Sexual Blackmails

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(Never show this one to parents🙈😂)

He instantly stood up..their eyes met nd d world stopped.

She was in tht horrendous night suit again.He was wearing only shorts.
What a role "oopsss clothes" reversal was tht!!

But no one of them was in a mood to think all tht for now.They stood there... facing each other  ...she standing by the door..holding d door knob tight as if she needed support. He standing there with all those various emotions on his face which were difficult to describe in one word.

God only knows..for how long they kept standing like tht ..just letting their stressed eyes do the talks...maybe it was for few minutes or even few seconds maybe..but for them it was like eternity being discussed thru eyes..there nd then.

She was d one who sighed nd finally spoke...

"I know u have said tht u will touch me only when I beg u to do so nd I dont want to force my slut self on you but I cant take it anymore SO .....(she paused for a nano second)

Nd with those words..she broke down ...nd crumbled down to d floor  still holding d door knob.

He was there by her side in a flash...

"Sshhhhhh!!! SSshhhhhh!!! I M SORRY BABY...I M SO SO SORRY...I M SORRY...."

and he kept repeating the words in between the  rain of kisses he was showering all over her face.
He just couldnt see her like tht..he so wanted to kill himself there and then for making her go through so much of pain and agony all because of him.

He picked her up like a baby, sat on d bed..nd there she was in his lap, hiding her face in his chest and sobbing away her misery while he craDled her nd kept repeating the same...""SSHHH....I M SORRY BABY". 

He didnt realized when nd how but a lone tear escaped his eye nd landed on her cheek.She instantly stopped crying nd with her eyes full of unshed tears , looked up at her man. In so many years of their marriage..she has rarely seen him cry..she could count those moments on fingers nd this one was added into those all because of her..she felt a new fresh wound of guilt stabbing her heart.

Nd most painful was tht he was still repeating..."I M SORRY BABY" in his own state of agony.She put her hands on his lips ..he was taken out of his trance nd their tearful eyes met.Without saying anything more, she pulled herself up nd kissed him.He kissed her back with need equally strong as if they were expressing all emotions of last so many days through tht one kiss.

Nd the kiss deepened...tears were flowing by here nd between d moments but d kiss was holding its intensity all strong. So important was this kiss for them both..thru tht intermingling of tongues nd lips.. all d pain,anger,misery nd so much of hurt was getting washed away was their KISS OF NEED at tht moment which was so much reaffirming it all back..their intense love for one another, their mutual respect which was always there till she started losing it few months ago, their constant need for one another, nd their ultimate passion of coexistence .
One kiss was doing all d magic for them.

Finally, when they started losing their breaths..they gave up nd hugged each other.He was lying there on d bed nd she was lying above him.They were enjoying tht much needed nd too much craved "peace" between them.The moment was so tranquile.

Finally he spoke...

""Humm"" she answered.

"U know na?...urmmm!! I didnt meant to call u just came out in anger..I was....

She got up a little..made a scoop of her elbows nd arms on his chest, fitted her face in d scoop..nd interrupted him..

"Stop it! We both know tht u didnt meant it..its me who need to apologise to u for last so many months of unnecessary anger and so many stupidities I did..d list is so long..from where D hell..shud I start?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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