8; where i was stuck, losing my teeth

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[name] woke up to the feeling of not being able to breath. As he began to wake up, he realized a hand was around his throat. He begin to choke as his hands grappled at the hand at his throat, his face turning red as his lungs began to burn.

"Good, you're awake," a familiar voice rasped, removing his hand from [name]'s neck while the man began to gasp for air. "Come down to the bar, you need to meet the others."

"T-Ten... I don't w-want to," [name] sputtered, still lightly gasping for air. Tenko didn't respond, his face clouded with masked emotion and shadows.

"Are you defying me, [nickname]?" Tenko rhetorically asked, getting dangerously close to [name]'s face. "I own you now. I FUCKING OWN YOU, YOU HEAR ME?!" He yelled, spit flying everywhere as [name] cowarded into a ball.

"P-Please Ten..." [name] whispered, fear evident in his small voice. Tenko let out a sigh of frustration and quickly grabbed [name]'s hair.

[name] lightly yelped as his hair stung, while Tenko began to drag him out of the small, shabby room by his [h/c] roots.

pick out her heart,
with a kitchen fork,
pin down her arms.

[name] woke up with his head pounding and his mouth dry. His wrists and ankled had been rubbed raw through unconsciously struggling against the rope keeping him tied down to a chair. The rope around his neck silently threatened to slit his throat at any moment.

"T-Ten?" [name] weakly called out to a silhouette hunched over a table in the dimly lit room.

The silhouette perked up upon hearing [name] speak and skipped over to him. They came face-to-face with [name].

"Oh my god!" The person squealed with a high-pitched and feminine voice. "Shigaraki didn't tell me you were this cute!" She gasped, lightly pinching the males cheek.

"Y-You're not Te-Ten..." [name] muttered, eyes downcast until they looked up and peered into gold eyes; gold eyes that held nothing but bloodthirst.

"Nope!" She said, popping the 'p' loudly. "I'm Himiko Toga, but you can call me 'Sis' from now on! You're gonna be my big bro!" She enthusiastically yelled, glomping onto the restrained male.

"Toga, don't get too attached." A deep voice snarled from the shadows of the room. The mentioned female groaned and slowly slid off of [name].

"But Daaaaaaaabi!~"

"No buts, Toga," Dabi said, stepping into the light as he lit his hand aflame. "Shigaraki told us what to do; make this slut's pretty face bleed."

song used: Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte

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