SHIT! the fight

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(Parental guidance needed..haha😂)

"BORING" is d name of their love story.She remembers d timez when they used to be all over each other..bed,kitchen to bathroom..they just used every place and couldnt get enough of each other but now...

Its not tht she didnt loved him anymore..or he was still so much there but maybe it was in its hibernating stages..they do still made love but the intensity was if the entire exercise has became mechanical for them both.
Sometimes she doubted was he having some extra marital affair and tht was the reason of his aloof behaviour and then other times she thought may be he thinks all d same things for me.

Do they need children to act as d bridge? Shud they start planning a family now?

There were so many questions but it was so unhealthy for their relation tht she asked all these ques to herself only instead of discussing with him.

Then one fine day, she barged into his office to force him to go shopping with her nd found his female colleague standing way too closer to him than required..her whole body shivered with anger yet she wasnt shocked ..maybe her earlier instinct of doubt was confirmed..she just went blank in her own pain .

What she found most humilating was that there wasnt a single ounce of guilt or shame on his face.she barged out at d same speed in which she entered.

She just didnt wanted to go to the place they call their home.she wasnt in mood to listen to his lies.she switched off her mobile ..went to a frnd's  place who was close enuf to not ask anything if requested so nd not leak d whereabouts too ..just locked herself in her guest room nd she cried..cried for reasons beyond her acceptances..she wasnt in a stage to analyze just what went wrong..they used to be in love na?

Next day late morning she returned home expecting him to be not there by then..nd there he was..he looked so distressed..his clothes were dishellved..he was looking in so much tension..nd then finally tht day came when one of them said anything..nd it was HE who talked.

"WHERE D HELL WERE U? r u mad or what?" he yelled while shaking her by d shoulders

Nd she finally lost it...
She pushed him back and yelled back

"whats wrong with u ? What have I done? Would u care enuf to elaborate? Or just like all ur assumptions about me..u have added some new one nd working on it ..making urself look like a victim..."" damn!! He was blurting out his pent up anger too.

"Whats wrong with me..u dare ask me that!..u go and get naked and cozy with bitches arnd d world and u blame me for assumptions.." hell! Her fury was at its extreme.

He was shell shocked.

She shaked off his hands which were still on her shoulders nd walked towards d bedroom .He suddenly swept her off her feet ..and carried her all so effortlessly towards their bedroom..he was shivering in anger..his jawline was firm nd he looked no where near d cool polite man she knew from always.

He literally dumped her on d bed nd without giving her a moment to think..he was there lying over her ...after so so long..she was feeling d weight of her husband's body over her..and suddenly she was flummoxed..she was lots of agony..yet she was so elated..hell!! She was a mess.

He plundered her mouth without any notice nd there she found herself fighting her own needs..his kiss was cruel,demanding yet so so intense and passionate...wasnt this what she was missing?

He slipped off her shirt nd  his hands went inside.soon his hands were roaming on her body with their own will nd his tongue was trying to explore its way deeper into her mouth..she was trying to push him off but of no use.. he was kissing her hard and ruthless..nd her upper body was almost naked..there she was ...almost submitting to his expert ways with his mouth nd hands till all happenings of last day came rushing back..nd tht anger gave her d energy due to which she finally managed to push him back nd yelled

"Get out"

She pulled herself to d sitting position nd looked at him with ambers in her eyes nd..He smirked..d most deceitful man on earth smirked back at her..she felt like killing him..god knows what entered into her nd she punched him..but alas for her! She missed.

He was too quick for her..he saved himself ..pulled her back and there she was once again ..lying under him ...but this time..he didnt tried to kiss her ..this time he spoke..he was so bereft of emotions

"I LOVE U..I LOVE U MORE THAN U WILL EVER KNOW..nd today u have proved to me tht u dont deserve my love..for last many months..u are behaving this weird and so much lost in ur own u think I dont notice? I DID..but then I didnt wanted to start something which was non existent.. Havent I even asked u many a timez whats wrong but u always reply "nothing" I know tht u feel tht our relation, our marriage was losing its sheen nd u think I m to be blamed for tht or maybe I was getting boring for u so I did tried to amend it..I did tried to prove to u tht I m still very much here in this all..I spend all my weekends at home..take u for dinners nd lunchhes nd moviez ..I m not asking any credit for tht..nor its any duty of mine to do..its just what people do to show their love and care nd their need for togetherness..but I guess u thght all of this as a formality done by my darling! Its not me who has stopped loving u..its u who has maybe.

As for d naked bitches I f**k around d world..I wont answer tht heart knows my answer...nd if u would have trusted me...u would have known d answer too.

u r d only one I have made love to..not f**ked..since our marriage ..I love to make love to you..but these days I have started feeling tht ur heart is totally not into it..its me who shoud doubt u..u r d one cheating me ..u r cheating me by having all these assumptions nd wrong thgts about my darling..I wont let myself be cheated any I wont touch u again till  u beg me to do so"

With this..He stood up and he walked off.
Nd there she was ..a mess yet again..
Tears rolling by..but this time d reasons of these tears was totally different than yesterday.
Yup she is a mess but more than tht she has created such a mess.

Without d weight of his body on hers she felt so if he is d protector nd with his sudden exit she has lost  her sheild..her armour..she felt so vulnerable.


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