Chapter 7.

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Maddy POV :

I woke up with a really bad headache and I really didn't want to go to school so I just decided to stay home today . I got up and went to take a shower . After I got out I didn't put any makeup on or do my hair cause I was probably just gonna stay home so I just got some comfortable clothes and laid back in bed . I decided to text Sarah and tell her about what's been going on so far . I really miss her I wish I could just see her right now . After I text Sarah I go on Instagram and see pictures of my old friends together back in New York , I go on the popular page and see matthew ? That's weird I click on his profile and see that he has over a million followers . I click on his last photo and it was last posted about 2 years ago . I scroll through some comments and see so many different comments some are hate some are supportive . I was really confused so I kept scrolling down . I finally reached a picture that caught my eye . It was with a big group of boys and a bunch of girls in the background . I really wanted to know more so I shut my phone off and decided to go eat something and let it go . Honestly I've known him for a week and we know nothing about each other which sucks . After I was done eating I went back upstairs and layed in bed and played my music and slowly fell asleep .

Matt POV:

I woke up really happy for some reason I felt really good today probably cause of maddy. I started getting ready for school and ate my breakfast and got in my car and drove to school. When I got there I was looking for maddy by her locker but she wasn't there ? I turned around and saw Sophia walking towards me . Great , " MATTY BABE" hey Sophia what's up . " nothing much I'm having a party this weekend wanna come ?" Sure can I bring someone . " of course see you babe " . We started kissing until the bell rang to go to class . I know what your thinking why would you kiss Sophia when you just kissed maddy , we'll see when me and Sophia kiss it doesn't mean anything so it's whatever . The day goes by fast and Sophia wasn't anywhere . I think she skipped school today probably cause we got home late last night . I decided to go to her house and make sure she's okay .

Maddy POV :

I woke up and checked my phone. I had gotten a text back from Sarah so I decided to FaceTime her . " BABE" hi oh my god I miss you so much Sarah . " I miss you to come back to New York we all miss you.. Even jack ". I miss everyone except for jack . " haha yeah so how is it in la ?!" We'll you know that boy matt .. We'll a lot has happened we've kissed like twice but it's complicated he is on and off he's one of those bad boys .. I guess you can call it that plays ever girl and I don't know what to do Sarah . I really like him but what if he hurts me I've been hurt before I don't want it to happen again . " I think you should get to know more about him the inside of him not the outside talk to him and find out what he's really like , but I have to go cause homework so text me later love u lots bye " thank you bye love u too .

After talking to Sarah it helped me a lot more she was right I'm gonna use her advice and see how it goes . I hear a knock on my door and I go downstairs to see who it is . It was matt I totally forgot school ended already . Hey matt " hey you weren't at school are you okay ? " yeah I'm fine I was just supper tried " oh okay I was wondering if we

Could hang watch movies Mabye ? " yeah sure come in want some food . " DUHHH I LOVE FOOD CAN YOU MAKE COOKIES " why haha I'm to lazy . " please please I'll help you babe " okay okay .. Come here help me get the flour . Before I knew it me and matt were throwing flour at each other and eating the cookie dough the kitchen was pretty much a huge mess thanks to matt for starting the fight . MATT LOOK AT THE KITCHEN YOUR CLEANING THIS UP nah I think I'll pass I'm gonna go take a nap .No you are not your helping me right now . You have to help me or else . "Or else what I'll help on one condition " what is it .. " I get a kiss " . Fine hurry up and clean . After we were done cleaning I gave matt a quick kiss and we cleaned ourselves up and went up to my room . This was the perfect time to use Sarah advice . Hey matt .. I have a question ? " yeah ? " can we get to know each other . " yeah of course let's play 21 questions " . By the time we were done I knew a lot about him . His favorite color was blue , he had a dog named Burnie, it was just him and his mom living together and he had a older brother that is in collage right now back I'm Virginia . He likes all kinds of foods and hasn't had many girlfriends I didn't ask him about what I saw earlier cause that would be awkward he would think I was stalking him , so I just thought I would wait another time to ask.

Matt POV :

When I went to maddy we had to much fun and we asked Each other questions . I found out her favorite color was purple , she had a cat but it died when she was little , it was just her and her mom living together . And she has a bestfriend back in New York named Sarah and has no siblings . When we were done it was getting late so I decided to go but I needed her Number . Maddy it's getting late I should go but give me your number ! " Kay here you go " thanks I'll text you when I get home , today was fun see you at school bye . " bye matty", matty I like that no one has called me that before . I go home and change and get ready for bed I decide to text maddy about tomorrow night for Sophia party .

Conversation ;

Me : Hey nice name I was wondering if tomorrow you would wanna go to a party ?

MADDY BABE💋: yeah sure who's party ?

Me: Sophia but don't worry nothing will happen I'll be with you .

MADDY BABE 💋: okay sure .

Me : okay I'll tell you the details tomorrow night maddy 😊

MADDY BABE💋: night matty


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