7; we'll meet again

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Waking up, [name] went to get up to use the bathroom, only to be stopped by a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

Turning around carefully, [name] was met face-to-face with Tenko, who was still deep asleep. His breath danced across [name]'s face, who was now furiously blushing.

The teen carefully pulled Shigaraki's arms off of him, and tip-toed to the bathroom, wetting down a rag with cool water. He went back to Shigaraki and felt his forehead.

"S-Still burning u-up..." He muttered, placing the rag on. His friend needed medicine.

we'll meet again, don't know how, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again, some
sunny day

Looking at the door, he quietly turned the doorknob and opened the door. He made his way into the main bar where he was met with Kurogiri.

"Not trying to escape, are we?" Kurogiri menacingly asked, his mist growing.

"N-No, not at a-all," [name] calmly responded. "Te-Tenko— I-I mean To-Tomura has c-c-come down with a h-high fever... he n-needs medicine."

"Oh, alright," Kurogiri calmly responded, grabbing a bottle of medicine and a small medicine cup and handed them to [name]. "The information is on the back."

"T-Thank you," [name] lightly bowed and stalked off, medicine in hand.

Returning to the room, he nudged the door closed with his foot, only to be met with a shaking and whimpering Tenko.

Frowning lightly, [name] walked over and sat on the futon, lightly shaking his friend. Tenko shot up with a gasp, only to be pushed back down by [name].

"Y-You're sick... you n-need rest," [name] whispered, opening the bottle of medicine and pouring the recommended amount into the medicine cup. "H-Here, please d-drink this."

Tenko took the cup out of [name]'s hand and quickly downed it's contents, a look of disgust evident on his face.

"Absolutely disgusting," the sick man muttered, turning back over on the futon. "I have a nightmare, [nickname]."

"Hm?" [name] hummed in response, sitting beside Tenko and began stroking his hair. It was softer than he expected.

"I had a nightmare that you left me," He snarled, a tear almost escaping his eyes. "If-If you left me, I would kill you with me own two hands."

"I-I won't be l-leaving anytime s-soon, Ten," [name] whispered, Tenko quickly falling back asleep while [name] continued to stroke his hair.

song used: We'll meet again — Vera Lynn

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