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Harper ran down the stairs and Damon and Stefan followed after her, so did Elena.

She ran up to Damon's car which he opened straight away and she got in. She didn't buckle her seatbelt because she was too scared for her friend.

"Damon!" She shouted as he didn't start the car fast enough. Once he did he zoomed to the place Caroline was.

Damon, Stefan and Elena went inside the school to find her and Harper went round the outside.

Harper's view

"Caroline?" I shouted her name. I turned round the corner and saw Caroline with blood coming down her mouth and dripping onto her neck and clothes.

"Care?" I shouted and ran up to her. She was crying and hyperventilating. "Caroline, you'll be okay." I said stepping close to her.

With each step she backed away until she reached the wall. "Stay away! I could hurt you!" She shouted to me. I knew Caroline wouldn't hurt me.

"You can trust me," I whispered and stepped close so I was just an arms length away from her.

She leaped forward and threw me all the way over across the car park where we was.

I hit my head really hard onto the ground and my ankle was hurting me. I tried to lift my head as far as I could but winced at the pain.

"Ow..." I cried and looked at my twisted ankle. I placed my head down carefully but I raised it again to feel the back.

I felt all the blood gush from my head. Then I heard someone. I looked up and saw Caroline with veins under her eyes and fangs come from her teeth.

"Caroline..." I weakly spoke. She leaped onto my body and moved my hair out of the way of my neck.

I screamed as loud as I could and I ignored all the pain from my ankle and leg. Then I felt a weight being lifted off me.

Then everything went black...

3rd view

Stefan has got Caroline into somewhere safe, the cellars in the Salvatore house. Damon sped round the corner when he got a call from Stefan saying Harper was hurt.

Stefan tried to feed Harper his blood but it wasn't working and even though she was passed out it was like as if she was spitting it out.

He saw as Stefan held her in his hands and he heard was bleeding and her ankle was twisted.

He ran up to them and took Harper carefully from Stefan. He bit into his wrist and fed her the blood.

Harper opened her eyes when she felt the liquid go down her throat. "Damon..." She croaked out and he shushed her.

"My head hurts," She cried and he nodded his head. "I know," he kissed he forehead.

Elena came round the corner and saw them on the floor and how Damon was looking at the hurt but healing Harper.

Stefan walked up to her and they got into Damans car. Soon after Damon carried Harper in bridal style to the car and they drove back to the Gilbert house.

Damon carried Harper to her room and gave her a kiss on her head. "This wasn't how I imagined we would spend our weekend, baby." He whispered and then left.

Damon's Girl. |Damon Salvatore|Where stories live. Discover now