show my excitement to much.

"A wonderful family in Mystic Falls has chosen you." She smiled at me and handed me my stuff and I grabbed them and thanked everyone there and I was gone.

I knew my adoption agency was different to everyone else's. Mine actually was the only one that would let me in as I am over thirteen and they do things just a tad different.

When I walked out I saw a blue Land Rover in front of me and a dirty blonde girl in the front and a brown haired girl and boy in the back.

The blonde haired girl got out of the car and smiled at me. "Hi, in Jenna. You must be Harper?" She asked me and I nodded my head and smiled at her.

"Yep, I'm Harper!" I nearly squealed back in excitement. "Thank you for choosing me." I said to her and she pulled me into a hug. "No problem. Jump in and we will go home." She said to me opening the car door.

Home. I haven't heard those words being said to me personally for years. After my parents died I was in a faze where I wouldn't talk to anyway and basically the old me went.

But I gained a little more confident before I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety. I soon got over with it but it's still in me!

"Hi!" I said to the people in the back. "I'm Elena." She said holding her hand out and I took it and shook it. "I'm Jeremy!" He said smiling at me.

"Hi." I said turning around to face the front again. "Mystic Falls is just a few hours away. Probably about two!" Jenna said slowly, I nodded my head and smiled.

When we got to Mystic Falls it was mesmerising. It had a sweet fall smell to it and it made me want to eat marshmallows and candy canes.

When we crossed over a bridge Elena and Jeremy flinched. "Are you okay?" I asked them turning around.

"Our parents died on the this bridge." Elena frowned and so did Jeremy. "Oh, I'm sorry..." I said sympathetically but they soon smiled after.

"So Harper are you ready to become a part of the Gilbert family?" Jenna asked me taking her eyes off the road for a second.

"I guess, yeah." I smiled at her and Jeremy put his hand up to his heart. "See Jenna you didn't have to drug her!" He said and we all laughed.

When we arrived at their house, my home, Elena helped me get the bags out of the back.

"Thanks." I said to her smiling and grabbing a bag. "No problem." She said as we walked up to the house.

When I opened the door I was greeted with a "Surprise!" by what I think was Elena and Jeremy's friends.

One blonde girl walked up to me and hugged me. "Okay Caroline. She needs to breath." Another girl said. "I'm Bonnie and this is Caroline." She said holding her hand out.

"Hi!" I said nervously and I shook her hand. "Me and you are going to be best friends!" Caroline said and she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"I hope, you seem nice." I spoke up a little more comfortably. She finally let go of me and walked to Bonnie and Elena.

"I'm Stefan." I turned around to be faced with a hot, and I mean hot man. "I'm Harper." I smiled at him.

"I know Elena hasn't shut up about you since she knew they was adopting you." A hot raven haired boy with piercing blue eyes said coming round the corner handing Stefan and I a drink.

"Damon, by the way." He smirked at me. Stefan gave him dead eyes. "Come on brother, are we seriously gonna fight over another girl." He said smirking again.

He winked at me and then walked away, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sorry about him, he's a dick." He said and I giggled even more.

"Noted." I spoke out. "What's your life story?" He asked me. Why did he want to get to know me? I just met him.

"Well, my whole family died in a plane accident when I was little. I got out into adoption centre and no one wanted me so they moved away. So basically I have been moving adoption agency's for my whole life." I said taking a sip of my drink.

I started to cough at the strong liquor going down my throat. "I have never drank before, a rule of adoption centres." I said and he chuckled.


I started to get a little flustered after a bit of being crowed in a small space. I talked with Stefan a lot.

I decided to go outside to get some fresh air, after I gained some breath back I said on the porch swing they hand.

I felt my cheeks where red from how hot I was so rolled up the sleeves on my jumper and put it on the bench.

When I had some drinks of beer I heard the door open and Damon was standing in the door frame.

He turned to me and walked towards me. "Why aren't you inside?" He asked me sitting down next to me.

"I was hot and flustered so I come outside to get some fresh air." I said and he let out a 'ahhh'.

"Have you met everyone yet?" He asked me another question again. "I've met Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, Jeremy, Stefan and you." I finished off the you with a long note.

"I talked to Stefan and he seems really understanding. He's a nice man from what I've gained today." I said leaning back.

"Looks like me and Stefan have some competition. Again!" Damon said standing up and taking my hand. "Come on inside it's better." He said and dragged me inside.

"Damon it's really not in here though." He turned to me and put some 'club' songs on. "Oh no," I covered my face with my hands and laughed.

Damon started to dance and I couldn't help but laugh. He grabbed me hand and started to make me dance.

"Damon, I don't dance!" I shouted so he will hear me. "Shut up and dance." He said and I sighed and started to dance with him.

I could feel some people watching me because I just had a feeling. It burned my chest but I still danced anyway.

Damon held my hands and moved me around in a twirl and I giggled, I know I just met the guy but he seems like a really good friend already.

So did Stefan, must run in their family. Even though he seemed like a prick at first.

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